Thursday, February 10, 2022

Poetry Friday - Welcome


Poetry Friday - Hearts Everywhere

 Happy Valentine's Day next Monday and welcome to Poetry Friday to celebrate our sweetest day where, yes, hearts are everywhere, even in Peeps. I find them all over my home. How about you? Do you have some reminders of love around your own home?

          This is part of a repeat of my Valentine's Post which I hosted two years ago. That was a few weeks before our lives changed in ways some still seem to fight against, our lives changed in ways we could not imagine then, perhaps do not remember the old ones now. There has been much sorrow since then, and yet, much love given. 

        A few of my favorite things: birds, sweet Peeps, finding heart rocks.


         I am in the midst of Cybil's judging this week. Be sure to look for the winners on Valentine's Day!  I decided to share some poems that feel full of love from an old book I've used before. This is the one I have to keep in a paper bundle because the leaves are so fragile, they're flaking off. 

         Enjoy your sweetest day however you wish but find some poetry to love, too!

the title page - that odd shape
in the middle is a leaf found
tucked inside - totally shriveled

Feels like a needed love poem for every age.

At the end of the book were small quotes and tidbits of writing. I thought 
this was a wonderful love poem, like leaving those anonymous notes
on tables in various places. What a wonderful uplift this would be
for someone.

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you and yours!

Leave your links below!


  1. Enjoying your valentine theme, Linda! I'm not a huge Peep eater, but you're tempting me!

    1. Thank you for hosting! Looking forward to the Cybils results.

    2. Thanks, Tabatha, my daughter and her daughters love those peeps but I was really surprised because had only seen the chicks and bunnies! I enjoyed your Valentine goodies last week, too!

  2. Happy Valentine's Day, dear Linda B. You are so sweet to host this weekend. Thank you. I am sharing some centos made from poems of some of my favorite poets. You might recognize them. Now, I will swipe a peep and head out into poetry land.

    1. We've certainly had a HUGE number of poems to read and choose from, haven't we? I'll look for your post. Thanks, Linda

  3. Love the valentine gems (well, not the peeps, but the poetry.) Thanks for hosting!

    1. Thanks, Buffy, glad you enjoyed them. Those older poems fit certain times still, don't they?

  4. Love your early Valentine's Day post, Linda! I also have some classic poetry I'm sharing today. And best wishes with the CYBILS judging...I'd applied but wasn't selected, so I miss it!

    1. Hope you'll be in the group next year, Matt. I'm looking forward to your classic choice, too! Thanks!

  5. I love your post Linda, the birds in the red heart, the stone hears, and Lord Byron's thoughts. But oh how melancholic that second stanza is, cuts right to the heart. Happiest of Valentine's Day Wishes to you!!! 💗 And thanks for hosting the roundup!

    1. Thanks, Michelle, yes, that final poem is a shock, isn't it?

  6. I LOVE hearts and this post makes me so happy. Thanks for sharing the poems from that ancient book. I didn't know there were heart shaped Peeps (must get some). And thanks for hosting this week! Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Those peeps surprised me, too, Jama. I was just used to chicks and bunnies! My students used to take them and create dioramas with them, an 'art' project. (We ate a few, too!) Thank you!

  7. So many hearts, so much love... Thank you, Dear Linda, for hosting! I simply have a signpost to your place this week, but hope to make some rounds breathing in all the poetry goodness. Love these treasures you've shared (you KNOW I do!); the last line of that first poem is heavy with truth. XOs to you!!

    1. I know you're busy, whew, this week has been a whirl. Thanks for coming by and reading, mine and others!

  8. Linda: I love how hearts pop out this time of year. Thanks for sharing yours, and the sweet poems, and for hosting! Happy Valentine's Day.

    1. Thank you, too, Karen. It's a nice time of year!

  9. Linda, you captured the essence of Valentine's Day-sweet treats with lots of love. I am not a Peep eater but my little grand girls do. The Victorian books look like somethings that I have in my library. Thanks for sharing your heart rocks and all that goes with our special heart day. Thanks for hosting,

    1. Yes, the peeps are in my library. I love that you have some old books, too, Carol. What a pleasure they are. Thanks!

  10. So many treasures of the heart in your post, Linda, not the least of which is that shriveled leaf spectacularly preserved amongst the "Gems". Thanks for hosting and sharing the love. :)

    1. I should take a closer picture of the leaf, amazing to see. Thank you, Bridget!

  11. Thanks so much for posting and for sharing these poetry gems. I love that final stanza of "A Little Word". We have a few heart rocks around our house, too--they're a bit battered as the cat likes to knock them off the window sill. There's probably a poem in there

    1. I don't have a cat anymore but remember we had to watch what we put on our dressers because... Yes, a poem waiting, Molly! Thanks!

