
Friday, January 31, 2014

Celebrating The Little Things

Discover. Play. Build.

    Thanks to Ruth  at Discover.Play.BuildRuth Ayres Writes for creating a place for everyone to share their celebrations. 

                  It's a week of sweetest 'little things', some already shared on this blog, on Facebook or Twitter, but still it's a pleasure to remind myself that those 'Little Things Mean A Lot', as an old song says.  

*On Monday, the ALA Youth Media awards were announced, and my Newbery club celebrated our own vote along with the official vote of the committee.  What an exciting morning!
*We awoke Tuesday to hear of the death of Pete Seeger, and since then, music has been much on everyone's mind.  Posts on blogs and Facebook along with tweets have celebrated his life of songs that touched and influenced so many in his life.  I remember more than one time seeing him in a small concert place in Denver with my family, my kids loving seeing him after hearing and learning his songs while growing up.  Among them, one I've always loved and shared with students, this song, one for females of all ages.  Written by his sister Peggy, and made popular by Pete, it speaks to me still:

When I was a little girl I wished I was a boy
I tagged along behind the gang and wore my corduroys.
Everybody said I only did it to annoy
But I was gonna be an engineer.

Mamma said, "Why can't you be a lady?
Your duty is to make me the mother of a pearl
Wait until you're older, dear
And maybe you'll be glad that you're a girl.

Dainty as a Dresden statue, gentle as a Jersey cow,
Smooth as silk, gives cream and milk
Learn to coo, learn to moo
That's what you do to be a lady, now.
                The rest is here!

And you can watch Pete sing it here!

And then, I just read a new picture book that many are talking about, here in 2014, titled Rosie Revere, Engineerwritten by Andrea Beaty & illustrated by David Roberts.  It's a great book, Pete would have loved it.

*Wednesday--I took an unusual mid-weekday off, a few appointments, including a dental check-up!  My dentist happens to be the dentist for the Broncos, so I had my picture taken with a star, well, a virtual star!  What fun that staff is having with all the Super Bowl mania here.  Go Broncos! (had to say!) 

*Thursday--I finished my book group that read Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt.  What a wonderful group of students they were, loving the story, groping with the underlying meaning of Babbitt's beautiful words.  This I will remember from one student: "It's like that artist guy, you know, the one who did his paintings with the little dots and when you put all the dots together, you can then see the whole picture.  That's what reading this book is like, finding all those little dots till finally we get to the big picture."

*Friday--Snow began the night before and I woke to snow.  Here is what I saw on the way to the car! It is those 'little' things-this time, bunnies!

And here is what we were all greeted with at school, mid-morning!  Every year a primary class parades through the school ridding us of all the bad, welcoming the new!

Gung Hay Fat Choy - Happy Lunar New Year everyone!


  1. Ah the little things . . . So lovely! I celebrated the different things :-) Those bunny tracks are wonderful - think how excited your granddaughters would be to see those! I love the song and connection to Rosie Revere. We had lion dancers at our school this week at a special assembly - the children loved the celebration! I like the tradition your school has that you shared here.

    1. Thanks Carrie, the kids who "are" the dragon are so cute, peek out a little as they go!

  2. It sounds like a lovely week, Linda. I want to read Rosie, even more so now that you've connected it to Pete Seeger. I'm thinking I need to add a basket of strong girl characters in my classroom. One more reason to buy some new books. :) I love the picture of the Chinese dragon. What a fun tradition. Finally, I hope the Broncos win just for you. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Julie. I think you saw the 'Mighty Girl' list going around on FB, right? It was a wonderful list. Thanks for the wishes too! Hope your weekend is good with the birthday celebration!

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, it was, all because of those 'little' things!

  4. I like how literature, culture, sport, health, traditions and nature all meet in this celebration.

    1. Thanks Terje-I didn't connect that, but you're right-a good week!

  5. Sounds like an amazing week! I'm going to have to check out that picture book. I haven't read it yet. Thanks for the recommendation!

    1. You're welcome, Michelle. It is very cute, and full of details, too!

  6. THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing that wonderful Pete Seeger song. I had never heard it before and yet it sings to me and to my family (and my daughter the engineer - even if it is a biomedical one!) It sounds like you saw endless joy in your week.

    1. How exciting that it connects in that way, Anita. I am amazed that it was written so long ago, and we're still fighting the attitudes! Thanks for telling me about your daughter!

  7. Thank you for sharing snippets of your week. Reading these remind us to remember the beauty in the little things that happen. These are the important moments.

    1. Yes, it is those small moments that make good times! Thank you!

  8. Ah, celebrating the little things and Pete Seeger. I've enjoyed all the posts in his honor and listening to music, too.
    Love the little pitter patter feet in the snow. We are happily enjoying 60 degree temps today. About to head out for a dog walk!

