
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Celebrating - Good Things

  Celebrating with Ruth Ayres at Discover Play Build.  and linking with others who share their celebrations, too. I am grateful to Ruth for helping us celebrate together!  

I missed last week because I stayed the weekend with Ingrid and Imogene while their parents went away for a couple of days to celebrate their anniversary. I wrote about this "play fest" last Tuesday. 

On Monday, Imi had a day off from school, so she spent a day at my house, and we ended up going to our wonderful Museum of Nature and Science. It is so much fun, and I'm fortunate to live close.

Tuesday was "my day" (I celebrated some down time!), and Wednesday was my birthday, most of the day spent visiting on the phone, then going out to dinner with Sarah, Dave, Ingrid and Imogene. Birthdays come and go rather uneventfully, but I celebrate the joy of the granddaughters when they watch me open my gifts. It helps me remember again how exciting these special days are, and makes me excited too.

It was a great week, and was topped with my son calling last night saying he was sending me a plane ticket to come visit next weekend! I am excited again, to be able to see Carter and his marching band, to help with all the parent volunteer things, simply to "be" together will be cause for celebration all that weekend, too. So I won't be blogging next weekend, but will be celebrating!

A note: Imi loved the rocks, especially the sparkly ones. There was an amazing "floor" movie with sounds of streams running and birds chirping, fish swimming through, Imi with a sweet sea lion sculpture, and always the end: feeding the lion to make it roar. Birthday dinner: the girls were being silly, sliding down, down onto the floor. Isn't that what silly kids do? And that last, with Ingrid on Thursday, running back from getting the mail.


  1. Happy Birthday. What a blessing to share time with those sweet granddaughters! Felt the joy in your writing.

    1. Thanks, Diane. It was a lovely week of days!

  2. Love the pics, especially the one with the two of them snuggled up to the birthday girl. Enjoy your trip to see your son and family. I do love marching bands. In our new addition to the schooll (where I've been at the secretary's desk for two weeks), we can hear the band practicing. It's delightful and I recognize so many of the songs from when my kids were in band.

    1. It seems that marching band music means fall is definitely here, doesn't it? Nice that you can hear the practicing! Thanks, Ramona.

  3. Family makes life rich! You are indeed rich. What a treat to get to visit and see Carter's marching band. Enjoy your treat next weekend!

    1. Thanks, Elsie. I know I'll have a great time, really looking forward to it.

  4. So exciting that you will get to go see your son and his family, especially Carter in the band. ENJOY it Linda!

  5. Children, grandchildren and the times spent together with them are the best gifts in the world. I am glad that you get to see your son and grandson next week.

  6. Happy birthday! Sounds like a wonderful week and a great week to come. I love reading about your family and your life together.

    1. Thank you! We have a good time, and still wish we were all in the same place, extended family, too!

  7. Happy birthday! What a wonderful week you had and will have this week as well. Safe travels and fun celebrations!

    1. Thanks, Leigh Anne, I appreciate the wishes.

  8. Life is always sweeter through the eyes of a child! They joy you have when you are with them is evident in that photo of the three of you. Happy birthday! Have a safe and fun-filled trip to visit with more family!

    1. Thanks, Christy, I'm really looking forward to the trip!

  9. Linda, I am so excited that you had a wonderful birthday and celebrated with your adorable grand-girls who enjoyed being silly. Enjoy your time with Carter and his family. What a great birthday gift.

    1. Thank you! It will be great to visit the Texas family, haven't seen them since the summer!

  10. Happy belated birthday! You had the best birthday ever! And now another visit! Have a great time - we'll miss you, but I'm sure you won't be thinking "Gotta blog!"

    1. Thanks, Donna. It was a good week, and I am looking forward to this one, too. Thanks for the comment for PF, too. Every book doesn't fit everyone, I know.


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