
Friday, March 27, 2015

SOLC # 28/31 - Celebrations

Today I Celebrate with Ruth Ayres at Discover Play Build.

        It's also time for another SOLC, number 28 of 31 at the Two Writing Teachers blog, with Anna, Dana, Stacey, Tara, Betsy and Beth Link HERE! We've come far! After this, three days. Three days to wrap things up? Nearly every student has also written every day. What a writing month it has been! We'll be celebrating after spring break!

Blogging With My Class at Linda & Jonathan's Class Blog

        It's the first day of my spring break! There were some interesting parts of the week that I celebrate because they're over, and although it seemed like quite a long week, students completed their work, did much of it beautifully and creatively, and I know they're now celebrating a nice break, too. 

         For work reasons, my son Nathan came into town yesterday and we had a wonderful evening together. I brought Ingrid home with me so she could spend some extra time with Uncle Nathan (no picture of them-sorry) and then met her Papa (Mama working) and little sister Imogene at a nearby local restaurant. It was great to be together even if just for a while.
          While we waited at home for time to go eat, Ingrid spent much of the time telling about all the monsters she thought were around in my house, using whispers and magic wands to keep them at bay.  The imagination of five year olds is rarely curbed--this time, both serious and funny. She was so enthusiastic that she drew pictures for us, so I celebrate monsters-of course!  She asked us to write our name, as you see, and I immediately wrote Linda-oops! Not Grandma. She said to remember next time!
Monsters in my house that I should watch out for.

I hope you've all had a week of small celebrations, the best kind!

"A good life is a collection of happy moments." Denis Whatley


  1. Haha!! Ingrid sounds like such an amazing little girl!! I love that she reminded you to remember next time! I've just begun spring break too. I hope you enjoy your week! I am looking forward to slowing down. Reading more. Writing. Just BE-ing!!! Thanks for reminding me to look for the celebrations in the little moments!

    1. Thanks Michelle, you've just described what my break will be like too. Hurrah! And yes, Ingrid is amazing, but I think most five year olds are!

  2. Those 5 year olds so have creative minds and such imagination. The girls were sharing stories with me yesterday - such fun. Enjoy you week and celebrate each day.

    1. They just can make up things, & then elaborate, on the spot. I wish they'd never lose that, Judy. So much fun that you're there with your grand-girls!

  3. Have a wonderful week, Linda. I'm impressed that your students have been blogging every day. It's such a powerful learning experience. Watch out for the monsters, and enjoy those little girls...I don't have to tell you to do that.

    1. Thanks, Melanie, I appreciate "all" your wishes!

  4. Perfect celebrations for you, friend. I am almost ready to pack for my writing retreat and hoping that it's a blast. My cameras are officially charged and I am hoping to create a documentary of this event. Fingers crossed!!!! NO SNOW!!!
    Digital Bonnie

    1. Snow in the forecast again! I will cross my fingers for you, Bonnie, & hope the day is perfect!

  5. Now that Ingrid has shown you what lurks in your house you have the upper hand on those monsters. Enjoy your spring break.

  6. Catching time with family is always a celebration. Life with Ingrid and Imogene too keeps you busy and entertained.

    1. Yep, always fun, Elsie. I hope you'll get out to that baby soon!

  7. Cute story! I am so impressed by how many bloggers are doing the SOL challenge and you guys are nearing the end! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks, Earl, maybe next year for you! Yes, there are a lot of people writing every day-hard to keep up!

  8. Sounds like such a fun time. I hope you have a fantastic spring break.

  9. I agree that small celebrations are the best kind. I spent the afternoon with a four year old friend yesterday. It was delightful to see the world through her eyes. I love the monster pics and the quote by Denis Whatley: ""A good life is a collection of happy moments."

    1. Thanks Ramona, glad you had your fun time with a young one, too.

  10. Oooh, I love seeing that imagination! I hope you're able to keep the monsters at bay, or I'm sure Ingrid will have a new idea for you :)
    Have a great break, I head back on Monday!

    1. And I hope you've had a good week, Michele. It does zoom by, doesn't it? Yes I'll watch out for the monsters!

  11. Enjoy your break. I hope you have lots of time with your grandgirls!

    1. Thanks, Julieanne, I just spent the day with them and my daughter. There will be more too!

  12. Sounds like a delightful visit. I just love the imagination of five-year-olds. Those monsters look to be of the Easter Peep variety--especially the small ones--they may even have wings. They've been known to come out this time of year. : )

    1. Oh, funny, I may have to tell Ingrid that, Lee Ann. Peeps were around at school last week too!

  13. How kind of your grandbaby to draw you a picture of what to look out for and gave you grace when you wrote the wrong name. What a treat to be with family. Enjoy your break and maybe Spring will show itself to you! :)

    1. Thanks, Kim, spring is everywhere here-lots of green, & a few other colors too. It was good to have that evening together.

  14. I love the "remember next time" reminder. So cute. Lovely family time is always worth celebrating!

  15. Too cute Linda! There's nothing like family time to make for happy time. Just be careful of the monsters :-)

  16. I was with family today too. I just wish I was able to see them more often. but as your quote says, "A good life is a collection of happy moments." I collected some today. Watch out for those monsters!

    1. Thanks, glad you got to be with everyone today, Leigh Anne!

  17. Linda, I love how you write about your family and grandchildren (who are amazing littel girls). Enjoy your spring break and fill your days with relaxation.

    1. Thanks Carol, I have a lot to do, am very glad to have the break.

  18. Laughed at the Linda oops! :0)
    Wonderful celebrations!

    1. Thanks, Loralee. Five, nearly six, year olds are very dictatorial sometimes.

  19. I love the dual identity--both Linda and Grandma! What imaginative play!

    1. Did I miss you yesterday? I didn't check back! Thanks, Christy!


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