I'm leaving for the beach Saturday morning, will be sketching & writing & soaking it all up, days I look forward to every year. I'll read all your posts in the next few days! My family joins me later in the week.
I promised my granddaughter Ingrid that I would post her end-of-year poem she wrote in her class. Her teacher wanted students to write who they are NOW, at this end of the year. They read them aloud to the audience of parents, bringing tears, I'm sure.
I like to call Ingrid and her younger sister, Imogene, "mighty girls". Both are athletic, now Ingrid playing softball this summer while Imi continues in gymnastics. They recently completed a rock-climbing series of lessons, hope to continue later in the summer. It's great to see them learning how strong they can be in their chosen sports. Here's Ingrid's baseball pic.
Where I’m From Poem
By: Ingrid Krahling
I am from softballs coming down the field
from Adidas and Patagonia
I am from the neighborhood kids playing on bikes
enjoying, interesting as we walk through the streets we hear dogs barking and birds chirping
I am from trees
the amazing tall nature thing
I’m from Christmas at grandma's and compassion from Krahling and Baie
I’m from the weekends in winter and where we go skiing and summers at the beach
From if you don’t have nothing nice to say don’t say nothing at all and get the thing done that you need to get done and then have fun.
I’m from courage. being brave
I’m from Denver Colorado French, Dutch, Norwegian
pasta, bread
from my dad getting an award and hanging it up.