
Monday, January 28, 2013

Beginnings of my One Little Word

The slice of life meme is hosted by Ruth Ayres and Stacey Shubitz at their blog, Two Writing Teachers.  Come see what others are sharing today!  We are grateful for the work they do to make this happen every Tuesday!

On twitter, use #Slice2013

       Be sure to check out Ruth's post about the March Slice of Life Challenge!  I hope to see all of you every single day!

         My OLW this year is Possibilities, defined online by Merriam-Webster:

: the condition or fact of being possible
  archaic : one's utmost power, capacity, or ability

: something that is possible
: potential or prospective value —usually used in plural possibilities
            Feels right, will push me to do extraordinary things.  Here is a page of past pics, art and one poem that will help me expand my thinking:  possibilities in life are always there, you just have to find them.  
       My husband, three grandchildren, breaking rules of the artistic usual, the ocean, nature, and poetry-all included, all inviting new possibilities.  When searching for a good quote to feed me, I discovered many, plus one amazing website titled "The Heart of Innovation" that had a page of 50 quotes, really good quotes, about possibilities.  Here is number one:  "Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." - St. Francis of Assisi  
       I do quite a lot of the same things;  I'm not bored, but it is routine.  Because I found this amazing site, I thought would take it one step further, and research those who are quoted, then write about them.  So my next post will be about St. Francis of Assisi.  Hm-m, this is full of possibilities!
        A poem I chose for this page is titled "The Poem", written by  Donald Hall, and begins "It discovers by night/what the day hid from it."  The rest of this can be found here


  1. I love your one little word! And what a beautiful and meaningful quote as well.

    1. It'll be an interesting journey this year. Thanks!

  2. Love that little poem! And your OLW, which is positively ripe. Excited for you, Linda!

    1. The poem is marvelous, I agree, Irene. I was so excited when I found it. Thanks!

  3. Excellent introduction to your OLW!Your pictures made me smile, so I can imagine when you look at them the love you feel for each and every one and what it represents in your life. A new house in this new year brings out the possibilities.

    1. Yes, the new house will be a welcome to new things this year for sure, Elsie. Thanks.

  4. Interesting how those four meaning to your OWL all weave together into a rich tapestry of meaning - many layers to every possibility. The photographs are also such a lovely tapestry of your life, Linda, thank you for sharing these. I especially love the one of your husband and grandchild, so much love in that embrace!

    1. Thank you Tara. Weaving the past into the future is rather like I see it. You are intuitive to notice.

  5. Fascinating how you combined the pics, poem and possibilities. This word seems to empower you.

    1. I certainly hope so, Terje. I need much power (te he). I'm often amazed at how different each of us thinks. I think in lots of radiated lines moving out, all connected, but I often am thinking of more than one thing, perhaps 3 or 4--hence, the combination of pics, poem & possibilities-interesting to me, but the way it works in my brain too. Thanks for noticing!

    2. I like and appreciate the diversity in the ways people think and plan. I used to have a director who was linear and organized in planning and doing things. My thoughts and plans tend to be scattered all over, sometimes creating a chaos. I take a pause and the pieces form a clear picture. Then it starts all over again with new thoughts and plans. We both were successful in our work, but it wasn't always easy to work together. Once we accepted our differences it became easier.
      I came back here to say that I looked up "The Heart of Innovation" and spent some inspiring time looking around there (quotes and other categories.) I like that reading slices leads to new resources and pushes my thinking.
      Thank you.

    3. Great to hear "all" your story, about the former director, & your search. I am now in the midst of reading about St. Francis of Assisi-fascinating!

  6. Possibilities in life are always there. You just have to find them. That really speaks to me today. You're going to laugh because I haven't sliced yet and before I visited Two Writing Teachers I told myself I would visit the 5th slice on the list and pick the 5th word in the post and that would be the topic for today's slice (bizarre negotiations with self after school and before going to exercise). Yours is the fifth post and your fifth word (of the actual post-y part) is, "is"... wouldn't you know my #olw is be. Possibility found. Love your picture collage--and seeing you in the snow!

