
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

My Slices of Cake

Join us on Tuesdays with the Two Writing Teachers and others who post. 

       I haven't written a post to share on Tuesday since November. Life, meaning the holidays, other writing and reading took me away, and then it seemed as if every Tuesday I still had no good idea to write. I just wrote my 1600th post a few days ago. Then, I realized that many (maybe most) of those posts were slices of my life, parts of my days I wanted to be sure I didn't forget. 

       I haven't been idle. I'm writing more on the side, working on poetry for myself, posting haiku on Facebook and Twitter and working on a picture book story that's important to me. It takes time to focus and think and create. Sometimes I am thrilled with a new word or phrase; sometimes I want to stomp away, frustrated that I know I am "telling" but feel helpless in the "showing".  
        I have been reading, loving other authors' words and illustrators' art. It informs my own writing to see the beauty of the books I read. And I review most, wanting to do my best to reflect back to those creators what I love about their work.
        I have family to spend time with, much time with the granddaughters, and savoring the visit from my out-of-state son, daughter-in-law, and grandson. I feel blessed that one family is near and the other comes to visit often. We all had a terrific holiday together, over too soon!
       A piece of my cake that has become larger is my work at the used bookstore. I am still the volunteer coordinator (the store, a non-profit, runs entirely on volunteers) but through need because of illness of one of the managers, I am now on the management team and on the board. I feel obligated to do more. I do love the store, the people with whom I work, the customers, too, but it is taking more time.

And I miss all of you, discovering what you are writing, the how and when and where of your words. So here I am beginning the year with a "slice of cake", chocolate for me with creamy icing, perhaps a scoop of ice cream on the side. Happy 2018 to all. May it be a year of good things despite the worries in the news!


  1. Sometimes we need a little time to ourselves to regroup and replenish. Sounds like you've been doing that. Good to have you back!

    1. Thanks, Barbara, it's good to hear from you, too!

  2. Glad you're back, Linda. Yes, life happens and so often it distracts us from things we want to do. It is easy to put off writing a SOL - I know because i have done it. Glad you had a terrific holiday with kids and grandkids. Looking forward to your posts in 2018. Happy New Year.

    1. Thank you, Bob, it was rather nice to write this am. Happiest of New Years to you, too!

  3. Well, I have been out of the 'slicing world' for way too long and it was fun to catch up with you and your world a bit Linda. Your life is very full and satisfying. I'm glad you treated yourself to chocolate cake. xo nanc

    1. Wow, I know you've been "out" too, and it's great to hear from you! Yes, couldn't resist that chocolate cake!

  4. I'm so glad for you and I love hearing about the journeys you are on whenever you share. Writing work shifts and I can imagine how the book store community fills you up. Even though you haven't been slicing as much, I always feel your presence in this loving community. Inside and out. Happy New Year! Wishing you lots of love and lots of doing!

    1. Thanks, Julieanne, for those wonderful wishes! I know that we've connected in other ways, too and that has been very good, indeed. It is challenging to fit in all the parts, but there is rarely anything I want to miss!

  5. Your life is rich and sweet, and all because you are the main ingredient. May you have time to do everything (and more) than you wish!

    1. Well, I'm wishing that, too, Terje! Thank you! Now I just need to read about four books in the next few days!

  6. Just a note to tell you how much I enjoy your haikus and accompanying photo on Facebook. Today's especially connected with me as I begin the task of taking down the Christmas decorations

    1. Thanks, Deb, I have enjoyed the writing of them very much. It is rather bittersweet to take it all away, isn't it? I have one box left to go through and clean out. Some of the 'stuff' has been there too long. Otherwise, like always, the house seems way too clean!

  7. I was feeling the same way, except my last post was September! It's always good to know that you're not alone in your efforts to become better. I got a lot of time to read recently and it sparked some creative juices I forgot I had.
    Enjoy your family and the time you spend doing things you love! Happy New Year!

    1. It seems that there are a few of us who haven't been writing. Thanks for sharing, Melissa. Let's keep going! And Happy New Year to you, too!

  8. I too have been absent of late...for different and yet the same LIFE and busyness have kept me preoccupied....but I SO MISS this community...and my friends...and the words of inspiration....PLUS I am reminded that the more you write the easier it is to write~ Welcome back.

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Anita. I didn't see that you had posted, have been doing some other work this evening. Thank you!

  9. Glad you are back Linda. Loved your slice. We all have times when we step back - needing time away. Happy New year to you and yours.

    1. Thanks, Beverley, I'm glad to hear from you as well! Happy New Year!

  10. Working at a bookstore would be so lovely!
    Time with family so precious!

  11. One thing about this slicing community is the fluidity of being able to come and go. I was out for a few weeks, too. Difficult family situations made it difficult to write. I love imagining you in the bookstore, talking to people about books and being a sunshine when they walk in.

    1. Thanks, Margaret, I am grateful that I've discovered the bookstore! It is nice to feel okay about not writing every week.


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