Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Too Much of This, Not Enough of That


            Some days seem longer than others. I've spent some of the past few days doing things, not things I want to do, things I have to do, need to do, call for me to do. This is a bit of a whiney post because I am tired of that list on one particular pad of paper in my office, ugh, THE LIST. 
from my calendar,
writing of some days,
           And this is what is crossed off: 
  • Car repair, which ended in two new tires, leaving the car over the weekend, and finally, finally getting it done. I am grateful for a terrific local garage, that my old Honda still goes and goes, but don't like the time it takes.
  • My regular doctor is retiring, so I spent several hours this am calling a new doctor (recommended!), ensuring that they are taking new patients, then calling my insurance (on hold a long time) to make the name change and order a new card.
  • Online (did you know?) I filled out a passport renewal application, went to Walgreen's to get my picture, to the PO to send it special so I could track it (long line).
  • Late afternoon: my furnace repair person came to inspect my boiler, tinkered a bit, called it good (whew), but that was another couple of hours while I waited, asked questions, etc..

           But, I did get some good writing time in between all these other things. And I did do some fun prep work for school. Also I had a little special time with my daughter on Sunday. It really wasn't a terrible weekend, I just resist these kinds of chores. 
           I would much rather go walking and take some pictures of things I loved seeing. I've been trying to post a few photos from a "Morning Walk". Here are a few of my favorites.

              I'd also rather be reading!

 And of course, I'd much rather spend time with my granddaughters!

                Thanks for letting me whine a bit. Hope everyone is having a good start to the week!


  1. Well it sounds like those have to items were not too costly. That's always a plus. Yes, there are more fun things to be doing and how great that you can squeeze them in.

    1. No, the cost was okay-glad to have them all done, too. It's a time thing always. Thanks, Elsie!

  2. A pleasure to read your words my friend, no matter what you choose to share. Love the images as well. Have a great day today, okay?

  3. It is a shame that those "have to do items" get in the way of the "like and want to do items". Glad you still found time to do what you wanted.

  4. I'm glad you were able to find the good things among the nagging list. I hate those kinds of errands/to-do items, too. Such a hassle!

    1. Hoping the list shrinks & shrinks, Dana! Thank you!

  5. We all hate those dreaded lists Linda! Glad you got it off your chest :-). Now go and have some fun!

    1. Thanks Lynn, it was good to say it, & now I'm done with it.

  6. Gorgeous pictures - especially that last one,Linda - how big the girls are getting! I am such a procrastinator about chores...but I always wind up paying for deferred responsibilities. Good that you have all this stuff done and over with. On to more walks and photographs!

    1. I think this time I did pay through procrastinating. Glad to hear other people put these things off! Yes, the girls are growing, both in their own special ways. Sometimes we can see the 'older' girls they'll be soon enough-yikes, like your old girls! Thanks, Tara!

  7. My husband calls this stuff, "administrative ca ca." Necessary, but not fun. Too many days like that make me grumpy and tired.

    1. Oh, tell him I love the name, Margaret. As you can read, it does (did) make me grumpy. But really, I feel a little bad whining. I have so much to feel grateful for, too. It was just one of those days! Thank you!

  8. I've been busy with to do lists, and lots more left on them. Who knew retirement would be so busy? I've finally finished the last bit of paperwork for that. But, I'm trying to have lunch with friends too! Today another retired teacher friend and I went to a Chocolate Exhibit at the museum and then out to lunch. Love the pics - the tree, the clouds, the shadows, the granddaughters - all gorgeous!

    1. It is busy, & I'm not retired, but am supposed to be part-time! Thanks Ramona, your time with your friend sounds terrific!

  9. I love the pictures you post from your walks. You have such a good eye. I too tend to avoid those chores--they do eat time. Glad you were able to get some good writing in between and enjoy your daughter too.

    1. Thanks Lee Ann, I love taking the pictures, keeps me occupied on the walks!

  10. Oh the stuff to do! I've been feeling this way lots lately! Earlier this summer, I soaked in the time I had with my sis-in-law on her porch. We chatted about how we are purposeful about not being hectic. Man, I'm missing that conversation and feeling this week/month/season! Your photos are beautiful!

    1. Thanks, I don't regret those lazy days, good memories on that porch!

  11. Isn't is amazing how much time we spend in our lives WAITING!?!? I love your pictures, especially the TABLES one--the colors are great. Have a good week, Linda!

    1. Thanks, I certainly spent time waiting in these past days. Glad you enjoyed the pictures, Melanie!

  12. Ugh! I dread the day I need to find a new doctor. Keep writing.

    1. Ha! I'm thankful my daughter had a name of someone she'd been to, but had to change when they changed carriers. I will...

  13. Maintenance chores are never fun but what delightful sights on your walk. I am always draw to shadow pictures, too.


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