
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Poetry Friday - Daily Gift

          Elizabeth Steinglass hosts our Poetry Friday today, celebrating J. Patrick Lewis' The Poetry of Us and her poem about her menorah for Hanukkah. Thanks for hosting, Liz!

         Mary Lee Hahn, A Year of Reading, has again challenged us to write a haiku each day in December, this time to the hashtag #haikuforhope. In this ever-busy month, to take a few moments in contemplation and craft something that, to me, captures that time is a pleasure and a December gift. Thank you, Mary Lee, for this daily gift. Everyone is welcome to join in!

Here are the days of December thus far, including one for tomorrow:

Dec. 1 - 

after the snow
sun melt on the pavement –
rabbit sips

Dec. 2 - 

morning migration,
even geese fly
where grass is greener

Dec. 3 -

the morning’s quiet house –
only pages turning

Dec. 4 - 

morning freeze –
squirrels a no-show
even for peanuts

Dec. 5

shivering cold,
winter shock–
I miss raking leaves

Dec. 6

sky’s promise
of wonder to come –
crescent moon  

Dec. 7


winter advice
for plants and humans –
no surprise

Linda Baie ©


  1. Brrrrr...! LOVE this haiku peek into your first few days of December, Linda. "only pages turning" is lovely. Sending you some Southern breezes, though it's been downright chilly, relatively speaking, the last couple of days too! But no frozen stuff here. Warm hugs!

    1. Thanks, needed! It was so cold today, did not get above freezing, but warmer is on its way! I've enjoyed the writing, it really is a nice way to capture December.

  2. Lovely winter journal you're keeping, Linda! I love that sipping rabbit, such a tender image.

    1. Thanks, Tabatha. It is so dry here that when there is a puddle, it is a blessing. I do put out a large pan of water, hoping it won't freeze, but a heated teapot helps!

  3. I love the vivid images in your haiku, Linda! Each poem is precise, concise, and thoughtful. I especially enjoyed the rabbit, the turning pages, and the sky's promise.

    1. Thank you, JoAnn. I'm glad I brought some "pictures" to you with my words. It is a nice thing to be doing these midst all the turmoil & December's busy time.

  4. What wonderful poems, Linda. I love the rabbit sipping and imagining the quiet house with only pages turning. Beautiful snapshots you've captured so far, such sensitive observations. :)

  5. Day six has me swooning. I love all kinds of haiku....but the classic haiku of nature is the best for me.

  6. Thanks, Jama & Linda. I've been out "doing" things in nature with Ingrid this afternoon. There is always something special to see, food for poetry!

  7. I love when we write together in a community. The gesture itself is so hopeful. Your poems capture the change of season to winter with real images, "squirrels a no-show", "I miss raking leaves," etc.

  8. Ditto what Margaret said about writing together in a community. Our December haikus are a blessing.

  9. Thanks, Margaret & Mary Lee. It is a wonderful thing to take time to write with you both and all the others.

  10. I too like the "rabbit sips" it's natural and magical together. I also like your "only pages turning" such a lovely description and sound, hope they live on forever. Thanks for these December haikus Linda.

  11. Thanks for sharing your wonderful haiku!

  12. Your haiku capture those winter moments perfectly, Linda. "Winter shock" seems to be the sign of the times, for now. Here in Switzerland we are unseasonably warm...climate change is real. Ugh. Sending you warm hugs from across the world. x, B

  13. It is strange weather. We have warmer again, too & then my son & family in north Texas had record snow on Friday. Yikes, unquestionably wierd. Thanks, Bridget, Michelle & Ruth for enjoying the haiku.

  14. I love these haiku, Linda! So many lines touched me--those turning pages, missing raking leaves, the promise of the crescent moon. Well done!

    1. Thanks, Molly! Here's to a lovely month of hope!

  15. It's a good thing that I came back to take a second look at your haikus for hope. My comment seems to be missing. I love this one. It holds such a serene picture of a hopeful scene. Do you want to offer one of these for my Abundant Autumn Gallery?
    Dec. 3 -
    the morning’s quiet house –
    only pages turning

    1. Thanks, Carol. Perhaps the one about geese would be appropriate? I'll see if I can find a picture for it.


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