
Monday, November 14, 2016

Slicing and Worrying

       I'm slicing with the Two Writing Teachers community today. It's always a pleasure to read what everyone writes about their lives.

        Best wishes to all of you who are going to NCTE this week! I hope to follow some of the tweets!

Trying to laugh a little, too!

THIS, THIS IS WHAT I WROTE IN MY INTRO LAST WEEK: Yes, I'm happy. It's been a long and rocky road to this day, and I will be celebrating when it's over. I want to move on to help our country do better!

I AM NOT CELEBRATING! I am very concerned, and Donald Trump's decisions since last Wednesday continue to confirm my concern. This is my slice of life, worrying about what's already happening, worrying about people who say "give him a break", worrying about my friends and family who are frightened. Feel free to ignore my slice if you feel uncomfortable, but my intent is to make people uncomfortable. Attention should be paid. I'm doing what I can to be aware of decisions made that I believe are wrong for our people and our country.

Early, early in this election process I posted the following

"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country." -Hermann Göring, Nazi military leader (12 Jan 1893-1946)

Later I found this quote that helped me feel firm about my beliefs:

Whitman’s advice on living a vibrant and rewarding life: “Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others… re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul…”

 And I posted this:

   “I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

        You may have other words that comfort. And I do have hope, like E.B. White: 

Hang onto your hat.
Hang on to your hope.
And wind the clock,
for tomorrow is another day.”

photo credit: Howdy, I'm H. Michael Karshis If you were looking for a sign this is it. via photopin (license)


  1. Linda, thanks for sharing your thoughts and for your determination to speak up about your beliefs. The J.R.R. Tolkien quote really resonates with me.

  2. I'm with you my friend. Keep sharing... thanks :)
    Bonnie K.

    1. I know you are, and others, too. Will carry on!

  3. So many valuable words in this post. I keep turning to nature, as I know you do. And the Tolkien quote . . . copying quotes from your post in my writer's notebook.

    1. Thanks, Ramona. Yes, being out of doors is a balm to the worry!

  4. We walk together in our concern...each day seems to bring confirmation of our worst fears.

    1. Thanks, Tara. And I am now confronted with a few FB friends who call both the media & HRC dishonest. Hard to read!

  5. What a sad state of affairs we are facing. Every day I feel more discouraged. I'm with Frodo and Gandalf.

    1. Yep, me too, Elsie. I won't stop questioning and fighting for what's right!

  6. We do have a tough road ahead of us. I can only imagine what other leaders around the world must think of us now. Hopefully we will survive this.

    1. I do have hope, and know that others will keep fighting for what we believe is the good of our country. Thanks, Bob.

  7. I can say that on this side of the ocean we are equally concerned about the situation. I am sorry to hear how badly it is affecting people in US. I hope that the people who care and think wisely will find ways to grow the goodness and keep peace.

    1. I hope so, too, Terje. I am determined to keep reading and questioning those things I don't think are good policies. Thanks for your concern, too.

  8. I am with you in pain and sadness. Writing is giving me some light. Action is essential. Unbelievable, Linda. I can't think straight! So horrific.

    1. Thanks, Maureen. glad to hear your words, hoping we can all do something to help!

  9. I am worried and feel helpless. I know many are calling and writing and donating. I'm just confused about what is the best thing to do. It's all so confusing.

    1. Several of us have shared petitions, and I have joined the ACLU, need to donate to Planned Parenthood, too. Choose what feels right to you, Margaret. It is challenging for sure.

  10. Linda, airing your opinion is good for your soul. Your ending provides a route to hope.

    1. Thanks, Carol, frustrating, but I won't give up hope either!

  11. I love your quotes - those alone tell a powerful story. It is our truth and we need to hope and look for all the good that is still among us. I hope we take this as an opportunity to listen, learn and grow together. I am hopeful.

    1. Me, too, but I can't sit back and wait, either. Thanks Clare.

  12. Beautiful quotes, Linda. Have you seen Elizabeth Dulemba's coloring page this week:

    Will miss you at NCTE!

    1. Thanks, Laura, for all. Will certainly look for the page. I wish I could be there to visit with all of you and to see you present. I know it will be full of comfort and learning!

  13. I have always loved that Tolkein quote, and I love the E.B. White one, new to me, just as much! I am scared but also encouraged that I have seen so many people speaking out and standing up. Who knows what will come, but I am hanging on to the fact that there are a lot of good people all around!

    1. No post today, but thank you for coming by and sharing your thoughts, Jennifer. Thank you!


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