
Monday, December 31, 2012

One Good Book of Poetry

It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a kidlit meme hosted by Jen and Kellee at TEACH.MENTOR.TEXTS.  There are lots of great books to learn about.    There is another meme hosted by Sheila at BOOK JOURNEYS that offers reviews of all kinds of books, adult and children.  Enjoy the visit!

           I've had such a busy week with company and wonderful Christmas celebrations.  I only finished one book, but it was a good one!  I’m trying to read all the poetry nominations for the Cybil’s awards before I am given a list of the finalists for the 2nd round judging. 

          This time I read Outside your Window, A First Book of Nature by Nicola Davies, illustrated by Mark Hearld.  It’s a beautiful compilation of poems and information about nature through all the year, beginning with spring.  

          This can be read over and over to young children, showing them different aspects of the year in the out of doors like Dandelions (Dandelions bloom like little suns.), Tide Pooling (Along the beach are pools the sea has left behind.), Acorn (You must be patient if you plant an acorn.), and Winter Trees (Winter trees are naked.) Along the way, there are tips of things to do, like making your own den in the fall just to see what it feels like and a list of what to put into a compost.  The information is made even more beautiful by Hearld’s collages, filled with color and motion.  It is a book worth having for a long time, especially with young children, but I enjoyed every bit, too!

What's Next:  My company leaves tomorrow so I'm back to continuing to unpack boxes in my new home and reading more before I return to work!  

Book Love by Penny Kittle
The Ode Less Traveled by Stephen Fry

Both are books that will help in my teaching and I'm excited to really get into them.  I've missed being in on the discussions about Book Love, but will try to catch up.  I've got the tapes to a couple of middle grade books so I'll listen to them as I unpack.  

Happy New Year To Everyone!


  1. Oh, this was such a beautiful book! I had no idea it was so long when I ordered it from the library, but it is just beautiful!

  2. Lovely book - I bought it for my nephew for Christmas, lucky kid!

  3. I think this title by Nicola Davies is such a lovely book. We are getting it for our school library and I think t might need to live in my classroom for a while!

  4. That is a gorgeous book. I will have to order one (or two)--it seems a perfect gift book for a variety of ages. I'm betting you're going to love Book Love!

  5. I haven't read any poetry books except for selections for school. This looks to be a lovely book.
    Glad to hear you had a great Christmas.
    Wishing you all the best Linda for a very Happy and healthy New Year!

  6. I'm so glad that everyone except for Beverley seems to know this book. It certainly is one of have for one's own or in the school library. There is much to use in a variety of ways. And I know, Lee Ann, that I will enjoy Book Love. I've already read some of the comments from the Facebook page & found them inspirational. Happiest of new years to everyone!

  7. Linda
    To confess poetry is not something I naturally read although I have one book on my shelf compiled by Caroline Kennedy.

    Book Love seems to be a book everyone is talking about, I am holding back, my eyes are bigger than my ability to absorb all the wisdom!

    Thanks for your comments on my blog throughout the year, very appreciated.

    Happy 2013.

    1. Thank you Kathryn. I have the Caroline Kennedy book. It too is a marvelous compilation, loads of good words in there. Happy New Year to you, too!

  8. I see Book Love yet again! I am definitely sold. I just checked our libraries, we don't have it here yet. Oh my heart is broken. I am hoping that in the next few months, we'd have it on stock. Will definitely recommend this to our librarians here, will email them within the week. Outside your window looks beautiful!
    I also borrowed a few of the other nominated titles for the fiction picture book category even though they didn't make it for the top 7. will still be reading and reviewing a few of them, just like you. :) fun times!

    1. I hope you'll find Book Love soon, Myra. It is very good, like Write Beside Them! Thank you for all the past comments. I am appreciative of all your responses!


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