
Monday, January 19, 2015

SOLC Is Coming!

              Thanks to Stacey, Tara, Dana, Beth, Anna and Betsy for this Tuesday Slice of Life!  
Tweet at #sol15

          The SOLC is coming; the SOLC is coming. That Two Writing Teachers "gang" have begun to write about prizes and volunteers. Time to start the back of the brain thinking! And that means I'd better be making my lists of what, or maybe how, who, when, why, and where!

What can I write? Perhaps shopping: choosing well, rules of, the best places for bargains, keeping away from the mall, shopping local, favorite shopping - for books!

Who can I write about? Probably family, especially grandchildren, maybe relatives from the past like my dear grandmothers. Also, could include authors I've met and my thoughts about that, or other famous people I've loved meeting. I could write about biographies of real people that I've read about, and discuss some of the interesting points. I could write about my pets.

When is an interesting question word. It doesn't always fit into the boxes I draw. This time, what will "when" mean? I will interpret it to be special moments of my life: when I was born (hey, I heard stories!), when I lived with grandparents, when I started college, when I married... There will be plenty of "whens" in my SOLC writing.

Why- oh my. This could go on for a while. Why does the car make this certain noise? Why does my thermostat change numbers when I haven't asked it to? Why is it hard to find good words to use when I'm writing? Why is the moon so interesting to me?

Where -! My OLW this year is "paint" so I could begin to paint small canvases of different places I'd love to go. I'll certainly write about nature, and my walks. Where also implies that I know where everything is. And it also means time to define "where is my life going?".  By March, I hope I might find out!

          Have you started creating a list or saving small bits of ephemera so you can feel prepared to write every day in March? Perhaps you're also going to post poetry every day in April?

Time to get ready!

photo credit: Tiago A. Pereira via photopin cc


  1. You are getting me charged up friend. Maybe my resolution to write every day is my way to prepare for the support that comes along with the month of sharing with a very large community. I have to gear up for the number of Slicers that join us.

    1. Indeed, Bonnie. As I wrote I remember seeing that "large" number at the top of the comments... We do what we can!

  2. oohhh the possibilities. . . to think I wasn't sure I would do it this year!

  3. I love this idea of getting ready for March! I do have a notebook I've been writing in for almost two months now. Maybe some of it will come out in March! Great idea!

    1. This was a moment that inspired, Kendra, but I am thinking about it. February zooms by!

  4. I'm bookmarking this post! I've been thinking about this too and this is just the thing to read when I'm stuck or need inspiration. You are the best teacher-cheerleader!

    1. My mind was whirling, so needed to get it all down. Happy it will help, Julieanne!

  5. I have also been thinking about the upcoming challenge and wondering if I have 31 different things in me to write about. I participated for the first time last year and I must admit that some days it was a challenge to come up with a topic. I always need inspiration and you have provided a great list of possible topics. Thank you.

    1. This was simply inspired serendipity! Don't know if it will be beneficial in a month, but felt good last night!

  6. Oh, well done, Linda! I am deliberately NOT thinking about March yet - I'm still struggling with what to write about TODAY! :)

    1. I have so many things on my list to do that this actually was refreshing to do & think about the future. I understand what you mean, though, Tara.

  7. Linda, my best laid plans never work. I think I might wing it this year!! No lists, no plan - just me and the keyboard. Yikes!

    1. I do wing it a lot, Dana, but this idea just came to me, possibly because I'm also thinking of my students, & the support they'll need.

  8. I love the idea of starting a list now....thank you.

  9. I can see that you are ready for the challenge. I like your idea to start with the basic questions. I am still in the yes/no - should I join - phase. On the same page with your "where is my life going?" question.

    1. I can imagine a series of writings about where I am in my life, & what paths I could/should take. Will see!

  10. You definitely have a jump start on the March marathon of writing. Lots to think about and snippets to save.

    1. I do love saving the ephemera, & sometimes using it. I hope this will help me, & my students need to be thinking, too, at least in February!

  11. Great brainstorming to get your mind and ours ready for March. I forget until about mid-month how writer's block sets in. I'll need to come back to your post.

    1. Thanks, Margaret, I think I will need to return too!

  12. Great ideas to start planning ahead. I never did that last year and some days I was struggling to post.

    1. Well, it was fun to do last night. I'll need to see if it will be helpful in a month!

  13. A great list to get the brain working. My OLW for 2015 is "remember", so I'm contemplating a lot of slice about the past.

    1. I like capturing 'past' stories, too, Judy, & know you'll have a lot of good ones!

  14. Good thinking, Linda! I should be planning ahead! Thank you for these ideas - who, what, when, where, why ;-)

    1. You're welcome, Maureen. Looking forward to this March!

  15. Such a great way to generate ideas --can't wait to read your entries. I am especially intrigued by "paint" -- great way to hook visual kids into topic generation. I will look for how that goes for you!

    1. Thanks. I'm hoping I can do more & more as I find the time. Painting (or drawing or sketching) helps my thinking.

  16. Thought provoking piece Linda. The anticipation of an experience prepares the mind for action. Your words spark my thinking towards the challenge of March. A timely reminder to get ready.

    1. Thanks, Alan, like your thoughts from the antique store, the ideas seem to wait for only thought and discovery!

  17. So many questions with so many waiting answers to be shared! Can't wait!

    1. I think I was in a questioning frame of mind, Michelle, my usual I guess. It will be interesting & fun to see how it all plays out.

  18. Oh, you are so smart to brainstorm ideas ahead of time...I've only done the challenge once and it was h-a-r-d. Now you have me thinking of doing it again...we'll see! Either way, I'm glad you are going to do it!

    1. Just started thinking, after the TWT posts, that I have to begin the ideas, especially because this time my class will be doing it, too. We'll see if I can help it happen for me, & for the students! Hope you join in, Jen!

  19. Love your lists. Will check back if I need an idea.

  20. Linda
    Thanks for encouraging us with so many great ideas! Looking forward to the slice of life challenge 2015!

    1. You're welcome, Amy. I'm looking forward to SOLC, too.

  21. Can't believe it's already that time again! Every year I think maybe I won't do it, because it's so hard to squeeze in that consistent writing time (and then poetry in April) but I can't stand not being part of the community. Thanks for all these great ideas!

    1. Maybe these will give you a boost, I always like what you write.

  22. Hi, Linda. Send me your email address to and I'll forward you a copy of the family history questions.


  23. Thanks for sharing your brainstorming! I am brand new to the Slice of Life practice, but excited to jump in. I have frequently found the poem-a-day challenge I complete through a different community in April to be so rewarding. I am happy to have found another similar community for March and even weekly accountability!

  24. This is a great list, Linda. I've been thinking about March a little, but as Tara said, I often have enough trouble thinking about today. Thanks for sharing!

  25. Thanks! This is helpful as I prepare to slice with my third graders!

  26. Thanks- this is helpful as I prepare to slice with my third graders for the first time!


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