
Friday, August 5, 2016

Celebrating The Celebrations

  This weekend I celebrate with Ruth Ayres at Discover Play Build.  and link with others who share their celebrations, too. I am grateful to Ruth for starting this meme that offers a place to celebrate together!

    The anticipation last week was high. It was Imogene's fifth birthday, and if you know or remember "almost" five year olds, you know they don't quite understand why the wait is so, so long. Well, it finally was here. Just the family celebrated on the 29th, her birth-day, including her favorite pumpkin pie! And the party was at my house just as wished, a bouncy house, with a water slide, friends and parents and a piñata. It was a success, clouds moved in to lower the temperature a little bit which was great. Here are the pictures, a celebration of Imi becoming five.

Ingrid and I also had some fun later in the week, reading at home and just being together, then out to a favorite restaurant, Noodles of course!

       Today I most want to celebrate motherhood. I felt loved all my life and miss my mother very much. I loved being a mother of "children" and now love being a mother of "adults", and the joy of seeing my "kids" love their kids. This picture of Sarah taking a final pic at the party shows that very well indeed.  

     I can't end without one more birthday celebration, that of my son's birthday on Sunday. I don't get to see him as often, but it is a joy to be his mother. Here he is with his son, Carter on the day Carter received his Eagle award.  I celebrate being a mother, a special, special thing. I suspect being a father is equally as wonderful!


  1. I love the photo of your daughter and your grandgirls!
    Sweet post filled with love and fun!

  2. Love this post. I think of all those young people you've "mothered" through the years and know that you've been a blessing to all your children. So fun to see the pics of Imi's celebration and the girls with their mom, and of course, Ingrid with her noodles. My Sara has always been a noodle lover! Have a wonderful weekend, Linda.

    1. Thanks, Ramona. Noodles is just the nicest place to take children, too. They're always so friendly.

  3. Motherhood is a special place to be. Imi's party looked great, I enjoyed seeing more pictures! (And I'm still excited that the bounce house was a water slide!) And I'm headed to a noodle place later...

  4. I am so thankful for my role as a mother. I thought I would be most needed from birth to eighteen. But I am learning adult children still need their parents just in a little different way. I'm loving our new relationships as adults.

    1. I'm glad to hear you talk about adult relationships, too, Maria. It is a pleasure for sure! Thanks!

  5. What a joy to see your "kids" being the wonderful, loving parent! Happy celebrations! And Happy Birthday (finally) to Imi!

    1. Thanks, Julieanne. It was a great week to celebrate!

  6. Being a mother-a great celebration and sharing your blessings with your children and their children is indeed a reason to celebrate life. I love the picture of Imi blowing out her candles. Being 5 is a big step forward to being a little girl. Congratulations again to Carter for being honored as an Eagle Scout.

  7. You have such great family events to celebrate. I enjoyed seeing your photos and the slide looks like a super great time! Relish in the moments, for they create great memories!

    1. Thanks, Amy, filling up with celebrations is a good way to live, I agree.

  8. What a week, Linda, and what a lovely way to celebrate all the variations of mother love. It's the best job in the world! Glorious photographs, too!


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