
Friday, November 1, 2013

Celebrating With Friends and Words

            Thanks to Ruth Ayres at DiscoverPlayBuild,  for beginning a new tradition, to reflect upon the week previous, and to celebrate something, or some things special to you personally.  It's a happy day reading what others have highlighted from their week.  Tweet at #celebratelu.

Discover. Play. Build.

an old poem-seems to fit this piece
    It was a good week, busy and exciting.  I spent Tuesday evening with my grand-girls, Wednesday evening with my writing group, and like I imagine most of you, Thursday "doing" Halloween, in all its spooky, sugary goodness. Yesterday at school was certainly quieter, everyone low-key, seemed to be resting their ears from the noisiness of the holiday before.  I hosted Poetry Friday yesterday, what I called the 'after party', time to slow down and savor the words.  Like I said, a good week!

           But I'd especially love to celebrate my writer's group today.  I introduced it here.  We are now seven, have been together a year, and are into a regular, once-a-month routine, have been mostly meeting at my house, but traveled further in the summer, and now are meeting at close-by homes.  Four of us live close to our school.  This time we met at one of our member's homes who has recently bought and renovated an old home, and most of us had not yet seen it.  Wow, we loved all that they had completed!  It was a marvelous mix of colors and artistic touches that made us feel comfortable immediately.  As I said in an earlier post, we have ended up meeting from 4:30 to 8:30 or so.  The host feeds us a variety of food, cheeses, light salads, crackers, hummus, some sweets.  We eat and talk, and relax into the work.  We share a few stories, and although we do see each other at work, too, this is different talk, more personal.  We are becoming good friends who are beginning to know the people we are as writers.  
no pic this week-this was in July
       And someone says, time to begin, who wants to share first?  And that someone does.  We spend at least 30 or so minutes discussing each person's work, taking turns, returning to comment again if someone else has sparked a new thought about a word or phrase.  Sometimes we are there to support, sometimes to critique.  The author guides us as to what kind of response is wished, and sometimes  pursue deeper into a part of a piece.  We are serious and enchanted and helpful, and I'm rather sure we are grateful to have each other.  Remember Nanci Atwell's dining table metaphor where she imagines students sitting around the table talking about books?  I am reminded of that each time our writing group meets, of the camaraderie of a group talking, laughing, reminding, even hooting!      
        It's a pleasure to celebrate this group!


  1. This was such a festive celebration. I like how you described the group as serious, enchanted and helpful, sitting around a table talking and laughing. Plus you are always surrounded by words, stories and poems that you bring along. :)

    1. It's always a great time, Terje. I am happy to celebrate them.

  2. I'm glad you let us see the inside of your writing group. These lines are so true: we do see each other at work, too, this is different talk, more personal. We are becoming good friends who are beginning to know the people we are as writers.

    1. Thanks, Ruth-it is true that it's a different part of our relationship.

  3. I am so happy that you have this special writing group. You seem to be a group of friends who support each other and enjoy each other. What a gift to have!

    1. It's a real pleasure, Margaret. Thank you! Hope you have a wonderful time at your festival today.

  4. Your writing group sounds wonderful!

  5. What a gift that writing group is. So glad you are part of something like this.

    1. It's rather like a classroom, Katherine, growing together. Thank you!

  6. This sounds amazing! I would love to be part of a group like this!

    1. I just put out the invitation at school Carol; perhaps you could do the same? Thank you!

  7. I am always envious of the writing groups that people share. I love having a peek into this world. I really am going to have to try and get one started.

    1. As I said to Carol, Deb, I just sent an invitation to see who would be interested (I knew at least two!) & we started. It has been a lot of fun. Thank you!

  8. I belonged to a writing group like that once. I want to get one re-started but live in such a small town. thanks for sharing.

    1. Even if you could find one or two to meet with, it would be good. Best wishes in the search!

  9. Oh this makes me miss my writing group! Here's my favorite part: "We are serious and enchanted and helpful, and I'm rather sure we are grateful to have each other." Perhaps I should search for another writing group. It may be time.

    1. I hope this does inspire you, Michelle. We would like to meet more often, but the rest of our lives takes up too much space.

  10. Your post conjured up wonderful images!

  11. I am so envious and jealous of your group. It is wonderful that you have been together for this long. Although the online community is terrific, it would be so nice to have a group of "real people" so to speak, to share writing with. What a wonderful time!

    1. Perhaps you can find some 'like-minded' people, Leigh Anne. I hope so!

  12. I am sure you had fun hosting Poetry Friday. Loved your notebook entry. Reading a out your writing group makes me anxious for ours. We are meeting this week. The stories shared enrich our lives and deepen our writing.

    1. I think your and Ruth's descriptions of your group motivated me Mary Helen. You can't find out if something will work unless you try. Hope you have a wonderful time!

  13. Your week has been filled with many celebrations, big and small. What a treat to find kindred writing spirits!

  14. I think a writer's group would be so fun and a great way to keep accountability! Congrats on your year together!

    1. Thank you Holly-it is a great place to share and be supported.

  15. I'm hoping that after NCTE, our writing group will get back on track with monthly meetings. I miss that!

    1. For your sake, I hope so too, Mary Lee. Everyone is so, so busy!

  16. Linda, I love the poem you included with this post! I can imagine the simple peace and quiet that emerges from your time together. My favorite phrase - we eat and talk, and relax into the work -and then you walk away, buoyed by an ocean of savories to support you.

    1. Thank you Ramona. The group is pure pleasure! So glad you have kept up & running in spite of the wind!

  17. Your writers' group seems to be just the right balance of inspiration and comfort. Somehow you are enveloped in the moment for the duration of the meeting and that propels you forward as a writer in between meetings. It sounds glorious.

    1. It is indeed, Christy. I envy you your weekly writing, too! It's great to write with a group!

  18. Linda, my group meet tomorrow at my house. Thanks for featuring your group.

    1. That's terrific, Jone-hope it's a lovely time!


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