
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Poetry Friday - A New Favorite Poem


         Thanks to Tabatha Yeatt who is hosting this Poetry Friday, at her blog, The Opposite of Indifference, here.  Thanks for hosting, Tabatha, for adding a piece to our puzzle every time you share! 

        Wishing you all a warm and cozy weekend, with at least a few poems that make you smile. It seems that lower temps have even reached the deep south! 

          I've read this over a matter of a few weeks, a poem or two each day at bedtime. There is solace and connection and a world to believe in within these pages. It's one I will return to.

         Ninety-seven poets have contributed to this, including many you will know, like William Stafford and Naomi Shihab Nye, Ted Kooser and Jane Kenyon, Joy Harjo and Ross Gay. As I read through all the brief bios at the end, I saw that each have published books of poetry, some a few, others many. I imagine I now have quite a list of poets' work to find and enjoy! 

        One poem toward the last touched me quite a lot, seemed to be especially for our "now". It's titled "Trust" by Thomas R. Smith. He has published seven books of poetry and his bio shares that he has edited two other works, and has published poems on various sites. You can find more about him if you search.

Here is the beginning:


It’s like so many other things in life   
to which you must say no or yes.                                    
So you take your car to the new mechanic.   
Sometimes the best thing to do is trust.   

The package left with the disreputable-looking   
clerk, the check gulped by the night deposit,   
the envelope passed by dozens of strangers—   
all show up at their intended destinations.   

The end is here!


  1. I haven't heard of this poetry collection yet - now I have a new book to hunt and look for! Thank you, dear Linda. Love the theme of trust in your selected poem this week. Sometimes, we do just need to have faith that all will be well, in the end. :)

  2. Trust is such an important element in life. Love this line, "And sometimes you sense how faithfully your life/is delivered." I am glad that you shared the book you were reading and the poem. Keep on believing and finding solace. Have a cozy winter weeken.

  3. Thanks for the introduction to Smith and his poem, Linda. "Trust" evoked hope within me - something I need today. I'm going to hold onto the thought that things (democracy?) will be delivered "even though you can’t read the address". :)

  4. Naomi Shihab Nye gifted me a copy of this book a few years ago and it is indeed a treasure! James Crews has gone on to edit several other collections, including Gwarlingo Sunday offerings online. Nourishing collections, all! xo

  5. Thanks, everyone. I'm glad to share this book & special poem. Irene, how wonderful that you received the book from Naomi Shihab Nye. Perhaps you shared this & that's how I found it? I can't remember where, perhaps browsing, too! I'll look for Crews' others!

  6. Thanks for sharing this poem and book. I will order it! Thanks.

  7. Swoon! Love the poem, Linda, and as you said, especially relevant and poignant for today's world. Trust and faith go hand in hand. Not always easy. I've been meaning to get this anthology as I'd heard such good things about it. Thanks for the reminder. :)

  8. Lovely poem, Linda. So good. Have you read his "Baby Wren's Voices"? I think you'd like it. xo

  9. It's good to have a reminder of "Trust" an often neglected character. I like the twists and turns he takes us on in his poem, and especially his last two lines–thanks for sharing his poem and book Linda!

  10. Oh wow. I had not expected that ending. What a wonderful poem, though. I'm not very brave at staying home alone on our isolated property. But there has been a lot of trust these last 2 weeks, with my hubby away. And a lot of sound sleep, too! I'm very thankful God has given me peace and trust. I'm not even surprised anymore, when I wake up in the morning.🤭 Thank-you for sharing this gem of an encouragement, Linda.

  11. How wonderful. And, I love that healing is in the title. Thank you for introducing this book. I feel like I'm meeting a new friend.

  12. I am caught by the truth in this poem. That trust you really never think much about, "the check gulped by the night deposit." Thanks for sharing it and this collection.

  13. A good book to know about--thank you, Linda! Trust is really what my square dance poem was about last week, I think--and how the envelope must pass the hands of dozens of strangers for our lives to get where they are going.

  14. What everyone else has said -- thanks for a poem full of truth and a new collection to explore! (Why does our library system not own this book?!?!)

  15. Thank you for introducing me to a new poet and poetry anthology. "Trust" was my OLW last year, so Smith's thoughts resonated particularly well.

  16. What a wonderful poem, especially those two closing lines. <3

  17. Thanks, everyone, for coming by. I'm happy you found some goodness in the poem.


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