
Saturday, April 15, 2017

#NPM17 - 15/30 - Celebrating, Too

Tweet @ #CelebrateLu

         Celebrating with Ruth Ayres and others at Discover Play Build. And starting the third week of April-- poetry month. 

Poetry is the journal of a sea animal living on land, wanting to fly in the air. ― Carl Sandburg
  • See Irene Latham's  Progressive Poem's schedule on the page above.  It's getting to be quite an exciting poem!
  •          If you'd like to see what everyone is doing for Poetry Month, look HERE at Jama Rattigan's post at Jama's Alphabet Soup.
  •  Bridget Magee and her family have started a project in response to the chaos happening in our government. Go HERE to find out about it, to see how you can help!

       My goal for Poetry Month: TINY THINGS. My choices may surprise you, and I'm excited to write, share, and read how everyone writes to meet their special goals for celebrating poetry month.


gentle preparation
for other beauties coming
to replace daffodils
Linda Baie © All Rights Reserved

CELEBRATING a lovely week, but oh, so busy! 

        Busy with poetry. My book group met to talk about the amazing Neil Gaiman's The Ocean At The End of The Lane, trying hard to figure out exactly what Gaiman wanted us to take away from this book. This intriguing, layered story fascinated us. 
        Here are a few pictures that capture the big birthday day yesterday that I wrote about, having Ingrid and Imi on Ingrid's birthday because of parent work conflicts, afternoon into the evening, a grand time, but full. This morning I took them home and they had a neighborhood Easter egg hunt, then Ingrid DID celebrate with gift opening and blowing out candles.
We really knew what "stroller" meant, but
it was the end of the day, and this "stroller"
was tired!
Imi is a climber and only wished this was higher.

Show off!
Never too old. 
I rode the orangutan behind them.
Finally, the cake!

So Far-Tiny Things

April 1 - Two Plates - Thanksgiving
April 2 - In Each Mind's Eye - baby elephant
April 3 - Discovered April First - miniature book
April 4 - A Promise - peach seed
April 5 -  haiku - one music note
April 6 - My Tiny List - must-do list
April 7 - Tiny Lights - window lights at dusk
April 8 - Cherita - pencil stub
April 9 - Apple Blooms - blooms/apple tree
April 10 - Walk to The Sea - salt crystals
April 11 - Sonnet Show & Tell - tiny key
April 12 - The Letter 'I
April 13 - A Tiny Change - thermometer
April 14 - Birthday Candles
April 15 - Defined - dandelion


  1. What a great idea! Tiny things poetry! What a way to celebrate Poetry Month and observe, celebrate and find joy in the world around us. Love this - "gentle preparation
    for other beauties coming". Nice!

  2. That birthday cake pic was snapped at the perfect moment! Great celebrations.

    1. Considering I wrote about birthday candles yesterday, I was so happy to have captured that second. Thanks, Diane!

  3. Never too old to ride a merry-go-round. :)
    Happy Birthday to Ingrid!

    1. Thanks, Terje. The merry-go-round was fun, like always!

  4. Happy birthday to Ingrid! Lucky girls to be able to spend the day with their grandma. You are never too old for a twirl on the merry-go-round!

    1. It was a wonderful day with the girls, Jennifer. Thank you!

  5. Next time, hand your camera/phone to Ingrid. We want to see you on the orangutan! Love the pics of this fun day. Happy Easter, Linda!

    1. I do love orangutans, but this wasn't choice, just the animal behind the girls! Hope your day was a good one, Ramona!

  6. Linda, I'm enjoying watching you (and others) meet your "Tiny Things" goal for Apr poetry. I didn't set one this year and I'm missing the challenge but really needed a breather right now. Looks like you had a day to remember; such fun!

    1. Thanks, Alice, it's certainly okay to take a breather. I've written every day since January, and will need a breather in May. Thanks!

  7. Ingrid looks like a happy birthday girl. These are sweet memories that you share with us, Linda. Your poem (that I really like) reminds me that my landscaper is coming tomorrow to help me choose what will bloom now so that I can have some color for my daughter's baby shower in a couple of weeks.

    1. Wonderful to have a baby shower soon, and exciting. I hope you have all pink and blue! Thanks, Carol.


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