
Thursday, February 1, 2018

Poetry Friday Sunshine

           Groundhog Day (Will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow?, Welcome February, the month that seems like the beginning path to spring and the month of hearts and rhymes, another kind of poetry month. Donna Smith from Mainely Write hosts today! 

             WAY BACK in January, I was reminded of the song by John Denver, Sunshine On My Shoulders. You can see him singing it here. Why? Because I participated in the postcard swap organized by Jone MacCulloch. Instead of the usual junk mail that lands in the recycle bin, several times a month brought sunshine from a swapper in the guise of a postcard with a beautiful picture and poem.

              I'm happy to share all that shine with you today, and thank each one for sending me some, too.
               Jone sent a part of her ocean.

first morning
grains of sand holding
our stories
~jone rush macculloch

Sally sent a pen and a wish.

A new year
Is an unopened gift
A Letter in the mail
A crisp new notebook
A story yet to be written.
                  - Sally Murphy -
Christie painted and poemed.
Matsu leaves of green
        longevity, virtue, youth
             blessing your new year

             Christie Wyman

Michelle sent hope for the new year.
Soar far and high
with open heart
and ready hands
Michelle Kogan

Take the world as it is!—with its smiles and its sorrow,
  Its love and its friendship,—its falsehood and truth,
Its schemes that depend on the breath of to-morrow,
  Its hopes which pass by like the dreams of our youth:        20
Yet, oh! whilst the light of affection may shine,
  The heart in itself hath a fountain of bliss;
In the worst there ’s some spark of a nature divine,
  And the wisest and best take the world as it is.
                                    Tabatha Yeatts shared part of a poem by Charles Swain. "Take The World As It Is". The poem in entirety can be found here. And the front has words by Henry James: "The right time is any time that one is still as lucky as to have. . . an arrow leads to the other side!
 Mary Lee sent a wonderful kind of sun:

face turned toward the east
first walk. . .
following the dog into
the new year 
Diane Mayr

Diane sent me off into the new year!
           Linda Mitchell sent two cards with different views of maps written into the poems.

A Map According to Wikipedia

A map is a symbolic depiction
emphasizing relationships
between elements of some space,
such as objects, regions, or themes.
Many maps are static,
fixed to paper or
some other durable medium,
while others are dynamic or interactive.
-       Wikipedia
A Map According to A Poet

A map is a handheld journey--
beatific links between
star points of some galaxy
of thought, word or action.
Many poems are printed on
paper, or tapped
across screens
while others are heart held
by kiss, glance or
carrier pigeon,
the shortest distance
between hearts.
    January was a sun-filled celebration. Here's a sunny bouquet to begin our February!


  1. I recognize a lot of these! I should have just referred everyone here and just written "ditto" on mine!!

    1. I know, hilarious! But I guess a double thank you for everyone is not a terrible thing! Thanks for sharing mine, too! Happy PF!

  2. Wow! What a feast! And thank you for that bouquet. I needed a bit of sunshine.

    1. Happy you enjoyed it, Liz. Bask all you want!

  3. Oooh. Some new postcards came to light this round. Such variety!

    1. Yes, a wonderful array to savor. Thanks, Kat!

  4. Thanks for sharing this sunny bouquet of poetry postcards, Linda! It's a great way to ease into 2018, for sure.

    1. Thanks for posting the John Denver, too. Such a soothing voice he had.

    2. He's a Colorado favorite, and I do love that song. You're welcome, Michelle!

  5. Enjoyed reading and seeing all of these. Hooray for a bundle of sunshiny words. A couple of steps closer to spring!

    1. Yes, and there will be talk and more talk of spring I'm sure, Jama! Thanks!

  6. What a beautiful selection of poetry - each one a lovely mailbox surprise, especially in the depth of winter!

    1. I agree, Jane, every one was such a nice surprise.

  7. I missed hearing about the postcard exchange, so it was just a coincidence that I ended up sending postcards at the same time. Funny! It's been neat seeing everyone else's cards.

    1. Oh, Tabatha, thank you for your beautiful card. I just assumed you were part of the group!

  8. What a bouquet! I have also enjoyed this exchange. Such delights from the mailbox. Those sunflowers are gorgeous!

    1. Thanks, I found them just at my grocery. They are huge, aren't they? Thanks, Linda, yes, I loved the postcards!

  9. I do love the hope and light folks shared in these beautiful exchange postcards... thanks for spreading both around! :0)

    1. It's a grand way to start the year! Thanks, Robyn!

  10. Linda, you have such a wonderful array of poetry postcards. I hope you receive mine by tomorrow. Thanks for the bouquet of cheer!

    1. You're welcome, Carol, I will look for yours!

  11. Lovely cornucopia of cards Linda, enjoy them all! Thanks for the sunny sunflowers, they look like they're talking to us–flowers sure help get through February too.

    1. Yes, February can have its ups and downs, weather-wise, I know! Glad you like the sunflowers, Michelle!

  12. Thank you for sharing all this sunshine, Linda! The sun is shining this morning, but we're back to bitter cold, so thank you for the warmth your sunlight brings!

    1. You're welcome! We are warming up again. This has been quite a strange winter for us. I'm glad to receive these wonderful messages in my mail!

  13. That's quite a celebration! I have enjoyed sending and receiving the postcards this year as well as seeing all the cheer spread around through poetry.

    1. I know. It's a wonderful thing Jone has created. Thanks, Kay.

  14. Hasn't the exchange been fun! Postcards are the right size to use as bookmarks, too, so they're kept in use all year long.

    1. Yes, I keep a pile to use, Diane. Then I can read and re-read them! As I wrote, they brighten January a lot!

  15. It's been such fun to see all these wonderful postcards and to think of all that positive energy flowing! I love Diane's idea to use them as bookmarks. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You're welcome, Molly. Like the poems we're sharing, I love the different creativity from each.

  16. These are wonderful! It's been so much fun to see the postcards and poems popping up on everyone's blogs today. Mary Lee's sunflower and Christie's matsu leaves jumped out at me (maybe because it's been so gray here in Maryland!)

    1. Well, I know you love postcards, Laura (te he) And these do brighten my days! Thanks!

  17. This post is filled with sunshine indeed - those postcards are absolutely precious - so much good wishes sent out into the universe to reach you, dear Linda! :)

  18. An eclectic grouping of poetry gems, Linda! Your new year started off with the perfect words from generous souls. Thanks for sharing your haul. =)

  19. A glorious collection of poetry and friendship, Linda. I bought a bouquet of sunflowers for myself yesterday, Linda, and together with your post I am feeling the warmth of sunshine, too.

  20. Thank you, Myra, Bridget & Tara. The joy hey bring is something to remember when we know others who will love them, too.

  21. The sharing of your postcards makes me wish I had participated. And I love these words from your post: "Welcome February, the month that seems like the beginning path to spring..." And those sunflowers - perfection in yellow!


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