    1. I can't wait to come visit to see what you've written, Lee Ann. I saw one prompt that said to point to a word in the dictionary & use that word as a title, plus use the words in the definition to craft a poem. I'm still thinking about it. Thanks for all!

  7. Your joy and enthusiasm are contagious!

  8. Embracing possibilities while keeping hold of routines and traditions. Your collage is beautiful. I look forward to following where this thread may lead...the possibility of it all.

    1. Thanks Margaret, it's kind of exciting to think that I don't really know where it will lead.

  9. Wonderful word! It is so full of possibilities. By the way, I love the quote by St. Francis of Assisi. I already made it into a small poster. Will post it in my classroom! Thank you!
    Looking forward to reading about all your new and old possibilities this year.

    1. Thanks Jaana. The quote is brand new to me & I was so excited to find the site. How great to share it with your students.

  10. St. Francis of Assisi--that exploration is sure to bring you to even more inspiring possibilities! Your word is both playful and deep. I am enjoying glimpsing this journey of yours this year!

    1. Thanks Christy, such fun to share with everyone, isn't it?

  11. I admire the way you're embracing all of the possibilities that lay ahead of you this year, Linda. Great pics too!

    1. Thanks Stacey. The OLW is such a good idea to embrace!

  12. Thanks for reminding me to see life through the lens of possibility. You are an inspiration! And like several others, I love the St. Francis of Assisi quote.

    1. Thanks Carol. There are many ways to allow possibility into our lives. And you've posted about some of those ideas I know. Best to you!

  13. Thanks for sharing the sweet pics Linda-
    Your OLW has so many things left to are such a great mentor to me as a newby slicer-unfolding your writing soul and sharing it with this community! The possibilities are endless!

    1. Thank you Amy! It's going to be a fun year, isn't it, especially in March!

  14. I wish you well as you explore all the possibilities in the coming year! You sound ready for your next adventure!

    1. It's going to be interesting for sure, Donna. Also looking forward to hearing more about your own adventure with Gull Haven!

  15. I like your word. What opportunities that word brings to my mind. May this year bring you joyous discoveries.

  16. You might need two words - "extraordinary possibilities," or "magical possibilities." I am so moved by your beautiful work! The intersection of family, art, nature, poetry - wow! I love your vision about researching the quotes and I look forward to learning about the people behind these inspirational quotes.

    1. Hi Maureen, & thank you. It seems this is a year full of connections, too. Love it!

  17. I love that quote by St Francis of Assissi because it seems counterintuitive. You have to stop and think what it means for yourself. How it would "work", so to speak, in your life. The possibilities are always there, waiting for us. We just have to be open to "seeing" them. I'll look forward to reading future posts about the people behind the quotes.

    1. I have never seen this particular quote before, so am so happy to find it. You've given me more ideas to think about, Elisa. Thank you!

  18. I was behind a car today whose license plate read "BEYOND," and it made me think of one-little-words. Perhaps that is the driver's word. I have never picked one for myself, but it does seem like it would help guide you, as something to return to. A place to plant your flag, as it were.

    1. Well, guess that person would really have had to plan ahead for it to be her or his OLW. But I never thought that one could announce a favorite word to the word on one's license plate. Hm-m! Thanks for telling me Tabatha!

  19. Thank you for the inspiration. I love the concept of one little word...I call my a yearly intention. The St. Francis of Assisi quote is awesome! I'm tucking it away. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens for you this year. Cheers.

  20. I love your theme: Possibilities - such a beautiful word, pregnant with ripening ideas, bursting with so much promising goodness, luscious. I've always perceived life with the promise of infinite possibilities before me, and in time, I make things happen, if the universe means for it to happen. Somehow, I never really thought of anything as 'impossible' - maybe not possible now, but it can be, soon, in the future - when the moment is perfect for it. :) I love this post.


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