
Thursday, May 19, 2022

Poetry Friday - Escape


  Poetry Friday is with Carmela Martino, at the blog, Teaching Authors here.   She's sharing about a new program for young ones named Wee Steamers by Heidi Bee Roemer and one of her own spring/outside poems about dandelions, bee favorites! Thanks, Carmela!  

     It's been a long week, hasn't it? Last weekend I had a joyful visit with my son and daughter-in-law, only to have some of it dampened by more news of senseless killings. I feel I must write, to never forget this loss and those who will miss them. I do find peace in the outdoors and wish that for all of you, too.

An etheree



days bring

on despair


news-watching becomes

my only addiction

fiddling for the cold hard facts

until I have no need for more 

I lean on that which offers solace 

nature-made, dependable, bud escape


 Linda Baie ©



  1. Linda, I am saddened by the news these days and am thankful that David Muir ends his show with a good news story.

  2. Linda, I am back to finish my comment. The computer snatched the page right from under me. LOL. I find your ehteree a very good ease-the-pain reading because nature is a healer and nurturer. This has been a difficult week. We were grandbaby sitting for 6 days and while they were with me the oldest got sick and the youngest had to go to the doctor for a pre-ear tube/adenoids surgery. Then, I had to ready myself for the second cataract surgery and the news that my sister and both grandgirls got COVID. It is rampant down here. We are waiting to see the results of our testing. As I said your poem is a soother at the last lines.

    1. Oh, Carol, I am sorry for your week filled with many challenges. Hoping that the Covid cases are not too bad. They are rising here & I am back to wearing a mask. Hugs to you for your surgery, too! Thanks for taking time to come by!

  3. Yes to gathering the facts, but also YES to "bud escape." Fingers crossed that your snow brings moisture, but not destruction.

    1. Thanks, Mary Lee. So far, only rain. Unless there is much snow, every bud & growing thing will be thankful for the moisture!

  4. For me, nature is an escape, too. The news is frightening but we have to be informed. I love your last line, nature made, dependable, bud escape.

    1. Thanks, Janice, finding a way to lessen the worries is a good thing, I agree.

  5. Nature is indeed a blessed solace during these troubled times. I'm all for bud escapes -- they offer hope!!

    1. Yes, something to depend on is such a help. Thanks, Jama!

  6. I'm learning that news-watching increases my despair! Nature? Now there lies hope!

    1. Yes, like others above, it is such a balm for everyone. Thanks, Patricia

  7. I like your "bud escape" etheree Linda–yes it was a long week, and nature seems to soothe, and offers temporary solace, as others have mentioned. Thanks for your poem and lovely peony too!

  8. Oh, I hear you. Bearing witness to our times is tough. I often want to stop and avoid it. But, I feel that it's important. And, it ends up in my writing too. I think it's important that you do this. I'm not sure how or why...just that it is. Hugs to you--and me!

  9. Your etheree is right up my alley. As Linda said, "bearing witness to our times is tough." I am glad that you find solace in writing and nature and appreciate that you still manage to face the facts and encourage others to work for positive change.

  10. Thanks, Michelle, Linda, & Molly. I won't forget, though sad that the news feels like it's already moving on. There is so much to take in & to do something about.

  11. Yes, like you and so many others here, nature is indeed a:
    dependable, bud escape
    Thanks for sharing your poem, Linda.

  12. Bud-escape indeed. The news is filled with so many worries, but, like you, I need to gather facts. I feel blessed that I can escape to nature, whether it's my beach, or the joy of a bud in my garden.

  13. Oh I can totally relate. I have definitely been needing the solace of nature lately. I've been on peony watch this week. And they have finally burst open! So much more comforting that watching the news.

  14. You're right, Linda. Nature brings healing. Working with plants is a small way of helping to make the world a better place. At least I hope so.

  15. Thanks, Carmela, Sally, Marcie, & Laura. Hoping this coming week brings some good news!


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