
Friday, November 20, 2020

Poetry Friday - Come Take A Trip To The Sea!


Well, It's 2020, isn't it? I'm happy to host and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, however you land! Link up below!

 Matt Forrest Esenwine sent me an email announcement of a new anthology of poetry, Friends & Anemones: Ocean Poems for Children from The Writer’s Loft. Several anthologies have come out recently and this one focuses on, as you see from the cover, the ocean. Those children who know it well will find old friends and those who would love an ocean trip will find a glimpse of what might be! It seems perfect for holiday gift-giving to a variety of readers - parents, librarians, teachers, and certainly children.

             Amanda Smith shares all about the book's creation here at 24 Carrot Writing!


Now. no longer traveling far
so take a book trip as you are.
You'll learn to splash along with me. 
with authors' poems from the salty sea.
                                            L Baie

        It's seventy pages of ocean knowledge packed into all kinds of poem styles, poems of creatures who depend on others, like remora and sharks, and those who swim and live above, like manatees. Matt writes about a boat "Unmoored", another way to "see" the "sea" that children might not think about if they've never visited. I've always been fascinated by lighthouses, stayed in one on the California coast years ago, trying to imagine what it is like to live and work in one. Heidi E.Y. Stemple writes "Boston Light", a beautiful, eerie poem about a lighthouse and Bridget Wixted writes "Lighthouse", offering a second idea of these special sites. The variety of things experienced during this trip to the ocean will make you sigh with the words and say "wow" about the illustrations, each one by a different artist. Here are two favorites, the first with Matt's poem and the second about a favorite of mine, manatees!  


         At the end lies a number of ideas that add to the learning "inside" the poems. There is a list of things that will take the reader back to search for things, like eleven crabs, five boats, and one dog, yes, a dog! (I had to return and look, too!) They also offer a challenge to find the different types of poems included, as well as a terrific list of ways to "Become an Ocean Protector". Not only is this an anthology of beautiful poetry about the ocean, but one that adds to the learning by inspiring action. 
          Thanks for the opportunity to share this, Matt!

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  1. Am anxious to see Friends & Anenomes. Thanks for the sample spreads. Love your invitation poem and I share your fascination with lighthouses. :)

    Thanks too for hosting the Roundup at short notice.

    1. You're welcome, Jama. What a crazy time it is! I'm happy to host, will take time all the weekend to read everyone's post "pre-Thanksgiving"! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Thanks for sharing the news, Linda, and for hosting!

  3. Linda, your review of the book is wonderful. I loved the manuscript so much that I joined the virtual book launch party. It was a delightful opportunity to hear some of the authors, including Matt, read their poems. I have not had time to write about this experience yet. Thank you for the quick move to become host today. I always enjoy hearing your take on great books. Have a wonderful day and Thanksgiving holiday. It is going to be strange for me. The entire family is staying in their respective homes and zooming. My little granddaughter got another rash that alarmed the family but she does not have COVID so we are thankful for that. Everyone needs to stay safe.

    1. Thanks, Carol, wishing you a good day celebrating across the air! My daughter's family & I have kept safe & will be together. I'm so glad to hear that your granddaughter is okay! Times feel filled with worry during this time, but I continue being grateful for good things in my life. You stay safe, too!

  4. Thanks for this deep sea dive into a new ocean book Linda, it looks fascinating in both poems and art. And I love your "salty sea"invitation poem to take a trip! Fun poem by Matt and others. Beautiful post–I too have been drawn to light houses, and thanks also for hosting, as I hear on a short call!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. I have the time during the weekend, so glad to help everyone gather! The book is a "deep sea treasure" for sure! Enjoy the weekend & holiday coming!

  5. What a fun book! I like the fresh perspective. Thanks for hosting us, Linda! :-)

    1. You're welcome, Tabatha. I'm happy to jump in to host everyone, always fun!

  6. Thanks for sharing this, Linda! Love your invitation ... book trips are always welcomed around here. :)

    1. Ha ha, definitely here, too, Karen! This is a fun one! Thanks!

  7. Thanks so much for jumping in to host, Linda! You are a treasure. And this new anthology sure seems to be as well - what a cache from all these talented folks!

    1. It's like a huge beach party, right? You're welcome, Robyn. I have some things to do, but can manage this a little at a time. Happy Weekend!

