
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Poetry Friday - Anticipation

           Poetry Friday, with Sylvia Vardell at Poetry for Children this week! She, with Janet Wong, are celebrating a new poetry book for school leaders, helping them greet the day. It's Great Morning! Poems for School Leaders to Read Aloud and it, like all the other books from Sylvia and Janet, is filled with poets you know and their poems this time for the best greetings to the day. Thanks, Sylvia for hosting, and both of you for this new book.

           My family and I leave for Costa Rica on Saturday! I'll try to visit as many posts as possible but may not make it to all this time.        
          Here's a poem of anticipation.

Mapping Vacation

I consider the photos
with inviting ocean blues, 
Note the azure view! --
a roadmap to the days away
chooses me,
echoing sea waves of the past,
chasing a burst of family time
signaling days called slow.

It’s nearly time to go.
Linda Baie © All Rights Reserved


  1. Oh, enjoy, Linda! If the postcard/photo is anything to go by, it looks gorgeous!

    1. This is what they show us, Kat. It will be wonderful. Thanks!

  2. "signaling days called slow"--love that line! Safe travels and enjoy time with your family!

    1. Thanks, Molly. Taking time without the rush is a good thing.

  3. Have a wonderful time! Take a break....just be in the moment without owing anyone reading time. Let the sun and sand and family surround you and give you all that you need in those moments. I'm a bit jealous and await your return.

  4. Isn't it funny how time moves differently depending on the situation? Enjoy your slow days, Linda!!

    1. Yes, always, and we do try to savor all the moments. Thanks, Tabatha!

  5. This is so, so beautiful!!! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!!

  6. Yay! I do believe anticipation is half the joy of a trip.... I do love the planning... the being there... and then the remembering. Joy joy joy. Thinking of you with your loved ones dancing in those azure waters. xo

    1. Thanks, Irene. We are all excited to finally be there!

  7. It sounds like it is going to be fully enjoyed! Sometimes you just have to let go of the power cords, and get truly recharged!

    1. Indeed you are right! That "other" kind of recharging is my favorite kind! Thanks, Donna!

  8. Your poem and picture are both so inviting and gorgeous!
    I like the rich visual combination you created in these three lines, Linda,
    "echoing sea waves of the past,
    chasing a burst of family time
    signaling days called slow."

    Have fun on your time away, I'm sure you'll soak it all up. Thanks for transporting us–Enjoy!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. The poem reflects our time, past & on its way, was fun to put into a poem!

  9. Signaling days called slow! Love that line and the photo. Have a great trip!

    1. Thanks, Margaret. We take it 'slow' and want them to go 'slow', important, right?

  10. Have a great time and take pics! I wish I could hide in your suitcase anticipating a long slow look at the azure view.

  11. What a fun pre-trip poem! I'm so envious and have always wanted to go to Costa Rica! Have a wonderful time!

  12. Thanks Diane and Sylvia. Maybe I'll discover a great place for a poetry retreat! Wish you could hide in the suitcase, Diane!

  13. Love this - especially the contrast between the energy of Anticipate! Anticipate! and the slow days ahead. Enjoy your holiday!

  14. That photo, ahhhhh. Such loveliness. We are visiting my in-laws in Palm Springs. The desert in the summer... sigh. Oh, for some ocean... Have fun in Costa Rica. "Chasing a burst of family time" describes my summer -- chasing the kids off electronics in order to spend family time together. :-)

  15. Have a wonderful time! The anticipation is definitely part of the pleasure!

  16. Enjoy! Soak up the sun and time with family. I hope you have lots of pictures to share upon your return!

  17. Love the contrast of your lines: days called slow, and Anticipate! Hope you have a wonderful trip.

  18. Loving the pics on Instragram, especially the one with all those folks lined up in their lounge chairs. Enjoy every bit of that burst of family time. A gorgeous place to be together!


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