Wednesday, April 3, 2019

April Poetry Month - Day 3

             Moving into the book with new ideas. This time, "Life's Seasons"

             Remember to share:

Tabatha Yeatts has created a link to poems teachers and librarians can print for poetry month, titled "Poetry in The Halls". I'm grateful to be one of the poets!

Jama Rattigan has a post here with many poets' goals for April.

The Progressive Poem schedule can be found on the right!

Winter to Spring

This week, this April warmth,
I move clothes from closet
to closet, watching for that
blue and white striped summer shirt.
I haven’t worn it in years,
and Mom has been gone years, too.
She wrapped it like a gift  
despite no birthday or holiday.
She managed to get to the post office,
though hardly driving anymore.
Each spring I bring it out to join
the other shirts, letting it know
it’s welcome and loved
one more season.

Linda Baie © 


  1. Such a touching poem. And how much do I love that the shirt is BLUE and white? :) I need to start editing my closets too.

    1. And I do, too, Jama. Love that you said 'editing'! Thanks for coming by.

  2. "Welcome and loved," there are certainly clothes in our closets that are more than just fabric and thread. Love this poem that celebrates a gift that has endured and the sweet memories accompanying it.

    1. Thanks, Ramona, as Jama wrote above, the 'editing' of clothes is needed, but not easy.

  3. What a lovely memory Linda. I have my grandmother's flowery polyester quilted bed jacket tucked in with my other night clothes. I never wear it. I don't think it would even fit me, but when I see it I imagine her in it.

    1. Aw, that is wonderful, Cheriee, a sweet memory. I don't have any of my mother's clothes, only some jewelry. Thanks!

  4. My fav part of your poem Linda,
    "Each spring I bring it out to join
    the other shirts, letting it know
    it’s welcome and loved"
    You captured the moment well!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. It feels like an important moment to capture that happens each winter to spring.

  5. What a special memory. I have sweaters my mother-in-law knit for me years ago that no longer fit, but I could never give them away!

    1. Yes, I do understand. Thanks for sharing, Catherine.

  6. Love! I also love it that your poem is on my hallway wall in Haiti!

    1. Thank you, and I love that my poem is there, too, thanks to Tabatha!

  7. I love that you can wrap yourself in your mom's love every year. Such a special memory...

    1. Thank you, Carol. It's often a surprise what comes when given an idea, a prompt. This was a good one I enjoyed capturing.


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