
Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Granddaughter Visits

May 15, 2011

          My daughter wants to build a teepee for her daughter, Ingrid, to play in this summer, so they both arrived at our house with poles and ideas.  Unfortunately, the weather turned rainy and cold, so we stayed indoors and had a great visit, watching Ingrid play and talking about the coming summer, along with teepee ideas.  We found a pattern that looked good on Amazon, and ordered it;  ate tamales that I bought at the farmer's market earlier in the morning, and just had a lazy day, not exactly as anticipated, but maybe what we needed.  My two year old granddaughter is a busy girl,  sweet and delightful.  It is such fun to see her that I often wish they lived down the block and not so far away (30 minutes into the city).   When she is here, no other priorities exist;  she is here.

In a flash, she arrives—
Never stopping, never frowning,
Gramma”, shouting, “here I am!”
Restoring happiness wherever she lands.
Inside my heart,
Daughter’s love, and therefore mine.


  1. Aren't grandkids wonderful? I cherish every moment I get to spend with them!

  2. What a gorgeous acrostic!

    This poem made me step into my mom's shoes for just a moment. I love my daughter so much... I can't even imagine how she feels about her.

  3. How fun. Make a teepee. I'm looking forward to the day I get to be a grandma.


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