Thank you to
Stacey, Tara, Betsy, Anna, Dana and Beth for
keeping us going, keeping writing about teaching along with your lives, slicers' lives, and all the myriad behind-the-scene details that enter into this month. Almost done, nearly there, what a journey!
Thank you to so many slicers who read my posts, who commented, and to those who wrote such words of inspiration that I had to re-read them, or copy and print them, or bookmark them for my teaching archives for future use. Your words will live on. Isn't that a wonderful thought?
Wow, next to the last day, and for one of the first times, I haven't yet linked my post. There aren't enough hours... I wove more than yarn yesterday into my life. My first day of spring break filled me up like a deep breath!
I had time enough to begin some new parts of my weaving, but less than I hoped. I'm going to have to take some minutes to sketch now. I want the tree, perhaps some other smaller ones. They need leaves; it's springtime! I need to begin the sky, and clouds, and the sun will appear somehow. I have a plan, but need the sketch.
I used some time to take some books I KNOW I'll never read to trade at a favorite used bookstore so I could search their shelves. It's a pleasure to see what I might discover in this packed-full place and to visit with the owner, to share some new titles she may want to add. Yes, she carries newly published books, too! This time they had a marvelous display of books for women's history month. I was thrilled to find this book of poetry by Myra Cohn Livingston.
I spent a lot of time reading others' celebrations yesterday, and slices too. The month of March is partially consumed with reading, oodles of blog posts and books. I enjoy it, and regret only that I can never read everyone's. I'm sure I missed some beautifully creative writing, and perhaps if you keep writing with the TWT community I'll find you. Congratulations to everyone who has written all month, who is "almost" done. Will you have this kind of page in your dreams for a while?
Finally, who can refuse? I spent the late afternoon and evening with my granddaughters. Time spent, return priceless.
Sits and reads by herself "after" we read. |
Showing off that she can hold a book like teachers do! |
If you haven't seen this book, find it! It is such a fun story and captivated both (almost five and almost three): Open Very Carefully, A Book With Bite - Nick Bromley and Nicola O'Byrne.
“Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. I drink at it; but while I drink I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains.” Henry David Thoreau