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"Every spring is the only spring, a perpetual astonishment." Ellis Peters
I'm excited to share a new book coming out on February 4th, in one week and a day, by a poet friend of mine whom I first met through Poetry Friday, then at a Highlights workshop.
#OnaSnowMeltingDay #NetGalley |
Buffy is known for her beautiful photography and many many stem books. You can find all about her poems in anthologies HERE, including one poem "What Does A River Rock Gather?" that is a marvelous example of her love of nature that spills over into poetry!
Now look HERE at her website to discover all kinds of non-fiction books that include topics like dwarf rabbits, mako sharks, baby chickens, and bonobos!
But now it's time to be thinking about spring, yes, SPRING! In her introduction to this newest book full of nature's wonders, you'll find those things we all look forward to (even in February), signs of the season we love to welcome.
Buffy invites us to "Watch the world come to life."
In a poetic slide from the beginning, using gorgeous photos (some by Buffy, too!) she adds her poetry like "Clouds break./Salamanders wake./Icicles drip/Chickadees sip." all the way to the end.
Buffy has created a celebration of this season so welcome after wintry snow and cold. The picture on the back cover shows a gorgeous purple crocus pushing up, up, though crunchy snow! Remember how excited you were when you discovered that first color, heralding spring?
The book creates a wonderful way to celebrate a welcome to spring. At the back, Buffy has added short paragraphs explaining each part, like "peepers" and "beaver gnaws" along with a glossary and books for further reading!
If you study seasons or simply want a grand welcome to spring for a classroom or for your own children and grandchildren, this is a wonderful choice.
Thanks to Buffy and NetGalley for the advance copy!