  12. Thanks for hosting, Linda! Love those Peeps! I didn't know they made them for Valentines Day. The book you posted is indeed a treasure with timely thoughts. I also love your collection of heart rocks. When my son and his family moved a few years ago there were lots of rocks under their deck. My grandson and I would dig through them looking for special shapes, especially hearts. Thanks for reminding me of that time.

    1. I haven't looked for them this year; it's an older picture. I wonder what other holidays they'll create for? I love your memory, Rose! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Good morning! I see that many of us are turning to anthologies for our Valentine's Day writing love poems out of style at the moment, I wonder? Everyone should collect something; it keeps our eyes open to serendipity to be looking, casually, all the time for that thing we collect, and of all the things...heartstones! Thanks for hosting us, Linda.

    1. I do have a couple I wrote a while ago, suspect PF people are busy, some with the birthday group. I always had my students write, to anyone or anything. It was fun. Collections are my downfall, Heidi, heart rocks are only one, ha! Thanks!

  14. Dear Linda, thank you for sharing all these hearts and YOUR heart, too. Beautiful! xo

    1. Thanks, Irene, sharing hearts with everyone is a special act, I think.

  15. Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you for the LOVEly post, and for hosting us!

    1. You're welcome, Mary Lee, thanks for being here!

  16. What a sweet, sweet post! Love it.❤️ And I love the idea of anonymous notes left on tables, bringing joy. Thanks, Linda, and thanks for hosting!

    1. Thanks, Karen, one coffee shop that I go to has a small board with pads of stickies, inviting everyone to leave a note of joy. It's lovely to read them.

  17. This post full of hearts makes my own heart sing! Your posts, Linda, are always heart-filling. We collect heart rocks, and when we moved here years ago, decided to name the place Heart Rock Farm. Today I might knit a small heart, inspired by your post. Thank you! Lots of love. xo

    1. I had forgotten about your own special "heart" name, Amy. That is marvelous. Another heart in the world will be celebrated. Thanks!

  18. Thank you for hosting, Linda, and for sharing the book pages of poems. What a treasure to hold and savor! I don't collect heart rocks but I'm always on the lookout for them on my Tahoe walks...sort of "a thought of kindness" (apologies to the author of "A Little Word."

    1. Love hearing about your 'collecting' for others, Patricia. Thanks!

  19. Linda, Thanks for hosting! I love all the Valentine inspiration. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day. I read Heidi's comment and also want to know what other things you collect. The heart rocks are a cute collection - and ready made by nature- you have to love that!! I've been known to have a few collections myself - but never hearts or rocks! Cool! Carol from The Apples in My Orchard

    1. Thanks, Carol, you didn't mention that you collect anything, so do you? Books don't count, right? That's a given. My collections include all kinds of birds, small & arty; small animals made of iron; now, a small group of those old ceramic planters. I used to have more but sold most of them in a sale. And I had a huge collection of antique tins but also let those go, kept one favorite. It's nice of you to ask!

  20. Linda, those heart peeps look yummy! I haven't had peeps in years. Thank you for the beautiful heart-filled post. Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. You're welcome, Linda. Wishing you a lovely Valentine's Day, too!

  21. Thank you for hosting, Linda! You are such an example of those pleasant words. <3

    1. Thank you, too, Ruth. Hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day!

  22. I'm taking a different view of Valentine's Day this year. I used to categorize it alongside New year's Eve and Fourth of July in my forced fun category. But this year, I am loving all the things that express love. I've bought flowers for the table and I'm wearing red. I also will celebrate with my students tomorrow. Your post inspires me to be more intentional in this celebration, to bring out the old love songs and sing them.

    1. Nice to read all about your changing to RED! Hope you have fun with the family & the students. I did love this day at school, seeing what "love" poems the students wrote.


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