Saturday, March 8, 2014

8/31 - Celebrate the Week!

Slice of Life - Day Eight 
Discover. Play. Build.
Celebrating the week with Ruth at Discover, Play, Build, and slicing on Day Eight with Tara, Stacey, Anna, Beth, Dana and Betsy at Two Writing Teachers wraps up like a pretty package!             
             From Robert Brault: "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."

*Students sharing about their name research
*Book groups excited to share about the latest reading
*Phone call from my daughter
*Work with a young group practicing show/don't tell
*An afternoon with a granddaughter, feeling too sick to go to school
*Dinner with all the family at the end of the day
*Crepe lunch prepared at staff work day- strawberry, banana, Nutella delight
*Discussion with a colleague-possibilities for coming book groups
*Finishing a wonderful book
*Writing a few poems
*Listening to a live stream of my grandson's band's performance at contest
*Text from my grandson sharing that they earned all 1s
*Phone call from my son
*Green things showing up in the garden
*Sunny - t-shirt day
*Snowy - quiet day

Have a wonderful "next" week everyone!


  1. Sounds like a really rich week. I did notice there's still snow on your updates.

    1. Yes, we had snow yesterday, now melting and warm day today & tomorrow-more coming in Tuesday! It's March after all! Thanks Bonnie!

  2. What a wonderful week. I love that technology lets you experience your grandson's concert from home. Hoping my grandkids schools start doing this so we don't have to miss everything!

    1. Isn't it great that we can do that? I think part of it is that his music teacher is tech oriented too. He has a great web page, etc. It was wonderful to be able to listen in real time! Thanks Deb.

  3. Every day happening that add up to a week of celebrations. Crepe lunch sounds fabulous!

    1. It was certainly that, Elsie. It's a good thing though that it doesn't happen every day-addicting!

  4. I love sunny t-shirt days! They're so rare right now and oh so invigorating! And Nutella just makes everything better!

    1. Thanks Earl-definitely two of my favorite things, too!

  5. Love the quote Robert Brault quote and your list, particularly the afternoon with your granddaughter! Very special.

    1. Glad you like the quote, Maureen, me too. And despite feeling a little low, it was a nice time with my grand-girl!

  6. Happy week! "Green things showing up in the garden" is a sure sign of spring!

    1. Thanks Jaana, after the snow today, it's warming fast & the moisture has to be so good for all those little green things!

  7. A lot of love this week- I like how you capture the moments clearly and succinctly in a sentence. I need to pair down how I'm writing sometimes.

  8. Such rich mix of family things and professional things, Linda - all of which, I am sure, were well enjoyed.

  9. Glad you're enjoying a bit of snow even though the much of the country's had their fill.
    Looks like you've had a delightful week. Of course, I'm curious to know what wonderful book you just finished. Have a fun weekend!

  10. I love all the family celebrations here Linda! And that there are green things poking up through the ground! Wishing you a wonderful week.

  11. I love your list, Linda. I wish that there was more quiet time to write poems. And you had more snow?

  12. Green poking through in my garden today too! Yippee!

  13. I really like the form you used for celebrating today. Life's blessings abound. I have noticed a few of those poems, btw.

  14. A lovely week full of wonderful moments!

  15. You really have green things showing up already! We still have snow on the ground in some places. I love the list format - might be what I do this week!

  16. Lots to celebrate!! What was the wonderful book?

  17. I love the poem that documents your celebrations.

  18. A great list Linda. It's so easy to miss the little things to celebrate! I am really enjoying seeing spring green shoot up in my yard, only to be covered and uncovered by snow and sun a couple of times this week.

  19. Thanks everyone-now today it's sunny & warmer tomorrow, snow again on Tuesday! For those who asked, the book is Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell-reviewed it on Goodreads, but will post again Monday.

  20. I love the way you listed your celebrations. It reminded me of the gratitude journal I kept last year. I think God is almost gently nudging me through your writing to get back to that. It was such a nice part of my morning routine- I woke up, made hot tea, prayed, and wrote a gratitude list.

    My book club groups have been excited about what they've been reading too. This makes me so happy.

    Thanks for sharing,

  21. Love your list. I might make a list for next Saturday!!

  22. What a great week! We still have a ton of snow and no t-shirt days yet. So sweet that your grandson texts you about his school work. Your posts celebrates how wonderful the small things can be.


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