
Saturday, May 20, 2017

Celebrating A Few Nice Things

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         Celebrating with Ruth Ayres and others at Discover Play Build.  

            I haven't posted for several weeks, busy times, even though I know teachers are even busier at this time of year. If you teach, I hope you all have wonderful school year endings!
            I've done some traveling and had fun with friends, enjoyed the granddaughters' weekly visits, and loved spring flowers blooming so fast that each time I look, some new ones have appeared. I've been writing, poetry and prose and am excited about a new idea for a picture book that I'm working on. 
            I only saw them for a quick breakfast at a local favorite restaurant, but Nathan, Barb & Carter flew in Thursday morning to travel to the mountains for a friend's daughter's high school graduation. Yes, amazingly, it was snowing, but I loved our short visit, and after some delays, they made it to their destination!
They sent this pic from the mountains,
all bundled up!

        And recently, a most important celebration is that at my dermatologist annual visit, she found a small, but cancerous spot. It is the best kind, if I might use that word, "best", but the doctor used it, too. It does not spread but does need to be removed, as happened yesterday. Now I have a large bandage sitting on my right temple and will have the stitches removed next week. As for useless afternoons, I will take it easy this weekend as ordered, and that's always a good thing because I don't have anything that I must do, but read and enjoy the books I am reading. I will have some bookstore work to do soon along with work in the garden, and later, more family visits but this weekend, I'm celebrating "useless" with a smile. Thanks for the challenge, Ruth! And I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Flax in my nearby Sunset Park
Garden blooms, other buds will soon open, too!
       Added and am thankful for Lisa K.'s "last minute celebrations" post. I forgot to include that I had one too, dinner with a former colleague whom I miss very much. We haven't seen each other very much this year, and it was wonderful to catch up. 


  1. Living fully in real life is a very good excuse for not being present in the digital world. I am glad that the doctor's took care of your health and everything is ok. Enjoy reading, writing and gardening!

    1. Thank you, Terje. It's been a great day of reading. And, I enjoyed your pics of "mostly" dandelions. You found a field of them!

  2. Glad you are ok!!! Any time with family is good time, isn't it?!?! Enjoy this weekend of reading and resting, friend. Take care of yourself!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. It's been a good few weeks, and I'm glad that "procedure" is behind me!

  3. I had a useless afternoon last weekend. What a gift to yourself! Sorry about the squamous. But glad you got it taken care of.

    1. As written above, the day has been good, and I'm nearly finished with my book! Thanks, Margaret. I'm glad it was found, and now gone!

  4. And ever the curious reader, I want to know what you've been reading. Love the pics of family and flowers. Glad for your good news and that the "procedure" is done. Happy resting!

    1. My latest is a n-f arc about deception techniques in war, Ramona & the older Red Scarf Girl, both rather political actually. Thanks for the wishes!

  5. Family, a friend, health, and garden flowers -- wonderful celebrations. Take care of yourself, Linda!

  6. First, I am glad that all is well and that you were taken care of right away. Gardens, grandchildren, family and quiet much to celebrate there! We have five more weeks of school, but I mean to enjoy every last moment of my time with this particular group of 12 year olds.

    1. Your posts have been full of celebration of this class, especially, Tara. I know you will have a good time with them. Thanks!

  7. I have four more days and I will be celebrating "useless with a smile." I am so glad your "spot" turned out fine. I have one to be taken off after school gets out. She doesn't think it is anything, but still scary. Happy Sunday, Linda.

    1. Each teacher is going to spend a few 'useless' days, then begin thinking/planning for that next year. I wish everyone knew that about teachers. Thanks, Leigh Anne, and I send the same wishes to you!

  8. Glad all is well! As summer approaches I too am thinking of those "useless" and aimless moments!

    1. Thanks, Julieanne. Enjoy them all that you can!

  9. I love what you wrote about spring flowers... this spring the greenness of everything after so much rain is what I have been marveling to see.


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