Thursday, April 25, 2019

NPM19 - #25 - Trees

     Back to the book, writing about nature, specifically last evening.          

Tabatha Yeatts has created a link to poems teachers and librarians can print for poetry month, titled "Poetry in The Halls". I'm grateful to be one of the poets!

Jama Rattigan has a post HERE with many poets' goals for April.

The Progressive Poem schedule can be found on the right.

Evening Mail

Down the street,
around the curve
sits the bank of mailboxes.
Each time I walk for the mail,
I see these trees, 
stalwart sentinels in winter 
and now, this early spring.
they offer a green promise,
still lean lines to love,
crooked, crossed, craning upward
like skinniest of arms
praising the sky,
welcoming birds flying in
for the night.

Linda Baie ©


  1. Linda, what a lovely painting of words. I especially like your ending: welcoming birds flying in/for the night. Bravo!

    1. Thanks, David, it seemed a special moment to capture.

  2. In our house we call these times of day the magic hours. Your photograph and poem capture these moments and the beauty of the trees as they too undergo transformation and provide shelter.

    1. Oh, that would be a good title for this, too, Cheriee. I love it! Thanks!

  3. So lovely -- this might be my favorite of all your poems this month! The images are stunning, especially love the last 4 lines. :)

    1. Thank you so much, Jama. Like Cheriee wrote above, it is a magical part of the day to love.

  4. I love "offer a green promise." And "skinniest of arms praising the sky." Perfect!

    1. Thanks, Carol, now the snowy weather returns. Wow! April is the cruelest month!


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