
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Poetry Friday-Anticipation

               Thank you, Matt Forrest, at Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme for taking on the Poetry Friday Roundup today.  Come visit to fill up with poetry!  
              And Sherry, at Semicolon, is co-hosting with a gorgeous 'found' poem!
The Vacation

Once there was a man who filmed his vacation.
He went flying down the river in his boat
with his video camera to his eye, 

                You can find the rest of Wendell Berry's wise words about vacations here.  I'm off to the beach Saturday for a week with my family, and looking forward to being right 'in it'!  Getting ready is half the fun!

a 'congregation' or a 'stand' or a 'wedge' of white ibises-from my last ocean trip

            Finally, I posted this on Tuesday also, but I am so in love with hearing the locusts each evening, I had to share again.  To hear them now, instead of sometime in August seems so early, and I'm not sure I want to acknowledge that it's almost time to get serious about returning to work.  Thus, the haiku:
Locusts serenade.
Anticipating August, 
Schools wait for teachers!  

©Linda Baie, All Rights Reserved


  1. Hi, Linda. I love Wendell Berry. Thanks for sharing this poem -- I often wonder about this issue of recording/experiencing at my children's sports and arts events.

    I love your haiku. I'm near Philadelphia this week -- no cicadas here and I miss the sound.

    1. Thanks Laura. As you can see, I do take photos, but really don't want to get so caught up in the photography that I miss the being. Wendell Berry says it well.

  2. I like this poem too, especially the last line. Sometimes I choose not to film at my kids' events and they get a little annoyed with me. I hope they'll understand as they get older.

    1. Thank you, Liz. I wonder how much they'll look at your videos when they get older? It is just fun to watch!

  3. Linda,
    The warmer it gets, the louder the cicadas are. Here in the south, they can be deafening. I have already begun putting the classrooms (I have 2) back together. After waxing, everything is anywhere. Much frustration in moving it all back, but some creativity in redesigning the space. I am overwhelmed with how many books I have!
    Have a wonderful beach trip! You deserve to just sit back and listen to the waves. Relax.

    1. Oh, Margaret, I was at school yesterday & my entire office was in the hall. I think your line "everything is anywhere" is perfect. I know what I'll be facing when I return. Thanks!

  4. Linda, Sometimes I am relieved when I forget my camera....this poem is so true. And your poem is perfect! There is always such a sense of anticipation around school, everything from "Who is my teacher?" to "Who are my students?" to "What kind of new cool supplies will I buy?" Happy continued summering... xo, a.

    1. Yes, time to be in that moment, instead of worrying about where the camera is & everyone smiling! I've met with a few teachers, already thinking, talking, thinking! Thanks Amy-have a great rest of your summer with the kids, too!

  5. I thought about Wendell Berry's poem while I was on vacation this summer. I wanted to take lots of pictures to remember the beautiful scenery, but I kept his poem in mind so I wouldn't "miss" my vacation! Love your haiku!
    "Schools wait for teachers" oh, my. The summer has gone by so fast!

    1. How does it seem to be so long at the end of May, & then June & July zip past? Glad to hear you thought of the poem too while you were on vacation. Thanks Linda!

  6. Ah Linda you would remind me of that wise Wendell Berry poem about being too much the recorder and not in the moments of our lives. I am so guilty! Still, I don't repent, but keep snapping.

    I love your locust poem. Indeed, I'm seeing signs of the approaching end-of-summer: a few yellow leaves on trees, later light in the morning, brown grass patches in the park where the water doesn't reach ... I would love a time warp that favored summer!

    Violet N.

    1. I know, I keep snapping too, & sometimes I discover a photo worth it. Berry has a point too, I think, that sometimes people keep the camera as a barrier. Thanks for the comment on the poem, too. Things are changing & soon we'll be talking of the autumn beauty. Thanks, Violet!

  7. After being swept up enough times by the chase for that perfect photo (usually without much success), I think I've finally figured out when to take snaps and when to just experience something in the moment. Still it's always a temptation!

    BTW, I replied to your comment on my "mind's eye" post with my daughter's how-to instructions if you want to stop back and take a look.

    1. Thanks Michelle-I'll be right over to see about that "mind's eye"-fascinating! And yes, I'm going to be finding a balance with the photo taking too!

  8. I love that Wendell Berry poem. It's a good reminder not to go overboard (ha!) with documenting our lives vs. living them. Somehow, I don't think you, of all people, have a problem remembering to engage and LIVE!!

    Sigh...yes, summer is "over" for this teacher lady, and it's not even August yet. Sigh...

    1. Vacationing now, work later... Thanks Mary Lee!


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