
Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Thank You & Some Praise

               Violet Nesdoly at VioletNesdoly/Poems is our lovely host today for Poetry Friday.  She says she is trying to organize, an admirable New Year's Resolution.  Violet's poems are quite organized and always clever, so I'm not quite sure she needs that goal.  Thanks for hosting, Violet!

     This is a simple post today, a thank you with praise.  I've never really met Tabatha Yeatts, but I feel I know her through her wonderfully eclectic posts, see TabathaYeatts: The Opposite of Indifference, that teach me something every week.  She tells of music and art, and, of course, poetry.  She is full of energy and ideas, and Tabatha follows through with those ideas.  Last summer, she facilitated a poetry swap where we were paired and shared three poems throughout the summer with our 'buddies'.  For the Christmas season, we again were paired, if we chose to sign up, and sent a gift and a poem to the person Tabatha had so intuitively paired us with.  I posted about my lovely surprises from Laura Shovan at Author Amok last week.

         In that busy holiday season, Tabatha not only created this special time for us, she also sent us each an original poem and photo.  I have had an incredible time these past months, including some challenges with my husband who entered a nursing home last spring because he suffers from Parkinson's Disease with dementia.  In the fall, I found a new beautiful home closer to him, my work, and my daughter and family. And so I moved mid-December from my home of 34 years.  Many things have been accomplished, and more are still to be done, but I'm on my way!
          I have posted about these times before, and Tabatha knew the changes that were occurring.   James Russell Lowell is credited with these words:  "All the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action."  I believe poets are some of the most thoughtful people, and certainly Tabatha is a poet!  I am grateful to her.  Here is the poem she sent:


  1. I love the imagery in this. What a thoughtful poem for a time of such big change.

  2. You're very welcome, Linda. Thank YOU for all the wonderful things you share with us every week!

  3. I am in love with Tabatha's poem! It resonates with me because my husband and I pick up ornaments every year while we are traveling, so decorating the tree is like opening a giant suitcase of souvenirs. Thank you for sharing, Linda. I've thought of you so often as you've moved through this big change in your life with your usual grace and love. xo

    1. Thanks, Irene. She said it just so beautifully, didn't she? For some of us, with special ornaments & memories, no other words need be written.

  4. My father-in-law also suffers from Parkinson's so I empathize with the struggle you are going through.

    Every year I get very sentimental as we unpack the ornaments... we used to have holiday parties where all of our friends made ornaments for the tree and as I unpack them every year they bring back a flood of memories.

    1. Thanks Katya, I'm sorry for your father-in-law. What a disease to face! You've reminded me of a long while ago & we had friends over to create, & then dress the tree. Lots of fun & celebration!

  5. What a lovely post, Linda. Glad to hear you've been having such a great time with the poetry swaps. Tabatha is indeed a wonderful, talented, generous person -- love her poem which resonated with me as well. Lowell's quote is also perfect!

  6. Great post, Linda. I love the sense of community and kindness in the poetry world. Thanks for sharing Tabatha's poem and your world. =)

    1. Thanks Bridget, I am happy to share about the warmth of kindness I have felt. It's truly a big gift!

  7. Beautiful post, Linda. I'm so glad you are settling in to your "new normal." Tabatha's poem -- truth, artfully stated.

    1. I am settling, still discovering new things, but it's all been good, Laura. thanks

  8. I didn't know about your husband, Linda. No wonder you could relate to the poem I posted today. Thanks so much for sharing Tabatha's poem with us--I think it's a great companion for mine. Blessings to you.

    1. Thank you Carmela. Yes, I loved your poem & it meant much. Tabatha's poem does make a good pairing.

  9. What a heartfelt post, Linda. I was moved by your story and I admire the courage in your heart. Glad to know that you are faring well. Thank you for sharing and highlighting Tabatha's already beautiful verses. =)

  10. Replies
    1. So thoughtful, I know, the perfect gift. thanks, Tara!

  11. A beautiful image and thought, just right. Sounds like a fun project. What could be better than sending more poetry out into the world? Thanks for sharing with us.

    1. I'm happy to share, Margaret, & feel more comfortable doing so. These events are definitely a part of my life, & I like people knowing about them. Thank you!

  12. Oooh, I love that poem! And the picture to go with it. I've got to get in on that poem share if it happens again.

    1. I hope you do, Donna. It was much fun! Hope your weather has calmed down a bit for your building work!

  13. Linda, first thank you for the lovely words about my poems... I certainly don't feel as 'together' as you make me sound :)

    I totally agree with you about Tabatha and her projects. Thanks for putting into words what I certainly have felt. I know the move has inspired lots of interior exploration as you've sorted through your life. Tabatha sure got it right in her poem poster to you, didn't she?

    Violet N.

    1. Yes, indeed, Violet, it was such a wonderful surprise. And, I was happy to say those words about your words/poems. I delight in the way you use words & topics so cleverly. Thank you!

  14. I love the blue frosting, the greens that whisper summer, the words that echo across time, the gorgeous photograph, the beautiful message - truly a lovely post. This Poetry Friday community is indeed a wondrous gift.

  15. Oh, Linda, thank you for this lovely post and for sharing your journey with us. Tabatha's beautiful poem could not be more perfect - what a gift to treasure! I hope to join in the next swap, too. Hugs to you. :)

    1. Thanks, Renee. Nice to hear you might be part of a swap. It was such pleasure.

  16. How beautiful! You are a poet too, dealing with all these challenges and changes with so much grace.

    1. Thank you for the compliment, Ruth. So many of us have challenges, & I find it as helpful to be supportive of others, as well as to receive their support.

  17. Linda, thanks for sharing Tabatha's poem poster to you. She is amazing. Mine also seemed to fit just right - a message I need to keep close. You are a courageous woman. May this new year hold wonderful surprises for you on your journey.

    1. Thank you Joyce. Tabatha's ideas for us were creative, weren't they? I'm glad you loved yours too.

  18. Linda, somehow I missed the reasons behind your move. Thanks for sharing this. Tabatha's poem is just lovely, comforting. Beautiful image, too.

    I was lucky enough to have Tabatha as my swap partner! So very generous and talented.

    1. Thank you Robyn. I imagine you had much fun with Tabatha!


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