
Saturday, April 4, 2015

Haiku - Poetry Month - Goodbye to Break

created by Leigh Anne Eck
at A Day In The Life 
 It's exciting to welcome April, poetry month. Many Poetry Friday bloggers are beginning challenges for the month, and others offer invitations to write along with them. I may join them sometimes during the month, but my goal is to work hard to write haiku and haiku-related poetry this month. See my latest below. 
           I'm also happy that some of us also are supporting each other, sharing on twitter with the hashtag #DigiPoetry, created by Margaret Simon, of Reflections on The Teche.You're welcome to join us. Find the many Poetry Month offerings rounded up by Jama Rattigan at Jama's Alphabet Soup. If you want to see some lovely poetry, go to Jama's post to see everyone's plans.

blooms sunbathe
celebrating spring vacation -- 
coffee on the porch
Linda Baie (c) All Rights Reserved


  1. This sounds pretty perfect to me! I was hoping for a few more of those coffee on the porch moments this week- can't believe spring break is already over! Yikes!

    1. I know, feeling that way too, Carol. Spring break is such a nice time, no rushing putt he door. Happy Easter!

  2. Hmm, those blooms and that coffee... Enjoy a bit more.

    1. I will, last day, some work, some play! Thanks, Julieanne.

  3. What lovely Hyacinth. I bet they smell amazing too. Glad you had a lovely spring break, Linda!

    1. I'm always amazed at both the smell & the arrangement of these flowers, Lee Ann. They are special. Thank you!

  4. Thank you for sharing another bloom of spring, Linda. Hope you had a relaxing break!

    1. Thanks, Catherine, it was a terrific week, work & play.

  5. "Coffee on the porch"...oh, how I wish I had a porch to enjoy my coffee. This is a perfect way to spend spring break. I hope you had a wonderful week. I did. I'm happy we start back with a teacher work day to ease into the transition! :) Happy Easter!

    1. It is great to have a PD day first, I agree, Michelle, but we don't this time. Occasionally we do. I actually have a day trip with my students tomorrow, so back in the swing fast! Happy Easter to you, too, and have a wonderful week back!

  6. Blooms sunbathe. I want to steal that line. Lovely spring flowers. I am happy you are having a nice break. I am back to school on Tuesday. Then it's spinning toward summer.

    1. Yes, it will be a sprint for sure. We have so much to do! Thanks Margaret. Have a terrific week!

  7. Enjoy the blooms and the coffee!

  8. One of these days, I want to chat over coffee! Flowers would be lovely, but optional. Hope you had a relaxing break; sounds like it's full steam ahead again.

    1. Thank you, Robyn. I would love a chat too. Your haiku in all the months have inspired me!


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