
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Poetry Friday-Summer Swap!

        Kimberley Moran hosts our Poetry Friday today here, on Google +.   Thanks Kimberley!

          In last week's Poetry Friday I shared a beautiful poem from Diane Mayr for our summer poetry swap, started and beautifully managed by Tabatha Yeatts whose blog is The Opposite of Indifference. It is a pleasure to write for someone, to try to learn about them, mostly through their blogs, and write personally for them. A few days after I wrote about Diane's poem, a box came in the mail. I knew I hadn't ordered anything, and it couldn't be one of the swap poems because it was a box. Wow, was I wrong! Here is a picture of the box 'inside' the box:
Click to enlarge

         To explain: my One Little Word this year is "paint", and Donna Smith and I have followed each other's posts since we first began blogging a few years ago. She knows I've been trying to do some different things besides writing and reading. I posted a watercolor a while ago. And, taking that picture of my watercolor, knowing that "paint" was a special word, she wrote a lovely poem AND ordered a puzzle. It was a lovely surprise. 

         There is one additional part that Donna doesn't know. In the final years with my husband, we did lots of jigsaw puzzles. It was good for his physical and mental therapy, and it meant nice hours together, not watching television or doing things apart, but being close. It doesn't make me sad, but remember good times! And, one more thing: I love the puzzle, but my husband was very good at them, even made his own rule that he didn't look at the picture. I am not so good, and wow, this is going to be beautiful, but Donna, I'm not finished yet! Granted, as a good excuse, I have kept my youngest granddaughter Imogene a few times this week. I need a good reason!
          I thought this would be easy with the words, so gathered all the pieces that seemed to have letters, but actually I think it's more challenging. Or, it just gives me an added excuse not to be done! 
          Donna, thank you very much. It is a wonderful poem and gift!


       I'll share a picture of the finished product soon!


  1. What a lovely gift you've received! Have fun with Imi, I've enjoyed seeing her pics on FB.

    1. Thanks, Diane. Imi has been in an acting class this week, so I've picked her up at lunchtime for a few days. And yes, Donna's gift, like yours, is very special!

  2. Oh, I love seeing your progress! Your "bleeding hearts" watercolor reproduced beautifully.
    Here is one more little nugget....your husband and I share the same rule: No looking at the picture! My mom handed down that strict rule to me, and I still have a great deal of difficulty taking "just one little peek."
    Does Imi help? My grandson loves puzzles! (We let him look at the picture, but it doesn't seem to make a difference in his approach!)

    1. No, Imi wasn't very interested. Ingrid would have been I think. Amazing about you not looking either. That's even harder! I imagine we all have rules we carry on. Must be a poem there, too, Donna! Thanks again for this lovely surprise!

  3. What a special gift from Donna. The last line of the poem caught my heart, as did Linda's personal connection to the jigsaw puzzle.

    1. Thanks, Laura, it was a gift that will last a long while!

  4. What a treasure! Donna certainly did capture you, Linda: "painting with heart." Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Catherine, it is a special poem/gift.

  5. Lovely, Donna and Linda! I am dependent on looking at jigsaw puzzle pictures; I admire people who don't need to :-) !

    1. I know, I know. They seem to be able to look at only the shape & snap, the piece is in! I admire them too. Thanks, Tabatha.

  6. This is such a lovely gift! Wow! I have a sister who is a jigsaw fiend, but me, I much prefer word puzzles! That spatial stuff totally eludes me!

    1. It is a great gift, isn't it, Carol? I am not so good at puzzles either, but this one is quite motivating, thanks to Donna.

  7. I didn't know you could create a puzzle from a picture. What a wonderful gift! So personal and special. That Donna. Gotta love her!

    1. Yes, there are a number of places one can order a personal picture puzzle. I've done it once, for a class a long time ago. This came from a company called Zazzle!

  8. Hey Linda,
    This does look like fun. My only problem with jigsaw puzzles is I'm obsessive about them. Once I start I can't walk away until the puzzle is done. I've lost lots of sleep over jigsaw puzzles. Donna's poem is lovely and what a wonderful gift!

    1. You sound like my husband, Joy, and a few others in the family. They just kept working. It is quite fun for me to do this one!

  9. What an amazing gift! I love how Donna's words capture your painting, especially "Painting with heart." And so nice that this kindles happy memories.


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