
Thursday, October 14, 2021

#PoetryFriday - Cold Whispers


         Thanks to Bridget Magee who hosts this Poetry Friday, at her blog, Wee Words for Wee Ones HERE, a post you must atTENd!

I am thrilled to have poems in the anthology that Bridget has created. So many poetry friends' lovely poems are in this book. Bridget, you've chosen TEN-der poems that will continue to brigh-TEN my every day! Congratulations to you and thank you, too! 

This Friday is the last day to nominate books for the Cybils Awards. Go HERE if you are interested!

        My heat has returned and it's a good thing. The first freeze has occurred!

I imagine I will tire of the winter days after the new year but usually, I continue to go out walking, mostly in the neighborhood if it's too snowy to drive. There are good things about the seasons changing, no boredom here!

Cold Whispers in October


It’s a salt and pepper season.

Simmering soup sits in the pot.

Candles brighten the room

as dusk peers in the window.

Birds wing into nests, 

murmuring good night,

but I imagine bees muttering

as dark is arriving earlier.


Music sprinkles notes 

into the air; life becomes

a taste of memories.

I hold a spoonful of bitter,

but have learned 

to add honey to sweeten 

and salt to open my eyes.

I appreciate the days.

Linda Baie ©


  1. Linda, it has been very warm (82 degrees) here. I want it to feel like fall! The beautiful imagery in your poem (especially the first stanza) brought a little autumn into my day!

  2. Gorgeous poem Linda! I was first taken with your "bees muttering," and then your second stanza bringing music into fall, and sweetening the bitter with a bit of honey—all a delicious taste of fall moving into winter—lovely fall image too, thanks! :)

  3. Oh this is beautiful Linda! You've really distilled the essence of autumn into this poem. I especially love the opening line - it really grabbed my attention - such a creative way to describe the season. (Now I want to make soup ;-)

  4. You had me with, "It’s a salt and pepper season." This is possibly the best entrance to a poem, ever! But then the bitter and honey. My goodness, this is a gorgeous poem. I read it a few times just because it's so lovely.

  5. A beautiful sensory poem, Linda! Since I am a "B", I especially like to "imagine bees muttering" - they're probably all abuzz about the chilly days ahead. ;)

  6. You had me from the first line of this poem, Linda. (oops--just saw that Linda commented the same thing!!) What a beautiful, poignant poem. I also was struck by these lines:
    "I hold a spoonful of bitter,
    but have learned
    to add honey to sweeten
    and salt to open my eyes.
    I appreciate the days."

  7. It is a bittersweet season, Linda. Thank you for these apt thoughts and lovely photo. I wish you sweet thoughts and eyes wide open.

  8. Sweet poem, Linda. In it I felt the need I feel to make the most of each day, find the beauty in every moment. Your poem in the anthology is timely! We must get ready for the coming weather!

  9. Such a lovely poem, Linda -- love the food metaphors and tender images. I can feel how "present" you are in each moment.

  10. Oh this poem, Linda. One of my favorites of yours. I hope this will be published some day. Have you thought of a chap book? This poem is one I am going to return to. I want to tell you the lines I love, but it is impossible. I love it all. I can't wait to read your two poems in Bridget's anthology!
    Janet Clare F.

  11. Thanks everyone. It is another gorgeous day today, though cooler! I am loving reading everyone's posts; thank goodness for the time to do it!

  12. Beautiful poem, Linda! I agree that the poem’s opening really grabs, and the rest of it as well. 💕

  13. This poem is so You, honey to sweeten. You have such an optimistic outlook. I wish you would send some cooler temps our way. It's as balmy as August.

  14. Love how you sprinkle the 'condiments of the season' through your poem Linda. It works so well. Looking forward to reading your words in the fresh and new anthology!

  15. This is a delicious poem! So full of sensory details, so full of the contrasts as one season becomes the next.

  16. Linda, I love the idea of a "salt and pepper season" and "cold whispers in October." There is so much variety to enjoy. Glad you are an appreciator of the days.

  17. This is lovely, Linda. The Word for the Day from was "Learning to live with ambiguity is learning to live with how life really is, full of complexities and strange surprises.

    James Hollis" Holding both the salt and pepper and the honey is the only way to truly embrace life, I think. I love the candles and dusk...

  18. Love this poem--fall is a beautiful salt and pepper season!

  19. Thanks again to everyone, hoping you're having a marvelous autumn day this Saturday! My mantra: #getoutside

  20. I am finally here, Linda. I fell in love with your final stanza. #getourside is a wonderful mantra and that is exactly what we did with the grandgirls yesterday. While it appeared to be warm once we were in on the nature trail, the girls were cold. It was a good thing I had a couple of my shawls because they had no jackets with them. Autumn days are wonderful so I am so glad that your heat came back. May I place your poem and photo in my fall gallery?

  21. The honey and the bitter... I love this, Linda. Thank you!

  22. Thanks, Carol & Mary. I know we spoke via email about the poem, Carol. Thanks for asking.


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