
Monday, July 13, 2015

Taking An Art Break

          Slicing with the Two Writing Teachers community is a pleasure every week.  Thanks to Stacey, Tara, Dana, Betsy, Beth and Anna! 
            Twyla Tharp: "Art is the only way to run away without leaving home."

          My One Little Word this year is paint. While I originally thought I would take the time to do something every day, I soon realized it was a crazy goal. I just don't have time, and mostly prefer to spend "extra" time with words-reading or writing.  But I've done so much these past weeks with books, and I have enjoyed all the reading, too, but thought it was time to do a little painting again. I really hope I can do more than every once in a while. It is so relaxing to sit and look and try to emulate something. Ask Michelle Hazeltine at One Grateful Teacher about coloring. She's been doing some wonderful work in different designs, and there has been more than one article published recently about the value of coloring/art in both children's and adult's lives. Give it a try! Here's my latest.  

FYI: I'm into week two reading Digital Reading: What's Essential in Grades 3-8 by Franki Sibberson and William L Bass II with some of you who also are slicers.  Click here to read more about #cyberPD or click here to join the Google+ discussion group! It's a pleasure every summer to participate in this knowledgeable group.  We are hosted by Laura KomosMichelle Nero, and Cathy Mere.


  1. There's something so therapeutic about painting, coloring, expressing yourself artistically. I love your painting, Linda! Such beauty in the simplicity! :) Also, love the new blog header!! Great quote by Julia Cameron!! :)

    1. Thanks, Michelle. I think your work this week has "nudged" me to do something. Hope your blogging group has fun today!

  2. So many creative ways to express yourself! Lovely painting! I can just imagine the relaxation painting brings you.
    Answer to your comment on my post: Yes, that quote is fairly new in my header. When I read it, it spoke to my heart, so I needed it to be close where I could read it anytime.

    1. It is wonderful, as was the book, although so sad. It was a popular one in my class this year. Thanks, Elsie, I do enjoy the art, need to get to it more often!

  3. I have watercolors, pastels and colored pencils sitting unused on my desk. This is a reminder to use them.

    1. Happy to inspire! Please be sure to let me know about your post!

  4. Linda, a beautiful painting indeed! I agree with the previous comments, this is inspiring and has reminded me of some creating I have been wishing to do. Thank you for that inspiration.

    1. It is good to just sit down for a while and paint, or draw, or ? Good for the soul, I think. Glad to help you get going too, Kendra!

  5. Lovely painting. Glad you took the time to do something you really enjoy. I am amazed at how many articles I have seen recently about adults and coloring and the amount of coloring books available for adults. This is something I just might have to give a try.

    1. There are a lot of articles out there, agreed. On a light note, could it be a big push from Crayola? Ha! Hope you do give it a try-would love to see what you do!

  6. Love the freshness of your painting, Linda - plus, I love blueberries! I'm painting, too - every room in this old farmhouse. Right now I am in the midst of painting the kitchen, which has turned into a bear of a project.

    1. Thanks, Tara, lots of nooks and crannies in a kitchen, so I think I know why it's tough. Still, exciting stuff you're doing, and painting that way too can be relaxing, though arm-tiring! Best to you!

  7. Creativity brings out the best in us all, doesn't it? Being from Maine, I'm particularly partial to your subject in the painting.

    Thanks for sharing this part of you!

    1. You're welcome, Susan, happy you like those blueberries!

  8. Well done, Linda! I have my B.A. in Art so this speaks to me. My creativity is most often expressed in other ways (my teaching and writing for examples). The visual arts are at my core though and my heart hums in an art gallery. The visual delights me!

    1. Thanks, Kim, I didn't know your education is in art, among all the other things! Perhaps you'll share some of your work?

  9. I have been writing every day in my journal this month as a part of 30 days of journal writing and creating. A strong connection between the two. Love your art. Isn't it funny that balance is necessary even when we aren't busy with school!

    1. You're right, sometimes a change is needed, Deb. Congrats on your journal writing, must be lots of words in that journal! Thank you!

  10. I was expecting a painting from you since the school finished. I am glad you finally found/made time for it. I prefer pencil sketching to water colors even though the result is always more colorful with the paints. I love the cyberPD idea. Having an irregular internet connection makes it a challenge to participate in online life. Not having the connection all the time has been a deliberate choice. Maybe one I could reconsider.

    1. Finally, right? I like to sketch, too, Terje, & it may be easier done, just need the sketchbook and the pencil! Wish you could participate. It's filled with new thinking and ideas! You can, at your leisure, check out the google page.

  11. I haven't painted at all this summer. I really meant to, but as you said, reading and writing come first. And then there is so much good Cyber PD out there! Not enough hours in the day.

    1. And you do awesome work, Margaret! Maybe soon?

  12. I hope you'll find more time to paint in the coming days and weeks. I love the blueberries! Hoping to find time to read the conversations around this summer's cyberPD. I'm almost ready to board my flight and dive into Circus Mirandus.

    1. Flight? You're going somewhere again? Circus Mirandus & A Handful of Stars are next for me, Ramona. I am still so busy, but perhaps someday the "to dos" will lessen. Thanks!

  13. An art break sounds absolutely lovely. I agree with you, though, not sure I'd do it every day, but a couple of times a week would be nice. Now off to finish Chapter 5 so I can write a reflection for #cyberpd!

    1. Yes, am working on that too. I'm not sure what to do with so much information! The art break was fun, taking me away from all the other things to do! Thanks, Carol!

  14. LInda,
    it is a challenge to find the time to balance all that we want to do isn't it? I am happy you had time to work and relax with painting. As I read your post I was thinking about the adult coloring books (I ordered 3 today for a few friends) and just then your post went right to adult and kids coloring!

    1. That coloring and art seems to be in lots of conversation lately, doesn't it? I do want to do more in the visual, am excited to explore that part of creativity. Thanks, Deb.


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