I spoke of missing a quiet Saturday yesterday by helping with practice interviews with new teachers. Today, I have a bit of a restful weekend back, and wanted to capture it in a poem. I also needed to write a poem to be ready for poetry group on Monday, so have an extra motivation for writing.
I can even tell the details of my dreams.
House ghosts cry for teddy bear pancakes
cinnamon sugar syrup,
My husband reads to me – a gallery opening,
David Brooks’ column,
the latest news for March madness.
Hums, rustles, yawns.
I warm my hands around the coffee mug and look out
at the feeder.
Squirrels scurry for corn;
finches titter and nudge for seeds.
I wish for spring.
Nice--- I especially like the line " house ghosts cry for teddy bear pancakes, cinnamon sugar syrup, funnies".
ReplyDeleteThat was my favorite part too! Then I got down to David Brooks' column and went to hunt for it on the internet before writing this comment. I got sidetracked twice again and went to watch our finches tittering in and out of our spruce tree. I'm so distractable this morning - must be the March madness!
ReplyDeleteI liked the start,
slows the reading down until you get to the list. Looks like you've got a winner for your poetry group!
Elsie said my first thought - the one word on each line really slowed me down to give a feel of your day. Isn't it fun to practice your writing through the SOL? Enjoyed.:)MaryHelen
ReplyDeleteI like how the image "I warm my hands around the coffee mug and look out at the feeder," communicates so much more than what you are doing. I get a sense of the contentment you feel about where you are in time and space through that image. Beautiful language!
ReplyDeleteYour lovely, lovely poem has inspired me to try some poetry myself. I don't share that as easily as I do my other writing. Thank you for the nudge!