
Tuesday, January 1, 2019


           Thanks to Carrie Gelson of There's A Book for That for hosting a #MustRead group at the beginning of the year for those who continue to create a list of lonely books on shelves or lists that we are excited about when bought or listed, then ignore, or find others that call more loudly.  See the above link to Carrie's blog to find out more!

I didn't do very well last year, so am shortening the list, hoping to read ALL of these. My list is posted above on the blog.

Books read will be in blue as the year progresses.

Mary's Monster - Lita Judge

The Poet X  - Elizabeth Acevedo

Illegal - Eoin Colfer & Andrew Donkin

Blood Water Paint - Joy McCullough

I Am Still Alive - Kate Alice Marshall

Front Desk - Kelly Yang

Children of Blood and Bone - Toni Adeyemi

Dry - Neal Shusterman

Me And Marvin Gardens - A.S. King

Solo & Swing - Kwame Alexander

Educated: A Memoir - Tara Westover

Becoming - Michelle Obama

Happy New Year to everyone, and HAPPY READING!


  1. So many good ones here! Mary's Monster is one I meant to get to all year and didn't, and I'm very excited to read Becoming (my mom bought a copy for us to share but I am so tempted to get the audio so I can listen to Michelle read it herself!). My own list won't be up until everyone has finished posting theirs, since my list is always crowdsourced. You've given me many amazing titles to choose from here! I think you will really enjoy Poet X, and Educated is one I haven't stopped thinking about this year either.

    1. It's fun that you read others in order to make your list. I have these that are really 'musts' & as you read, I shortened my goals so I could really get to them. I'm sure "The Poet X" is wonderful & am sorry I didn't get to it earlier. Thanks, Elisabeth!

  2. I love this idea. I have read about half of these, either because of my adult book club, or because of being a CYBILS judge. Loved MARY'S MONSTER, POET X, BLOOD WATER PAINT, and EDUCATED. Like Elisabeth, I have BECOMING, but am really thinking I want to do it as an audiobook. I also did POET X as an audiobook, and loved it. I got it at DPL. Happy reading!

    1. Thanks, Carol, I really should have read Mary's Monster & Poet X before now, have had them for weeks! I'm so looking forward to them. Hope you will join our group this year!

  3. Looks like a great list! I’ve only read Front Desk and Educated - both are great although parts of Educated are hard to read. Have a great new year!

    1. Thanks, Lisa, each one has been waiting, just need now to sit down & read! Happy New Year reading to you, too!

  4. Most titles are new to me. I started "Educated" today. Bought it two days ago - a gift to myself. Happy Reading Year! Happy Writing Year! Happy Playful Year with grandkids!

    1. Thanks, Terje. I have some other titles to read first, but am really looking forward to Educated. Happy ALL to you, too!

  5. I think a more limited list is a great idea! I, instead, continue to make a long list but give myself permission to not finish it all.Adding to my TRB list on Goodreads when I leave here. You have some fantastic titles!

    1. Your idea is good, too, Carrie. I already have a 2nd list going after reading everyone else's list! Thanks!

  6. I like your list, and it reminded me about Mary's Monster, a book I might add to my 2019 list. I also have Dry on mine. Happy 2019!

    1. Thanks, Aaron, I liked the picture book story about Mary's Monster, am looking forward to this longer one, too.

  7. I have Becoming on my list also. I see several books on your list that I read and enjoyed in 2018. I think you've chosen some great books. I wish you a lovely year friend.

    1. Thanks, Crystal, hope to see your list, too! I'm really looking forward to Becoming!

  8. I loved Mary’s Monster and Dry and Children of Blood and Bone— so many good reads! Friends at my school read The Water Will Come by Jeff Goodell alongside Dry, so that is one on my list now as are your last two titles. I am saving Becoming for the flight home after the holidays— can’t wait to read it.

    1. Great to hear your opinion of those first three books, Lee Ann. I'm looking forward to them! I'll look for The Water Will Come! Thanks & enjoy Becoming. I'm sure I will!

  9. Happy New Year and happy reading to you too!
    We have some of the same books on our lists but some are new to me. I'll be looking forward to reading your thoughts on them.

    1. Thanks, Cheriee. It's fun to start anew, isn't it? Happy New Year!

  10. Hello! We have some overlap, and I can already see I'm going to need to add Becoming to my list. It's my first stray of 2019! I'm planning to read Educated this month. I'll be curious to hear some thoughts on this one. Happy New Year and Happy Reading!

    1. Oh, I imagine there will be lots of 'strays', love that term, Kendra. I may not get to Educated soon because I have some reading for Cybils poetry to do, but soon! Thanks!

  11. I think Dry and Educated are the only two "must read" books you and I have in common, but I loved some of the others on your list that I've already read. I cannot wait for Adeyemi's next book in the series. And I'm hearing tons about Becoming, so maybe I can squeeze that one in later in the year. This is my first year participating in the "must read" community, so I'm excited to see everyone's updates!! :)

    1. I'm glad you joined the #MustRead group, Shaye. It is fun to see how everyone approaches it and their lists! I need to read various books in the next weeks for the Cybils awards, then I can choose others, and maybe from this list! Thanks!


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