
Thursday, March 31, 2022

Poetry Month - It's Friday! - Day One - That Fourth Month

         Starting off fabulous April, Poetry Month, is Heidi Mordhorst, at My Juicy Little Universe! She has much to share and celebrate, including birthdays, a truly exciting send-off slide to April! Here we go, Heidi! Thank you!

        The bookmark, on top of the picture above, came into the bookstore at the end of March. Often people do donate books and leave 'treasures' in them. This time, it became my own treasure and I knew what I would do for April's poetry, write about found treasures, perhaps find new places to look? Happy April!

Plus! Check each day for the added line to the Progressive Poem, created by Irene Latham, now hosted by Margaret Simon! The link is to the right!  

And, if you want to discover what everyone is doing for this special month, head over to visit Jama Rattigan here at Jama's Alphabet Soup for a list.  Thanks, Jama! 

That Fourth Month

In April,

words wake each day,

flutter and fly

aglow in my sky

hoping to settle into

Poetry Month –

no longer lonely


 Linda Baie ©


  1. Linda, I love the idea of writing about found treasures. Perhaps, one of the days you will explore your love of the beach and its treasures. Your poem is a small treasure for its imagery: "Words flutter and fly/hoping to settle into Poetry Month is a lovely image. Who knew that words stand alone lonely until they find a home.I look forward to following your posts to see what treasures you collect.

  2. Looking forward to all your treasure poems, Linda. Lovely poem to welcome NPM!

  3. Yay! You are a treasure as much as your poems, Linda! I love that a serendipitous find set you on this treasure hunt. So fun! :)

  4. Thanks, Carol, Jama, & Bridget. I've been our much of the day, now just beginning to read (and enjoy) some poetry!

  5. What a fun month of treasures! I can't wait to see what you find!

  6. I can't wait to see what treasures you find...and pass along to us in poems! I love the idea in today's poem of words waking up and fluttering around. Here in Ohio, they're likely huddled somewhere warm for now, but hopefully we'll have some fluttering weather soon!

  7. Thanks, Leigh Anne & Mary Lee. We have warmer weather again but really could use some of your rain or snow! I imagine those words are huddled somewhere, but they will come out when needed!

  8. Love your wispy April poem, it feels like it's lifted off ground and is floating in air some where… And what a grand idea for poetry and NPM Linda, discovering found treasures–I'm looking forward to your treasure-filled discoveries in verse!

  9. I look forward to what you find this month, Linda, and all the words that will flutter and fly as I settle into NPM. I look forward to it!

  10. Linda, I adore the idea of words finding each other this month. <3

  11. You had me at "words wake." And Bridget is right - YOU are a treasure! Thanks for sharing so much sparkle with us. Happy Poetry Month! xo

  12. Like several other commenters, I love the idea of words fluttering and flying and then settling into poems. Can't wait to see what treasures you find!

  13. That Fourth Month is charming! Just the right bit of smile words and action to give me a boost to try to write something fun and light. I love your Poetry Month idea. I look forward to treasures found by you.

  14. Heehee! Your bookmark treasure came to you at just the right time, didn't it? And your "Fourth Month" is a perfect beginning to this celebration, Linda. I'm especially charmed by the line "aglow in MY sky"--makes it suddenly personal and heartfelt!

  15. Thank you, everyone. I'm looking forward to words flying!

  16. I love your treasure idea and the thought of hopeful words settling into poems. Can't wait to see what other treasures you find!

  17. A lovely image your fluttering words bring to mind. Happy NPM! -- Christie @

  18. Thanks so much, JoAnn and Christie. I think April is going to be a lot of fun and discoveries! Enjoy your month, too!

  19. Words waking, fluttering and flying, I can't wait to see what treasures you'll find to share with us.

  20. It sounds like the fourth month is full of anticipation and productivity. Enjoy, Linda!

  21. What a great bookmark! How fortunate for us that it found you. I love finding unexpected treasures and can't wait to read about what you find!

  22. Thanks, Ramona, Kat, & Catherine, I was lucky to find this bookmark!

  23. What a wonderful poetry month project, Linda! I love that even the idea of it came as a treasure. I also love that it's going to keep you very present, because you'll be actively *looking* for treasures every day. What could be better or more rewarding? May your words continue to flutter and fly all month long!

  24. The notion of treasures secreted in books is something I have long enjoyed, Linda. It was my mum, who started me on this journey. She stashed little treasures in her cook books. For me, it's handwritten poems and business cards. May April lead you to treasures found and shared.

  25. Thanks, Michelle & Alan. I am looking forward to seeing what I can find, & write!

  26. Looking forward to your treasure trove this month! Love that it begins with WORDS!


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