
Monday, March 30, 2015

SOLC # 31 - Endings Good & Bittersweet

Blogging with my class, and we're on spring break! Find them at Linda and Jonathan's Class Blog.

             It's the final Slice of Life for this March. We'll be back every week, but not all together as we have been. Thanks to Stacey, Tara, Dana, Betsy, Anna and Beth for keeping the party going, day by day by day. It was a pleasure!  Find all the final links at the Two Writing Teachers blog.

       They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I say that a thousand words--and more-- are worth a picture of a community.  I’ve collected one phrase from a slicer each day, read and loved so many more. What a joyous group. Although sometimes sad and often contemplative, each writer kept writing from her or his life. Congratulations to you all!

1 -   Ask me to stay for just awhile.
  I promise I'll exit with a smile.

2 -   Recently I came across an image of an old fashioned key hole.  In the open space you could see part of a room.  I loved that idea, that image.  It made many connections in my mind.

3 -   Being busy isn’t always bad.  And besides, I’ll have warm chicken chili waiting for me when I get home later.

4 -   How can they remember that they are special, unique, valuable people when they are wading through tests that tell them there is one right answer, one acceptable score, one way to become successful? They're losing the sense that they matter.

5 - The message was as crystal clear as the bubbling Colorado River: we all need to step outside of our everyday strife to take in the beauty of this earth and to remember that we are not on this journey alone.

6 -  I knew then what that "something" was when we held hands during prayer a year before. He was the one. We were married by the end of the year.

7 - This community has made me feel worthy as a writer. It helped me change my opinion of myself and be able to write those four words.  I am a writer.

8 - I think they are beautiful, but I also want them to understand that beauty is on the inside too.  We talk about being kind to friends.  Being helpful at home.  Saying nice words.

9 - We'll work on making the poems our own this week reading, questioning, re-reading, understanding and beginning the memorization process.

10 - I'm feeling really good about my cabinets now.   I may have company over just so I can show them Under the Sink.

11 -  Yikes.  Gulp.  Second thoughts.  Did we make the right decision?  What if it sells right away?  What will be do?  What if nobody likes it?

12 -  Well it was easy to strip down to shorts, tees and sandals but taking on Mexico’s heat, now that takes some getting used to,

13 -  I find you/in the wild flowers blooming/golden in the grass

14 -  Laughter that makes your sternum hurt the next day.  That's the best kind.  

15 - As everyone knows, a good scientist must had a quality control person to make sure rules and guidelines are followed.  Also, someone needs to check the result to see that it meets standards.

16 - Life moves so quickly during the week, things get disorganized. I have piles everywhere. Piles of clothes in the bedroom. Piles of dishes in the sink.

17 - My mother's boombox, as it sits on that counter, is a great reminder to me of how hard change can be. 

18 - I felt like the insurance commercial as a memory of a little girl prolonging her bedtime popped into my head. It never failed; her stories charmed me then and now.

19 - but J was late,/and so he sits there,/eating breakfast pizza/all by himself.

20 - But, oh, poor frog, trapped within/this jeweled enamel toy;/no longer can he jump and splash,/or sing his songs of joy.

21 -  This morning was for moving things around and gluing them. It's funny that one family event with coloring got me going on this. The book is helping too of course. Creating makes me happy.

22 - can clarify differences but more importantly recognize similarities and even though it might be exhausting and that it isn't always easy, I'm glad to try and believe that I can. Nena can do it.

23 -   Thinking back at it now, it was wonderful seeing the two cultures collide in celebration.  It warmed my heart to see two families from completely different backgrounds learn to accept each other and get along.

24 - In truth, I think most of my good fortune has come from the fact that I think of people as...well...people. I don't differentiate between a famous musician and a guy who runs the local gas station.

25 - It leaves me breathless/to consider /creating lean-to's with weeping/willow branches/sitting in the grass with all my dolls/mashing pyracantha berries for porridge 

26 - I thought the students would not be ready, and the day ahead might end in a disaster./Days change. /Feelings change./Today the student-led-conferences have made me smile.

27 - My life is richer because of the friendships that I have.  My friends have been generous, faithful, understanding, supportive, honest, reciprocal, humorous and wise.

 28 - The great space was filled to the rafters, literally, with teachers, teachers, teachers everywhere

29 - I smiled as we walked away.  They belong not only to me, but to this world, I thought.

30 - But that’s all changed. Now, anticipation runs high whenever the high pitched ding plays. It could be a picture sent half way across the country bringing my granddaughter into the palm of my hand.

31 - (really 30th, too) - From my patio chair I enjoy.. the slow-down pace/reminding me not to take any of this for granted


  1. I love this idea! So, so creative! Such a quilt of the slices you read! Amazing variety!

    1. I think it's wonderful to read too, Carol. I just collected one each day, & tried to include as many that I usually read as possible. Thank you.

  2. I'm going to have to try this out since I technically did my 31 days (I started on 2/28), but I'd like to end the month with -- something. I will mine my slices for best lines tomorrow. THANKS LINDA!

    1. You're welcome, Stacey. I'm sure you've met many more people than I have, wish it could have been more. I read so many that I loved.

  3. Oh Linda, thank you. Hug.
    So moving to read all these words.
    What a gift!

    1. You're welcome, once I started, it was fun to keep choosing.

  4. This is a great idea, Linda. There have been so many wonderful slices written over the past month. Like you, I wish I could have read more. Thanks for including a line of mine! Looking forward to writing and learning with you during National Poetry Month!

