
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Sunday - poem & scary tech

         Margaret Simon, of Reflections on The Teche, is trying to encourage people to link up on Sundays to share some things they're doing, or learning how to do, with technology. Thanks, Margaret! I promised her I'd try something new (this is scary!), and I've figured out how to record and embed a Soundcloud.         
         But I can't figure out two things, so if you know the answers, please tell me in the comments. (1.) I can't embed the recording without my photo. I don't mind the photo once in a while, but every time???  (2.) And, I can't hear the recording on Safari. I can on Chrome & Firefox!
      (note later-I've figured out the photo problem, & can hear the recording on sound cloud, just not here-still working on it!)
Here's the text of the poem:

Wintering Inside

The sun is thin,
It’s January after all,
and what can be expected
but wind and rain/snow mix,
a cold front flowing, sometimes
sun not even showing.
I don’t wish to walk out,
so I take ghostly steps through the rooms
examining shells
from far coasts,
and rocks
from high slopes.
I’m picking up memories
wandering through the rooms like years.
I don’t want to stop,
want to line them up
on the shelves instead of books.
I’ll take each one
after another,
after another,
dust them, and close the glass doors
until wintering inside takes me back again.

        Linda Baie ©All Rights Reserved


  1. Oh, how beautiful to hear your voice reading this poem. Somehow strengthens and makes it touch my heart more. Poetry is meant to be read aloud. I love that you tried Soundcloud. I recorded one of my second graders reciting a Ken Nesbit poem she memorized. I should post it, so cute and full of her personality. Thanks for joining this Sunday!

    1. Thank you! So happy that it worked for you, Margaret. What browser are you using?

  2. Oh, what a treat to hear your voice reading this lovely poem, Linda. I keep returning to these lines, too:
    I’m picking up memories
    wandering through the rooms like years.

    1. Thanks Tara, I appreciate hearing from you. I thought you were out for the weekend! I'll keep working on SoundCloud. Guess it's a Safari thing, too!

    2. Linda, I have been wandering through my mom's house, picking up memories for the last couple of months. And this poem captures that feeling perfectly. I have never tried Soundcloud, so I don't have any answers, but I love hearing your voice reading your poem. Amy LV uses it all the time, so maybe she could help you.

    3. I imagine well you know what I mean, Carol! I'm going to talk to my son-in-law today, to see about the Safari thing. It seems to work well on other browsers. Thank you!

  3. Linda,
    I loved the language and rhythm of this poem. You created beautiful images. It was as if I could see you wandering about, thinking, picking up memories. Yet, after the last two lines I wondered if "wintering" was a metaphor for leaving behind something and perhaps coming back to the memory of it again.

    As for your SoundCloud. It's interesting. I have Safari and can hear the ones I make, but I can't hear yours. What did you create it on? I'm wondering if others can hear mine. Hmmmm.


    1. Thanks Cathy for the thoughts about my poem. As for the Soundcloud, I'll try to create it on another browser; perhaps that will help!

  4. I believe there is an embed option for "flash" that kicks out the photo. or you can upload your own image for the podcast in Soundcloud, so that image is what gets embedded (not your avatar).
    I don't know about your browser woes. It might be a flash issue.
    PS -- oh, and of course, I loved the poem, and the power of voice.

    1. Thanks Kevin, will work on it this afternoon! Flash is up to date-did notice they needed that. And thanks for the poem response too!

  5. Oh! Loved to hear your voice. It added so much. I felt like I was walking from room to room with you.
    Regarding tech, sorry no answers here. Will try though thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Julieanne. I'll keep exploring the tech!

  6. Oh, I have to try soundcloud!! I love hearing your voice!!!!! What a beautiful poem! Thank you for sharing!! :) You have certainly inspired me!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. I hope you find it fun to use Soundcloud, & I'd love to hear your voice, too!

  7. Linda, I enjoyed listening to you read this poem on Soundcloud. Worked well for me.

    1. Thank you Freeda. Glad you could hear it, & enjoy it too!

  8. How great to hear your voice, Linda! I can definitely relate to the "scary" part, having just posted my first SoundCloud audio. (Thanks so much for stopping by to comment on it!)
    You sound like a pro. And I especially like the image in your poem of
    >>picking up memories
    wandering through the rooms like years.<<
    Lovely poem and a wonderful reading.


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