
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Gifts Come In Unlikely Places

August 3,  2011

      We took our two year old granddaughter back home yesterday after keeping her while her baby sister was born, spent a little time with the new baby and parents, and traveled back home.  It was quiet in the car, no toddler singing little songs, or saying "Gramma, look there!"  As we left their house it had started raining, and a wonderful cooling of the day arrived.  Of course I had my camera because of the visit, lucky me.  On our way home, we marveled at the rain, turned a corner and there was a double rainbow!  It was like a reminder of our gift of a new grandchild, a reminder to give thanks for our blessings.   I did, then took the picture!


  1. What a perfect ending to your adventures and time with your granddaughter! A reminder to always look for the beauty, even in a rain storm!

  2. Double rainbow all the way! What a lovely moment.

  3. Great picture! Its so rare to actually have a camera available to snap such a rare shot. Double rainbow!


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