
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Celebrating Special Times

              I celebrate each Saturday with Ruth Ayres at Discover Play Build and the rest of the wonderful community that celebrates together. Come join us!          Tweet at #CelebrateLu

              Unlike others, I like the change in times, enjoy the wintery cold and dark, feel cozy and glad to be inside. I know that some have to work outside and sympathize with that work that is harder in winter dark, but still, I like it. This was the week to feel as if I was sleeping in, but wondering why I was so tired earlier in the evening than usual. And this week means we're closer to the holidays!. 

           Yesterday I shared a poem that has a line about these shorter days. I celebrate poetry that fills me up most every day. I take pleasure in the words. On The Shortest Days by Joyce Sutphen has this line: "Quickly the lights are appearing, a lamp/in every window and nests of stars on the rooftops." You can find all the poem here.
            There were a lot of good moments this week:

            Earlier in the week I went to Tattered Cover, our local wonderful Indie store, to see Elizabeth 
George, a mystery writer that I love. 

             While at the bookstore, I read a recently out picture book that everyone is cooing about: Toys Meet Snow by Emily Jenkins and Paul O. Zelinsky. Here is one part that I celebrate, and you'll need to find the book to read more. Sorry it's not a great picture, but I wanted to share these wonderful words.
        I celebrate former colleagues. I met a friend at a local coffee shop this week, and it was just lovely to get together and catch up. One of the things I do miss about being retired is those casual, sometimes even short, conversations that one has at work. It now has to be more formal, and longer apart. I do celebrate that I am still seeing some of those I worked with for years and years.

      I celebrate the final days of gorgeous trees. I discovered this as I walked to my car one day. Love the tree and the brick work on the building. Beauty is everywhere if one only looks!
      Other times: eating dinner one evening with my daughter and family and my Friday afternoon/evening time with Ingrid.

      I've having fun with PiBoIdMo, reading the daily posts working on writing and ideas each morning. I celebrate Tara Lazar at Writing for Kids (While Raising Them) who hosts this phenomenon each November.

      Hoping your week has been good, too. I know that it's nearing time for reports and conferences, a busy time for teachers. Best wishes to you if you are in that time.


  1. Linda, just lovely to read about your week. I'm like you, there's something special about the shorter, cozy days this time of year. Love the quote from the book. Missed your Poetry Friday post, off to read this delicious poem and request the book!

    1. I was amazed at the book, originally thought it sounded like one I couldn't imagine being good, but it is wonderful, Ramona. Thank you!

  2. I also enjoy keeping up with your weeks. I wish the fall meant cool weather here. I need to pull out my winter gear to pack for NCTE. We've yet to have cold down south. I love your pictures of fall leaves. I am actually working on a watercolor of one of your leaf pictures from last week.

    1. I imagine Minneapolis will be cold for NCTE, just hope there isn't much more winter then for all of you. Can't wait to see your painting of a picture. I have taken a picture nearly every day. This fall has been so beautiful. Thanks, Margaret.

  3. I also like the change in time and the colors of the season. I kind of like the counting down to the shortest day and then moving up toward longer days. I hope one day to visit the Tatter Cover bookstore. It sounds wonderful.

    1. It's like the arc of our year to move toward those shortest days & then start toward spring. I like it, too. I hope you do get to visit Tattered Cover, Juliann. It is wonderful!

  4. Yes, there is much to celebrate if we just look around. Thank you for sharing the beautiful poetry of Toys Meet Snow! I will look for that book here.

    1. It was a surprise to read and see how lovely that story was, Jane. Thanks!

  5. Good morning, Linda! Looks like a great week, one just to enjoy the small moments in, those are the best! Beautiful week in Denver, it looks like.

    1. We may have some bit of snow midweek, but the mountains are getting lots which is great for the ski resorts, mid fifties here, just right for a jacket. Thanks, Michele.

  6. So much here to celebrate! That was one of my favorite pages of Toys Meet Snow. I love that strawberry syrup sun.

    1. Me, too, Crystal, such a lovely story. Thanks!

  7. Linda, I enjoy the coziness of the darkness an cold also. I was away this week in Sedona and had unexpected cold and snow but the beauty of snow on the red rocks more than made up for the lack of heat.

    1. Sounds beautiful, Bernadette. I imagine soon we will be sharing pics of snow & bare trees! Thank you.

  8. I can just feel the relaxation in your posts now Linda. It seems like you have the ability to take every moment and put it in slow motion in order to savor it. Thank you for sharing your week.

    1. Thanks, Leigh Anne. I seem to be filling the time despite having MORE of it, and I am enjoying every bit!


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