
Monday, April 18, 2022

April - Poetry Month - Day Eighteen - Wind


        The bookmark, on top of the picture above, came into the bookstore at the end of March. Often people do donate books and leave 'treasures' in them. This time, it became my own treasure and I knew what I would do for April's poetry, write about found treasures, perhaps find new places to look? Happy April!

Plus! Check each day for the added line to the Progressive Poem, created by Irene Latham, now hosted by Margaret Simon! The link is to the right!  

          The wind has not been a friend here in Colorado this month. It has colored the days and enhanced the fire danger. Fires have started all over the state and firefighters are working hard to contain them. But then, kids are also out with kites! This picture is from a nearby park. I've written a poem that takes a word with more than one meaning, a fun challenge.

Flying High


I’ve learned patience with the string,

un-winding a few turns at a time.

When the kite nibbles on the breeze,

I take off running until I’m winded,

and the kite soars,

catches the wind,

sails on like freedom must feel.


Linda Baie ©



  1. I love this Linda! I love, "I've learned patience with the string." And the last line is so, so, so perfect! Absolutely beautiful!!!

    1. Thanks, Carol. I think I might look for other words that work like this. It was fun to do.


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