
Friday, April 3, 2015

Haiku Alive - Celebrating Poetry Month

Celebrating Each Saturday with Ruth Ayres at Discover Play Build, and a wonderful group who joins in too. Tweet at #CelebrateLu
created by Leigh Anne Eck
at A Day In The Life 

         It's exciting to welcome April, wonderful poetry month. Many Poetry Friday bloggers are beginning challenges for the month, and others offer invitations to write along with them. I may join them sometimes during the month, but my goal is to work hard to write haiku and haiku-related poetry this month. See my latest below. 

          It's also the last weekend of my spring break, a week filled with errands, work-related tasks, and a visit yesterday all day with my grand-girls: so busy, no picture. But here's one at a playground at REI when we had a Saturday adventure last week. 

          I'm also celebrating that some of us also are supporting each other, sharing on twitter with the hashtag #DigiPoetry, created by Margaret Simon, of Reflections on The Teche. You're welcome to join us. Find the many Poetry Month offerings rounded up by Jama Rattigan at Jama's Alphabet Soup. If you want to see some lovely poetry, go to Jama's post to see everyone's plans.
         Yes, I rose way too early to see the blood moon eclipse. It was awesome, and I actually caught a couple of pictures before the moon fully disappeared. It's dark and quiet this early!         


early morning eclipse
thoughts of years of moon tales
what stories will we tell?
Linda Baie ©All Rights Reserved

Nearly full, enlarge & you can see the moon.


  1. That line: "Thoughts of years of moon tales" is going in my notebook. I hope you're proud of putting those words together.

    I can't believe how big the girls look! Enjoy the last moments of vacation. Mine is just beginning.

    1. Thanks, Ruth, yes, the girls, nearly 6 and 4! Hope you have a wonder of a break too, always needed. I love moon tales, have done moon journaling before with students, a wonderful experience.

  2. April filled with poetry - some read, some write. I'll be the reader. I like how people set different goals for themselves. Our haiku a day may not have many words, but I know the ones that emerge on the page are very carefully chosen.

    1. Thanks, Terje. I'm reading as much as I can about haiku, a new word challenge for me for sure.

  3. Ruth is right. Great line. I'm loving reading your poetry this month

  4. I think it is so awesome how much time you are able to spend with your beautiful granddaughters! You are making some wonderful memories. Have a great week back, Linda. My break is over as well after Monday, but I'm looking forward to getting back at it! :)

    1. I am blessed to see those grand-girls so often, I agree. It is fun! Yes, back to work for the quick slide to the end, Jennifer. It goes so quickly. Thanks!

  5. I really enjoyed your haiku. I tried a few haikus last month during the Slice of Life challenge, and really enjoyed the challenge. :-)

    1. And it is a challenge, you're right! Thank you!

  6. I enjoyed the pictures and the haiku to go along with them. Now you have have moon tales to share from staying up to watch the eclipse.

    1. Yes, moon tales that made me fall asleep later! It was beautiful though!

  7. Those girls are so full of joy! Isn't it wonderful that you get so much time with them. My children see both sets of grandparents weekly and it is something that is huge in all of our lives. Lovely poem and photos too Linda.

    1. Thanks Carrie, it is a joy to have the time with this part of my family. I was lucky to see the other half a week or so ago, see them more than I thought I would.

  8. I was up with the moon too. Wasn't it amazing! I love that you captured it with words and photos. The moon is such a mystic thing. It has such power (real and imagined).
    And in contrast to the moon's dark magic, your grandgirls are pure sunshine.

    1. I love the moon too, Julieanne. You should find the book titled Moon Journals. It is filled with lessons to have students journal through a month watching the moon, sketching & doing art/writing poetry with it. It's great. Thank you!

  9. Love the thought of moon tales. Sweet girls full of life and joy. You have so much to celebrate!

  10. Like others, I love the phrase "moon tales!"

    1. Thanks Holly, the moon, as Julieanne said, is magical!

  11. Linda, although I love the line, "thoughts of years of moon tales", the stories that it will tell resonate with me. Your haiku journey is filled with depth and enjoyment.

    1. Thank you. It's been a learning so far, working at the 'idea' as much as anything.

  12. Love the pic of those grand-girls, even if it is from an earlier Saturday. I made my husband join me to look out the window at the moon recently. I phoned him on his cell, since I was on the landing headed to bed and didn't want to miss a minute watching it in case the clouds rolled over the eerie orb. It was so mysterious! I'm loving your haikus!

    1. Thanks Ramona, I appreciate you taking the time to stop by. I think we both like the outdoor "views", like your wonderful lake.

  13. I'm enjoying your poetry. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Thanks, Crystal. It will be a fun month of words, words, words!

  14. Not sure what I enjoyed more - the poem or all of the beautiful pictures? I think it was the pictures - beautiful grand babies!

  15. Happy Easter Linda. Hope you have a joy filled day. I missed the eclipse so I am happy to get a view of it here along with your thoughtful words.

    1. Thanks, Margaret, the eclipse was better to see than in my photos! Happy Easter to you, too.


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