
Saturday, May 21, 2016

Celebrating The Good, Better, Best

         Every Saturday (or Sunday) I celebrate with Ruth Ayres at Discover Play Build.  and link with others who share their celebrations, too. It's always lovely to read everyone's words of celebration.  

         Busy, regular week, lots of good writing and reading, warming up weather, windows open, birds chirping, flowers blooming. In a week I'll be on Captiva Island, so will celebrate there and share some pictures. I celebrate anticipation, a good part of doing something exciting, right? 

Good: dental check - all okay so far, bookstore - fine, met a couple that were so excited to discover the store 

Better: writing group, helpful response for a project, always fun to be together, full moon tonight, ah-h

Best: Both grand-girls got their visits in, nice relaxing afternoon/evenings. You can tell it's the end of the year; they're tired!  And, my son was in Guayaquil, Equador last weekend, sent me a picture of my favorite bird, blue-footed boobies

Ingrid loves this tree with the little sprouts growing out,
wanted a picture with it.

Imogene standing on a rock outside her school, in the
midst of dancing.
         Enjoy the week, whether you're celebrating with end-of-year events or are finished and celebrating summer!


  1. Love the anticipation of a trip and new surroundings. You've had a great week and even better ones to come in Florida.

    1. I'm so looking forward to the trip, Elsie!

  2. Blue-footed boobies and blue-footed girls! Lots to love here!

  3. Yes- looking for the good, better and the best - growing the happiness.

    1. Thanks, Terje, fun to look over the week for all of it!

  4. I think Margaret in her very clever and heartfelt way says it all... lots to love.

  5. Love blue footed boobies! Wow, your grandgirls are sure growing!

    1. Another thing we have in common-those wonderful birds! And yes, the grand-girls are not babies any more! Thanks, Carrie.

  6. I hear such hope and joy in your celebrations, Linda! Thank you!

  7. OH my goodness! They are the best! You can't beat those grandgirls for smiles!

  8. Linda, the grandgirls look so cute. Is it that warm out by you? The photo from Equador is wonderful. I love the name of the birds: blue-footed boobies. Have a great weekend.

    1. In the 80's yesterday & today, but cooler later in the week, but not by much, Carol. FYI-there are red-footed boobies, too.

  9. Love the pics of the grand girls - both the observant Ingrid and the active Imogene. I saw a pic of my friend Imi dancing on Instagram today! Good, better, best - a fun way to celebrate. Have a wonderful time on Captiva Island. Looking forward to some pics!

    1. Thanks, Ramona, a fun week. I love what's shared on Instagram, often a little different than FB. Can't wait to go on this trip!

  10. Those girls are full of personality--your words and images always capture their spirits so well. The connection with your son, from so far away, is just as fun as the image he sent--blue-footed boobies!! So much more fun than the dentist!

  11. Agree totally! Thanks, Christy! Will miss seeing you at All-Write!


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