Like others, I do watch the weather, waiting for cold fronts winding east and down from the Pacific, moisture from the Gulf, i.e., awaiting new words on the forecast other than hot and dry. Here in Denver we've finished another sweltering August, and on this mid- September day, still hot! Yesterday, I took my granddaughters on a special trip to Colorado Springs to a different zoo, the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. We had a wonderful time, and it is higher in elevation, so a bit cooler, but still warm enough to demand cool drinks in shade as often as we could manage.
Although May and June were two of the coolest months we’ve ever had, our summer heated up. My home now has air conditioning, but I'd much rather have the windows open, letting in fresh air and breezes! I am ready for a change, and welcome the cool evenings that Denver is lucky to have. I eat dinner late, and in the early evenings you can find me out watering plants that need extra moisture, and sometimes even wandering around the yard looking for something that needs doing just so I can stay outside, in the cool. Dark arrives faster already, so I know that autumn weather is on its way. School has started; sweaters decorate shop windows. I will soon put on sweatpants and long sleeves to feel comfy. For now, however, I am hot! I do know one living thing that's happy, the zinnias!
I'm always ready for a change in the seasons - especially so I can wear different clothes, like you said. :-)
ReplyDeleteIndeed! Thanks, Holly.
DeleteI can't wait for sweatpants and long sleeve weather too!!!!
ReplyDeleteI know, & I forgot to mention that I'm tired of watering the lawn, too, which I know many of you don't need to do, but we do here. Thanks, Michelle.
DeleteWe are also enjoying the warm days and cool nights here in PA as well. The mum's we planted last Fall are in bloom adding a touch of color to our yard. It is so nice to open the doors and windows to nature's air conditioning.
ReplyDeleteI love the phrase "nature's air conditioning". That's what I'm waiting for. Thank you.
DeleteReluctantly, I closed up the house last night and turned the AC back on. I was hopeful that we were done with this. I too am ready for fall. My Zinnias did not come up when I planted them. But we had some salvia that did well, and some forget-me-nots that my youngest planted! They are still thriving.
ReplyDeleteThe news said that all of Colorado is so dry that now we are in extreme fire danger. I am hopeful for cool & rain. Hopeful for cooler for you, too, Kendra. Thanks!
DeleteI get so sick of my clothes by the end of the season. I usually cannot wait. Yes, you are right the Zinnias look happy.
ReplyDeleteHappy to hear another who understands about the clothes. I wonder what I would do in a place that doesn't change as much. Thanks, Bernadette.
DeleteEven though I miss my jeans and boots, I miss the salty beach days and fresh garden produce much more. It will be February soon enough! I'm with the zinnias!!!
ReplyDeleteIf I had that beach from my vacation every day, I think I might not be writing this, Melanie. And you're right, I do love the Farmer's Market. (I don't have a vegetable garden.) Thanks.
DeleteI do hope that you will soon say goodbye to hot and dry - and may it be so throughout the west. Bring on the cooler days and some rain!
ReplyDeleteThanks Maureen, wishing!
DeleteNew Mexico has been hot as well but the evenings are cool! I moved from Chicago area so if I never see snow again it's ok ;-) Love the pic..just beautiful!
ReplyDeleteYes, our evenings are nice, too, Lynn. I have friends who moved to Houston after being in a hard winter location. They said they'd never live in a place with snow again. I understand. Denver winters, & where you are, are rarely that bad. Thanks!
DeleteLinda, I hope this comment makes it through. This is the third try.
ReplyDeleteChange is good. I see that the zinnia is thriving in the heat. Most humans have a difficult time with the heat. I found this out today also. The sun's rays brighten the neighborhood but little did I know that the longs sleeve shirt would prove to be a bit hot. Keep cool!
Yes, wonder why the comment was a problem? Our heat isn't terrible really, especially without humidity, but I do prefer low eighties at least. Looking forward to fall. Thanks!
DeleteHope that nip in the air arrives in CO soon. I'm enjoying jackets for at least the beginning and end of the day. It's a blessing since our summer was much warmer than usual. At least your pink zinnia's happy!
ReplyDeleteWe are supposed to have a little 'cool' tomorrow & Friday, then back in the eighties. I know it's coming, and am so ready. Thanks, Ramona.
DeleteIt is so strange how the expectations for the weather depend on what we have too much or not enough. You are ready for the cool, I wish the warmth would last longer. Hotness is something I don't enjoy even in the summer, so I understand your wish for the cool. Fall for me means rain, rain, rain and days getting darker earlier and earlier. The few days of sunshine become very precious.
ReplyDeleteI guess it's unique to our locations, Terje. We have fairly constant sunshine, so it's even possible to wear shorts and short sleeves on warmer days in the winter, OR we can have blizzards. It's just hot and dry now so I'm wishing, at least, for cool, and it might still be dry.
DeleteI am looking forward to cooler weather, myself, Linda! I hope you get some nice rain, too. I can just picture you, puttering around outside, enjoying the evening.
ReplyDeleteAnd indeed, I do putter! It is wonderfully cooler today, but will be in the eighties again by tomorrow. Thanks, Tabatha.