    1. Still snowing here Margaret. I'm staying with my granddaughters at their home today, so may see more tracks as I go to the car. Glad to hear you're warmer, as you should be! Happy weekend!

  9. Hmmm, my comment disappeared. Silly Blogger.

    This was the 3rd year in a row I've been able to watch the Youth Media Awards. It's getting to be tradition.

    And I love the parade through the school. Sounds like fun. Wish I could join in!

    1. Thanks Deb-wish you could have seen it! Probably should have made a little video! The awards are so exciting!

  10. All the little things add up to something rather important. So many of your moments remind me of celebrations I forgot about. My husband and I listed to Pete Seeger's songs Tuesday night. So much of his work permeates our lives we don't even realize it! My former (struggling) student came by Thursday to tell me she just loves Tuck Everlasting. That made my day. I couldn't believe she was reading that book. Thanks for reminding me of the little things I forgot.

  11. All nice to hear those connections, Julieanne! Thanks!

  12. I'm guessing you are not celebrating bunny tracks. :-) However, I do love seeing animal footprints in the snow. It sounds like a good week for you.

    1. Since I am now keeping those bunnies away from my car, I don't mind, Elsie. What a time! Yes, a good week!

  13. Thanks for sharing the song and the new book...I'm checking it out. Of course I love Pete ...and yes go Broncos. They do have the same colors as Chi Bears... the last time we were in the Super Bowl was when Jeff was born. It is pretty cool that now he is a Broncos fan! We will be rooting for the 'Orange Crush'. xo

    1. Ah, the orange crush! Some even painted their homes orange! Thanks for cheering!

  14. It sounds like you had a wonderful week! Definitely a reason to celebrate!

  15. Oh, these are all such great things! I LOVE Tuck Everlasting dearly! I love your tribute and memories of Pete Seeger, and the little bunny tracks. Aw! I want to read Rosie Revere Engineer! Love the parade!

    1. Thanks Holly-lots of things to be happy about this week!

  16. Love the Broncos picture even if I am a Seahawks girl. I need to reread Tuck Everlasting and get a book group involved at school. Maybe after the play. And snow!!You are lucky!

    1. Yes, I'm glad I don't have to be outside too much, Jone, but the roads are passable, and we really need the moisture here in Denver! The mountains have had plenty this winter! I hope you love Tuck again. There are so many layers to discuss in this book, it's really not for the younger ones although it's brief. Thanks!

    2. And I forgot, but I figured you were a Seahawks fan. They've done so beautifully this year, too! We are excited about the game!

  17. Being from Indiana, I am rooting for Peyton Manning and the Broncos. According to our newspaper, a local man has created the Denverapolis and Broncolts shirts and they have been selling like crazy! Have you seen those? It is kind of neat tie between the two teams. Many Colts fans were upset to lose Manning. Should be a fun Super Bowl.

    1. Yes, I've heard about the Broncotts shirts-so fun, and there was a piece on the news last night about the Omaha stuff too! We are excited, but... Thanks Leigh Anne-hope we enjoy the game & it isn't too nerve-wracking!

  18. You were greeted by some larger than life celebrations this week! Thank you for the celebration of Pete Seeger's work.

    1. You're welcome, Christy. I'm glad you liked it! What a special person/artist he was!

  19. I'm joining in this weekly celebrations and enjoying reading everyone's celebrations! We had a Lunar New Year dance in our school gym that had many kindergarten children in tears because of the loud drumming. Love your bunny print image - sadly we have no snow here. I have to admit that living on the west coast, we will be cheering for Seattle tomorrow! Go Seahawks!

    1. I love hearing about your dance, and am very aware that there are many Seahawks fans around. What a year for them it has been! Thanks for joining in, Adrienne!

  20. Linda -- I'm married to an engineer and mother to another (both male!) Hubs tells me the STEM initiatives for women have done a lot, but not enough yet, to change the boys' club culture of engineering. This poem is from 1970 and so much still rings true.

    1. I know, I know how long ago it's been, Laura, and here is that new picture book that everyone is so excited about, but I'm just sad that there is still the change needed! Thank you so much for sharing about "your" engineers!

  21. Love your celebrations.I love waking up to a world covered in snow. It's like a different world. Of course, then I wish it would disappear once I've appreciated its beauty.

    1. Ha! Love your wisdom Earl, appreciation, then the pragmatic saying goodbye! I think our snow is going to be here for a while-won't be above freezing all week! Thanks!

  22. I'm ready to request Rosie Revere, Engineer. The bunny prints were delightful. So fun to read that your grand girls are with you today!

    1. Hi Ramona! It was a good day! Hope you like Rosie-very cute book!

  23. Every day holds so many wonderful reasons to celebrate! Loved reading your writing and seeing the photos too!

  24. You have a full and interesting life, Linda, even when you go the dentist! And thanks for illustrating your learning life.

    1. You're welcome, Tam, so glad to hear from you!


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