
Monday, December 30, 2013

Books I Must Read In 2014

Carrie Gelson of There's A Book For That and Maria Selke of Maria's Melange have put together a hashtag for posting #MustReadin2014 those we keep saying we need to read, but STILL haven't done.  It's a type of goal setting, and we'll read more, but still need to cross these off the TBR list!  

           I've also joined a reading challenge hosted by Myra, Fats & Iphigene at Gathering Books.  Check this post for more info!
              And this latest one that gathers all that are signed up so far in both challenges!

                            Here's mine, at least one for every month although I know I'll read more.

Allegiant - Veronica Roth - Finished!

Rose Under Fire - Elizabeth Wein
Flora & Ulysses: The Illuminated Adventures - Kate DiCamillo & K.G. Campbell - Finished!
Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell 
The Summer of Letting Go - Gae Polisner 
Navigating Early - Claire Vanderpool
The Dream Thieves - Maggie Stiefvater
Forgive me, Leonard Peacock- Matthew Quick
Golden Boy - Tara Sullivan
Every Day After by Laura Golden
More than This by Patrick Ness
far far away - Tom McNeal
Rump - Liesl Shurtliff
The Nazi Hunters - Neal Bascomb
Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library - Chris Grabenstein
The 14 Fibs of Gregory K - Greg Pincus
Seraphina - Rachel Hartman
Paperboy - Vince Vawter
for adults
Dog Songs - Mary Oliver
Quiet - Susan Cain
The Little Bookstore of Big Stone Gap - Wendy Welch
The Late Scholar - Jill Paton Walsh
The Orphan Master's Son - Adam Johnson
for professional development
Celebrations - Ruth Ayres with Christi Overman
Notice & Note - Kylene Beers & Robert E. Probst
Nonfiction Notebooks - Aimee Buckner


  1. Linda, looks like we have some of the same titles on our list! It will be nice to compare reactions! Golden Boy is a title I will likely read this year too. Seeing so many people excited about it. I adored Navigating Early. One to read when you have lots of time to read as the language is wonderful to just get lost in! Happy Reading Lists my friend!

    1. I agree-we do have more than one the same. So glad you & Maria gave the nudge, along with Myra, to do this. I really need to read these books!

  2. I really love the idea of creating one of these lists and keeping it fairly small. I tend to make extremely grandiose reading plans (I'm going to read all the Printz books. This week!) and then I don't end up accomplishing exactly what I mean to accomplish. I think I am going to use my list to attack my "Shelf of Shame". One book per month, slowly but surely.

    1. Yes, "shelf of shame" is a terrific word for it, plus I think I have more than one, one for last year, one for the year before, etc. The hashtag is changed, look again. I corrected! Thanks, Elisabeth!

  3. Excellent choices, Linda! Some of my favorites are on your list for this year (Dream Thieves, Seraphina, and Flora & Ulysses). I'm still working on my list. Post soon!

    We're going to swap the tag to #MustReadIn2014 so people don't think they have to be books PUBLISHED this year :)

    1. Yes, I saw-have been gone all day, so just tweeted back! This will be fun, Maria!

  4. Beautiful, beautiful titles in your list! Are these all yours? If so, I am jealous (in a good way, if that even makes sense!). Happy reading!! =)

    1. Thanks, Fats, yes, I have them all, kind of embarrassing too. Some I did get free at NCTE, but most I've purchased. Looking forward to all you are doing too!

  5. What a great list of books! I will definitely be looking for these. You always have wonderful choices. Hope you had a lovely holiday!

    1. Thanks Beverley. Keep watching. We've formed a little group & are going to keep track of our books that we haven't read in 2013, but want to!


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