    1. You're welcome, Catherine, many, many great words happened! On to April, hope I can make it through!

  5. I like your collection of moments and feelings. Your last line made me cry So, so true.

    1. I'm not glad it made you cry, Terje, but am happy you enjoyed it. Thank you!

  6. That was awesome! I started to do this and write it into a poem but - too much work -this is better! Loved reading s few there I remember visiting, tool. Thanks for that sweet recap! PS Under the Sink is still a great place to visit.... Though I haven't had company over yet!

    1. I remember so many of the slices, Donna, just by reading a line or two, & yours just tickled me a bunch. Thanks!

  7. Memories that will linger with us much longer than the month of March!

  8. Oh Linda!! Such a thoughtful (and creative) way to end this wonderful month!!! Thank you for sharing all of these lines. It made me smile BIG to see a line from my writing in here. You are the best!!! Thanks for being such an important part of this community!!

    1. So happy you enjoyed reading it, Michelle, & you're welcome!

  9. Such as wonderful way to summarize the month. I wish I had thought of this. I will do it next year. This year I collected, writing ideas and apps along with enjoying slices of life from all over.

    1. I have many slices bookmarked, too, Anita, so I can go back to note the ideas & the apps, too. It's like reading an eclectic book! Thanks!

  10. I L-O-V-E this idea! I think I will go back and take a line or two from each of my students who have sliced! It made me quite emotional to see so many lines I recognized.

    1. Thank you. It's pretty amazing how much a line will bring back a memory isn't it? I did do it for my students, too. It was fun to do considering how long the month was for them.

  11. Wonderful way to end our month together. I love the way you create Linda.
    Bonnie K.

  12. A perfect finale compilation, Linda. I love it and will need to remember this next year! There are many phrases that grab hold of your heart that mean something to you, that you connect to. I thank you for all your visits to my little corner of the world. I'm so thrilled to be on the journey with you again this year. See you on Tuesday!

    1. Thanks, Michelle, there are a few of us who've been together a long time, aren't there. On we go. Hope your week back is going well!

  13. Linda, this is a great idea. It really gives a good overview of what was happening throughout the month.

    I have enjoyed reading your posts and look forward to Tuesday posts.

    Thanks for all of your comments on my posts as well.

    1. You're welcome, glad you enjoyed reading all the lines. I'll certainly be there on Tuesdays, & will look for you! Your posts gave me many smiles-a good thing!

  14. You have a most creative gene that allows you to create such a marvelous post as this. There are so many gems worth saving, but to difficult with so many slicers. Plus you had the added challenge of inspiring students. Well done Linda!

    1. Thanks Elsie, coming from you, also creative in every way, those are lovely words. It was hard to pass by so many slicers-just couldn't get to them all this time. But it is wonderful how many kept going! See you in June!

  15. What a great idea! This was lovely to read. This has been a wonderful month - so much to learn from so many wonderful writers. I will look for you on Tuesday.

    1. Thanks, Joanne, so glad you'll be there! It certainly has been a wonderful month!

  16. What a wonderful way to celebrate and honor the writers in our community. Thanks, Linda!

  17. What a wonderful idea Linda! Remind me next year and I will do it as we'll..would be interesting to see how many are the same :-).

    1. I'll try to remind you, Lynn, but forgive me if I forget myself! Happy you enjoyed reading.

  18. What an extraordinary idea! I love that you collected words from our blogs - so thoughtful, and so beautiful in their totality…I want to do this, too! Yes, next year, I'll join in on this fun idea. Thank you, Linda!

    1. It would be fun to see what others collected, wouldn't it? You're welcome, Maureen!

  19. You are the biggest commenter and cheerleader ever. Collecting lines, too. You amaze me with the many ways you find to hold others up. Thanks for being wind.

    1. You're welcome, Margaret. It's a little bit selfish too, discovering lines I want to keep!

  20. Love, love, love. I could see the Slicers (sometimes) in my mind and I remembered--oh that's so and so's story of moving and that is you know who from school. Oh, Linda, what a wonderful gift. Thank you. I am sentence collector too--from novels and books I read, and from kids' learning conversations or written pieces. I will have to remember this piece for next year or a string of Tuesdays. What a great surprise it was to read today. Thank you, Linda. Wind indeed.

    1. You're welcome Lee Ann. I collect students' lines too, & from what I read, so this was an idea I had before the beginning. I'm happy you enjoyed it! Happy Slicing continuing on!

  21. This is great Linda! I wish I'd thought of this. I always read things and then wish I remembered exactly when/where/who I was reading when I saw that really great line! I need to write them down and do this next year! Congratulations on completing another SOLSC! See you on Tuesday!

    1. Yep, will certainly see, and read, you again Robin. Love hearing your words about family & about the young students. Thank you!

  22. This was great! I may try it next year. I could keep a running record of lines in a post draft and use them. A wonderful to keep track of wonderful words and ideas! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, it was fun to look every day for what I wanted to add.

  23. Oh Thanks so much. This was so thoughtful and so creative. What a lovely way to encourage other writers. Simply beautiful.

    1. You're welcome, Kendra. Hope to see you in 'other' places too.

  24. Wow, Linda. You are amazing. Thank you so much for your constant (how do you do it support?!). I'm going to give the poetry a try. So I'll see you there!

    1. You are welcome! So happy to hear you're going to join in, Julieanne. It's April!


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