  8. Hi Linda. This book looks engaging, full of great poetry names. Thanks !

    1. You're welcome, Janice. It is a wonderful book!

  9. Thank you, Linda, for hosting! Since we are going nowhere anytime soon, a "book trip" is exactly what I need right now. Even better when it is to the sea. (Seeing how most of our family is in on the CA coast, I'm really missing our holiday travels. *sigh* :)

    1. Oh, I am wishing you could be there with family, Bridget. We missed our beach trip last summer & while we aren't in need like others, I am sorry not to see everyone. I'm happy you like this "advertisement" for a trip to the sea! Happy weekend!

  10. Hi, Linda! I just figured out that the roundup was here, so I'm sorry for my late entry! Thank you for hosting, and this book looks wonderful.

    1. It was last minute this am, Ruth. Couldn't find Suzy who had signed up & I told Mary Lee I would set it up. The book is special & I'm glad you found us! Happy weekend!

  11. Thanks so much for stepping in and hosting this week, Linda. I've read several posts about this new anthology and each one entices me more. I love the interactive elements you noted, and your invitation poem was perfect! Thanks again for coming to the rescue!

    1. You're welcome, Molly. I tried to do it as quickly as I could, but the time change across the country didn't help. I was just awake when I realized I'd better get going! I'm glad you enjoy my Invitation and hope you will enjoy this new anthology when you can!

  12. Thank you for stepping into the breach Linda. It has taken a little time to wander into camp, but I made it. This new anthology of ocean poems that Matt has contributed to looks a winner. Nature and poetry is always a potent mix.

    1. I am happy you found me, Alan. What a time it has been, and this, just like 2020, right? Thanks for enjoying the peek at this new poetry book!

  13. I've had my eye on this book, being a fan of poetry, the ocean, and many of its poets. I love your invitation poem too. A "book trip" is so fitting for what so many of us could use now!

    1. Thank you, Karin. I hope you can get the book for the fun and real experience.

  14. Hey There, thank you! I love that you are hosting and reviewing such a rich and wonderful anthology. I'm so excited to get this book into the hands of my students. What a great way to extend interest, curiosity and poetry for kids.

    1. Yes, you described it exactly, Linda. It offers so much excitement about this wonderful place we call the ocean and actions for helping keep it healthy! Thanks!

  15. Thanks for hosting and thanks for sharing more of this wonderful anthology. Matt shared some last week. I love the ocean--even though I live in the mountains, which I also love. This book looks like fun and a fun way to learn, too!

    1. Thanks, Susan, ocean books like this one make me happy. I hope you find a copy and enjoy it as I have.

  16. Thanks for stepping in and hosting - and thanks for the closer look at the anthology. I saw Matt post about it recently and straight away added it to my wish-list.

    1. You're welcome, Sally. I hope you enjoy the anthology when you have it!

  17. Thanks again for hosting on short notice. I love this community SO much!

    I feel like Alan, just now wandering into camp. After all our late night/early morning conversations, I forgot to link in until just now!!

    Congratulations to Matt on being in the new anthology, which looks like a fabulous one. Love the diversity of poets and illustrators.

    1. It is a delight to read the wide variety they've included. I'm glad you 'wandered' over, Mary Lee!

  18. Linda, I am so ready for a trip to the sea! I haven't been since July 2019 - the month my family had a magnificent vacation after which my husband suffered a massive heart attack and two surgeries. With the advent of COVID, we haven't traveled. This little ocean book stirs both delight and longing - I must know: is there a seahorse poem in it? Important symbol for me I celebrate life in my poem, and thank you so much for hosting. Joy to you. :)

    1. That is the last time I've been, too, Fran. We had to cancel this past summer's trip. I am sorry about your husband, hoping he's much better now. And yes, for your added delight, there are two poems about seahorses! Enjoy when you can!

  19. Thanks for hosting, Linda, and for your invitation into this book. I love the ocean, and the only Florida thing I miss besides family is the ocean. What a labor of love this book must have been! Can't imagine a million writers AND a million illustrators. Sounds like it would be delightful to pair with Nicola Davies' FIRST BOOK OF THE SEA. I grew up watching manatees at Blue Springs in Florida. On a visit a few years ago, I spotted a few in the Intracoastal Waterway--it was like seeing old friends:>)

    1. I have Davies' First Book of the Sea, too, & yes, a great pairing. Since we've been to the Florida Gulf for many years (just not this year) & seen the manatees swimming by & visiting a nearby pier, then my granddaughter Ingrid studied them one year, we are in love with them, too. That's why I chose the manatee poem as a favorite. Thanks, Laura, love hearing about your memory, too!


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