It's Poetry Friday, and Tricia Stohr-Hunt is hosting HERE at The Miss Rumphius Effect with a look and a poem for a treasure from the past. Thanks for hosting, Tricia!
I'm worrying, and preparing, then thinking. These coming days will be challenging and sad. Yet, here I am, planning to play a part in making a bright future for my grandchildren. I will not quit! Here comes the rest of the new year!
Glad To Start Again or
I thought I was
Mozart helps me nestle--
contented for this new beginning,
after a loving holiday.
But gray skies appear
beyond my sunshiny days.
It’s like sleet spits at all our windows.
My own brain clouds
with “Why? Who could? Who would?
And, then “How will they suffer the loss?”
Along with keeping busy with mindless dusting,
I wonder why again.
I sit at my laptop,
fingers tapping.
Searching for the latest news,
though I can’t know if lists and actions
will help. Still, I do not stop!
Yes, it’s still sunny outside,
so I go to rake a few more leaves,
look for fallen branches after yesterday’s wind,
talk to my neighbor.
Quiet voices wing in from down the sidewalk.
“Hey, great to see you; how ya doing?”
The other neighbor’s dog barks, so I know
Someone is walking around there, too.
A flicker flies, and sparrows twitter.
Nature brings some solace,
before lunch.
Then, I remember again.
Linda Baie ©