
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Last Night

I had a conversation with the moon last night
I was driving home
it was late
I wondered about tomorrow
all the tomorrows
and the moon rose
showing me that it would be there
would be there
and I was comforted
in those minutes
at least for today


  1. A comforting conversation. The echo in repetition makes the moment last longer. I wish the comforted feeling would last longer too.

    1. You are so right Terje. I wish so too, but truly when the moon showed up, it was a good moment.

  2. Great picture.
    Inspiring meditation/conversation.

    1. Thanks Mary Lee. I appreciate your comments, & am loving your daily poems too.

  3. Beautiful. For me, when life is sometimes challenging it is nice to have those constants in my world. It's good to know things like the moon will be there, the sun will be there, and my friends will be there. As you said, there is so much to wonder about (and, I suppose, worry about), but it is good to know there are some things we can count on each day.

    1. It is that constant that is reassuring, even in our modern world. I did think of adding in some questions about those long, long ago. I so often think of cave people and wonder about their thoughts. Thanks Cathy, & for your poems, too!

  4. The poem is such a symbol. Moments in time. Mingling with memories. I am glad it brought you comfort.

    1. Thanks Ruth. I have studied the moon several times with students, done the 'moon journaling' book/unit & just love it, so when it rose last night, it was a good thing!

  5. Ooh, beautiful! I love the idea of the moon reassuring you by always being there. I marveled at the beauty of the moon last night too!

    1. Wasn't it just spectacular? I'm glad you saw it too!

  6. I love your take on that beautiful full moon that I was staring at last night too! (Kinda cool to think that even in different parts of the country we admired the same thing!) I'm usually thankful when the sun comes up each morning, but I love how you found the moon reassuring to you. Beautiful poem.

    1. Just as I said to Jennifer above, it is neat that we might have all been watching. It was so lovely. Thanks, Michelle!

  7. An exquisite photo accompanied by exquisite poetry. Glad that those minutes that turn into tomorrow's will be comforted by the predictable moon; even when it is not visible it is still there.

    1. You are so right, Betsy. And thank you for the photo compliment too. I am happy that I took it along with writing. I don't have the best camera, so I thought it did a good job of capturing what I wished.

  8. This is a quiet, breathtaking kind of poem. That picture is stunning--the moon has just the right softness to complement your words. I am glad you are looking for, finding, and sharing, moments of comfort. You are truly living your One Little Word this year.

    1. Hi Christy, thank you. Do you know I've been so busy that I hadn't thought of my OLW. So you gave me a gift, a connection.

  9. And speaking of constant, isn't it nice that in so many different places we could all see that same moon. Glad that you were able to have that conversation. Beautiful poem and photo.

    1. Donna, thanks! It is quite wonderful to think of many of us seeing that beautiful moon.

  10. I am thinking of that poem, I see the moon and the moon sees me, The moon sees somebody I want to see, So God bless the moon, and God bless me and God bless the somebody I want to see.


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