
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Poetry Friday-Keri's Farm

            Today, Poetry Friday is hosted today by Keri Lewis, at Keri Recommends on Prairie Blossom Bee Farm. It's lovely to visit the country. Thanks Keri!

Not quite the same, but. . . 

        Each evening I walk to our bank of mailboxes to get the mail. Yesterday, wind was blowing, more than a breeze, and so many wind chimes were ringing, chiming, tinkling that I walked around two blocks so I could hear more. I haven't watched the weather in a few days, but know that this is a signal that the weather will be different soon.  

         evening walk for mail
         wind chimes harmonize -
         weather’s changing
                      Linda Baie ©All Rights Reserved


  1. Lovely! I love the sound of windchimes but havens owned any for several years until recently I bought myself a set in SIngapore. Now, not only do I hear their melody, but I am also reminded of my trip.

    1. I have one bell chime, and it is rather like a weather forecaster. When it rings, I know the wind is up, just as I wrote in my post. Your souvenir is a perfect one, Sally.

  2. I had a set of windchimes that I loved for years. The wood at the top finally got too dry and broke. You made me think I want to go buy another set. Maybe next Spring.

    1. We do get busy, and buying wind chimes is not always on the list, is it. Hope you do find a lovely one, Carol. They sounded so pretty this time.

  3. Linda, this post is filled with the tunes of relaxation-the joys of summer. Is there a way to capture your poem and chimes for Summer Splashings so that we can hear the sound?

    1. I'll see if I can put it tougher into another app, Carol Thanks for asking!

  4. Lovely to read this even as I listen to the wind chimes on our porch, Linda.

    1. Happy to hear you've hung the wind chimes, Tara!

  5. I love the sound of my windchimes. They do predict the weather. They also invite a sense of peace and relaxation.

    1. There is that softness of sound that is so pleasing, I agree, Margaret.

  6. Linda, I have the chimes my dad made and love to hear them singing in the wind. Your haiku is lovely. I like the repetition of w sounds and how harmonize echoes the sound of chime.

    1. Oh, how wonderful about your special chimes. Thanks for coming by, Joyce.

  7. Oh, yes - the weather WILL be changing soon...I just hope not TOO soon! Nicely done, Linda.

    1. Thanks, Matt. I was just hoping for a 'little' change, like rain for a short while. Yes, autumn will soon be here, but we still have August!

  8. Delicious haiku, Linda. I can imagine the sounds of your neighborhood wind chimes. And speaking of wind, thank you so much for "Blowing Out the Summer Candles!" I am not ready to stop lazing in the blaze of the sun (it seems like summer has just arrived in Michigan) but I thoroughly enjoyed the tasty summer whirl of your poem. Rumor has it that your fourth poetry swapper is a bit of a slacker, but hopefully your poem(s) will arrive by Monday.

    1. Thanks, and you're welcome too, Buffy. I'm happy that you enjoyed it; it was fun to write.

  9. Linda did you know there's an annual wind chime festival at Soji-ji Temple in Japan that takes place in July and August? It's going on right now!

    1. Oh, wow, and no, I didn't. Thanks, Diane, will look!

  10. Wind chimes and a haiku - a delightful pairing. I'm listening the chimes you shared as I wander blogs this morning.

    1. Thanks, my friend. I hadn't any idea there were so many wind chime YouTubes for listening and calming. I'm glad you are enjoying it.


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