
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Poetry Friday - A Poem Gift

Poetry Friday is celebrated today at Linda Kulp's WriteTime.

      For several years, Tabatha Yeatts at The Opposite of Indifference has given many of us the gift of a poem swap, where she matches different poets who join the group, and each sends a personal poem to the name given. This has been one of the loveliest ideas I've seen someone create. It is a wonderful thing to open the mail and find a special poem, and also a joy to write for someone, to prepare the package filled with a gift of words. 

A quote for Tabatha's gift to so many: "The only gift is a portion of thyself." Ralph Waldo Emerson  

And a thank you to Margaret Simon at Reflections On The Teche for the poem I recently received and beautifully created. Margaret took one of the pictures of lilies that I posted on Facebook and painted a watercolor on a blank card, including this poem inside. I am grateful to her for this lovely surprise. 

Daylily Morning

Like the daylily on this path
on this morning walk.
Her eyes shine like the sun,
her saffron arms open wide.
Little does the lily know
that she only has a day.
No matter!
For however long you have on this earth,
Open your arms wide
and Glow!
Margaret Simon - All Rights Reserved


  1. I'm loving reading all of these Poetry Swap poems. The ways people are packaging them are amazing. Margaret's poem and her card are absolutely beautiful!

    1. Isn't it stunning, Carol! Glad you enjoyed it!

  2. How beautiful, Linda! I've shared yours today, too!

    1. This will be a fun Poetry Friday, reading all the swaps. Thanks Donna!

  3. Thanks for sharing, Linda. I was pleased to make it for you. You are an inspiration to us all!

    1. Thanks Margaret, & it was a joy to receive! You are the creative woman on the Teche!

  4. This is lovely. Isn't is great fun to receive these in the mail. I am sharing one I received today.

    1. Looking forward to yours, Jone-it is indeed great fun!

  5. Beautiful...the swap, the painting, the poem, and you. = )

  6. Margaret's poem and watercolor are beautiful! I love the image of "her saffron arms open wide" and how that links to the glowing ending. Thank you for sharing this treasure with us.

    1. You're welcome, Catherine. I agree, it is a treasure!

  7. "saffron arms open wide" - so beautiful.

  8. I'm completely loving the Poetry Swap idea its such a wonderful thing to receive a poem in ones mailbox.
    As to the poem you shared, what a lovely perspective. I think i like how much of it reminds us of celebrating life today and i needed that reminder. thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you! Although you're far away, I would swap with you!

  9. This reminds me of how thrilling it was to discover that exclamation points could be legitimately, effectively used in poems. Another great swapoem! (Swapo for short?)

    1. It's a true celebration, isn't it, hence the exclamation points. Thanks, Heidi.

  10. Oh, Linda, I see why you cherish this poem-gift so much! It is lovely! I must try to get in on the poetry swap next year. I never seem to find out about these things until it's too late. I love reading all the swaps.

    1. Thanks for coming by to read this delicious poem. I loved seeing all about your work with Renee too.

  11. The poem swap is a gift to all of us - so delightful be able to wander from post to post and read one gem after another. Margaret's poem is especially delightful this morning, as I cast m eye over our stand of day lilies and think over this line - her saffron arms open wide.

    1. Thanks Tara, I have them too, although the blooms have lessened lately. Now I have daisies blooming! Hope your weekend is a good one!

  12. Wow. Margaret knocked this one out of the ballpark, from using your photo to writing a poem that is PERFECT for YOU! Not to mention an original watercolor!

    I agree about the poem swap -- kudos to Tabatha for helping us to weave connections deeper than just a weekly roundup!

    1. Yes, it's such fun to find just the right theme for each person on our list. It is lovely, I agree, & I am grateful. Thanks, Mary Lee!

  13. Margaret has certainly poured herself into these gifts (so happy to have been on the receiving end myself!) . Lovely painting, and I love those "saffron arms" as well. This poem reminds me of the fortune cookie message I shared this week (from Irene's Swap gift to me this week) : "If we only knew the real value of the day." Thanks so much to both of you for sharing!

    1. I agree Robyn, the poems are connected. It is a joy to receive such gifts.

  14. Oh gorgeous! Was captivated by the lines:

    Little does the lily know
    that she only has a day.

    But what a day she makes it! Linda, thanks for sharing Margaret's poem and painting gift to you with us.

    Violet N.

  15. Rejoicing in the time that we are given -- what a wise sentiment, beautifully presented. Good job, Margaret. Thanks, Linda.

    1. Happy you were able to see this, too, Tabatha.

  16. Nothing more to be added except that the talent of PFers is phenomenal!

  17. Couldn't agree more about the love and good feelings swirling around with this poem swap-- in the writing, receiving, and sharing of them! Margaret's artistry is lovely to behold.

  18. Well, Diane & Michelle, you know I agree, too. Thank you!

  19. Glow glow glow! Love love love! Thank you for sharing this loveliness, and yes, the Poem Swap is one of my favorite things EVER. xo

    1. Both the poem and the swapping are really special, I agree. I still have your framed poem in my office, Irene! Thank you!


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