
Thursday, May 17, 2018

Poetry Friday - Window Memory

         It's another wonderful spring Poetry Friday, and everyone is gathering at Sloth Reads with Rebecca Herzog who's sharing a wonderful new poetry book and giving a copy away! Thanks, Rebecca!  

            The challenge this month from Michelle Barnes at Today's Little Ditty is given here by Julie Fogliano, to look out one's windows and write from what one sees. Thanks for this latest way to write and share, Michelle.

             I've already written one poem for Julie's challenge, but because I look out windows often, I wanted to write again. Here is a sonnet with additional musings out my window, early morn. I did change the rhyme scheme, FYI. It just seemed to be needed this time. The photo is my view outside one of my windows. 


  1. Your sonnet is fantastic! Thanks for sharing. Awhile back, I put a bird feeder just outside my little lanai (I live in a town-home and don't really have a yard). I was delighted when all kinds of birds starting showing up and I could watch them eat and play. And then they started eating my monarch caterpillars!

    1. Thanks, Rebecca, and yikes, loved hearing about the birds until they became "hungrier"!

  2. I celebrate my window-gazing morn,
    the time to note another day born.

    I enjoyed your poem, and these two lines summed up the gratitude for the day that I felt when I read it. It's lovely. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Kimberly. It was a fun poem to write.

  3. Linda, your sonnet is lovely and so reflective. Your window opened a view to the world but better yet, it provided inspiration for looking at "another day born." This would be a good one for my gallery but you can choose which one(s) you would like to offer.

    1. Thank you, Carol, I will send it to you. I didn't use a photo with the earlier one. Hope you're finding a wonderful splash of poems for this new gallery!

  4. Intoxicating spring poem Linda, filled with breaths of nature's life, lovely!
    "with eggs to guard, a statue in the hush." This line spoke to me as I've been eyeing our robin's nest above our backdoor. She sits very stoically in her nest, keeping guard too, and letting me know, thanks!

    1. You're welcome, Michelle, yes, they sit so, so still. I don't know where the robin that used to sing so loudly in the am is, but somewhere quiet on her nest, I'm sure.

  5. "My memories will serve to keep the dawn" -- lovely, Linda. (Looks like it will be your memories AND a poem that will keep it :-) )

  6. Such a lovely sonnet. Love all the images, especially the bunnies :).

    1. Thanks, Jama. Those bunnies are evident in many places lately!

  7. Your sonnet is stunning! I love the invitation to sit and savor each new morning.

    1. Thanks, Kay! It is wonderful to look out each morning to see what I can see, sometimes surprises!

  8. Oh! What a gorgeous sonnet, Linda! That's some seriously productive window time. :) Thank you for sharing both of your beautiful poems on the padlet. I can tell this is going to be one of those challenges that I wish I could keep around for at least 2 or 3 months!

    1. I agree, many poems from varied perspectives creates a wonderful month. Thanks, Michelle!

  9. Everyone needs to take time for a "window-gazing morn." What a beautiful sonnet. Your couplet is the perfect ending.

    1. Thanks, Alice, taking time is a good thing every day!

  10. A beautiful reminder to slow down and be fully present, wherever we are - there is such wonder and beauty to be found all around us, if we just take the time to look!

  11. Love, love! I am right there with you, wanting to linger inside the window of each new day! Great poem!

    1. Thanks, Kiesha, I know you spend a lot of time outdoors!

  12. This sonnet is simply a wow! The line a summer day a welcome for the wren is just beautiful. Well done. I'm completely intimidated by this form. You make it look easy!

    1. Thanks, Linda, perhaps it was the inspiration?

  13. This is lyrical & the words that rhyme are sublime.
    I am so thrilled to read this.
    And whee! bunnies outside your window?
    To me that feels like some kind of storybook scene.
    Happy weekend there in your wonderland, dear Linda.

    1. Yes, bunnies are everywhere, Jan. Thanks for your wishes! And the same back to you!

  14. Such fun to peek outside your window with you. Your sonnet is lovely & the images you shared make for a lovely scene. I think my favorite line has to be "Then bunnies bound from whereabouts unknown." My friend and I watched a bunny on one of our early evening walks recently. He/she was on the opposite side of the road hopping along at about the same speed as we were walking.

    1. Thanks, Ramona, yes, those bunnies are everywhere here. Our 'sometimes' rains have given them lots to munch!

  15. What a wonderful sonnet, Linda! The first stanza is especially beautiful, and you have great imagery throughout. Some of my favorite times have been sitting at my window, welcoming the dawn. Lovely!

    1. Yes, it's a beautiful time to watch. Thanks, Molly!

  16. Nicely structured! And that's a pretty view you have. I'm enjoying the bounding bunnies too--and look! A ray of sunshine has appreared!

    1. Happy to hear that you have a ray of sunshine. We have not for two days, seems odd for Colorado. Thanks, Heidi!

  17. I have bunnies, too! The other day I watched a bunny on its hind legs eating leaves high up on a bush. What a delight.

    Great job on the sonnet!

    1. Thank you! It seems that many have some kind of bunny leaping around! Love your sighting!

  18. This is a lovely sonnet, and the form seems particularly appropriate for looking out a window. I love the final couplet emphasizing the birth of a bird.

    1. Thanks, Glenda, it is a reflective time that gives me pleasure. I enjoyed writing about it.


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